View Full Version : pls help

03-09-2013, 08:43 PM
I've been panicing all day first I can't breath then my chest hurtd then I can't breath again the last couple of days my body has felt so foriegn to me like I litterally can't feel my legs or arms but I can still walk and move them lol it just feels very weird very very weird :( I have to be constantly moving to reassure myself that they are there :( I'm so anxious all the time I can bearly get to sleep at night I haven't been eating right or sleeping right I've been getting these feelings that for a minute I'm not in control or anything :/ they pass but is that anxiety? Or panic? Pls tell someone else feels like this

03-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Yes your having classic anxiety... I get that all the time its like if you dont move your arms and legs ... You cant feel them... Its actually de realisation a feeling that things are not real and wuite unreal like a dream state... This is complrtely normal although quite frightening..

I get bad ocd ticks i feel like my face is twisted and i have to touch it to make sure it isnt or move my mouth to the side as it feels like its not in the middle... Its horrible...

Try guided meditations or lie down when you feel anxious and become aware of all your body being heavy... You should relax x

03-10-2013, 02:36 PM
All night last night I thought I was gonna quit breathing and like my mind was having these weird thoughts like I had to force myself to breath today I wake up feeling really weird I just want to fking cry why me I feel dizzy and my body feels like fuzzy its weird :(

03-10-2013, 02:37 PM
I'm panicing about everything its like I have no rational thoughts if I eat I fear of choking the list goes on

03-10-2013, 04:07 PM
dear friend

i have gone through all those things over the past 14 months although ive had anxiety most of my life since i was 8 yrs old ...i had to stop the medication i was on after 22 years feeling reasonably normal except for tiredness as they were sedatives...

i had to stop them as they were affecting my heart rate and for 14 months now i have been living in a complete anxiety hell nightmare...it has taken over my once happy life...i can no longer enjoy music ( i get earworm had it for a year) songs stuck in my head the same line over and over again 24 hours a day my mind never stops i get so many physical feeling that trigger my anxiety off again...twice ive had nervous exhaustion where my body has totally stopped working properly...i am a single 34 yr old woman i have recently moved house but have been so ill on and off meds and trying to cope with the stress of it all i am hiding in my room most of the days ....i feel safe there.. i seem to be not settling at all and want to go back to my old house but cant as someone else lives there now ...im currently suffering the most horrific withdrawls of duloxetine i have shivers , muscle spasms, crying at nothing, agitation, weakness, extreme shakiness, headache, diahrroea upset tummy, awful nausea , cannot eat, dehydration and everything else anxiety brings to try to cope with it...

ive read so many horror stories since i came off them last week and my dose should have been weaned although i was only on 20mg a day id only been on that for a week and my doctor said "oh just dont take anymore and start the new ones....WTF she doesnt know about the awful withdrawls im so ill i keep thinking im going to die i feel like i have a virus or infection i also have flu symptoms....

its been a week now and i seem to feel better at night time but when i wake up in the morning im so ill...i cant explain why....i even went to an out of hours doctor could barely stand shaking and trembling to ld him how ill i felt never mentioned anxiety as they always think oh this ones a hypochondriac....he said your clearly unwell but you'll need to see your own doctor????

i have searched online and have come to the conclusion that i have

Discontinuation Syndrome

it affects you in ways similar to me and it is your body trying to cope without the meds...although ive started the new meds they wont kick in for another week or so....

what im trying to say is ive read so many self help books and i now know all the anxiety symptoms so i dont get so afraid anymore its horrible but i know its the anxiety it takes alot out odf a person suffering this disorder i know all too well

ive lost half my body weight in a year due to adrenaline and anxiety...96lbs!!

you will get better with the right medication and proper therapy i am waiting to see a psychiatrist as CBT aint workin.

hang in there honey you are stronger than you think x:confused: