View Full Version : Walking & Anxiety/panic

03-09-2013, 03:37 PM
I walked to staples to get some stuff printed, and along the way my mind kept on giving me these "what if" scenarios and i started to kinda panic but i managed to push those thoughts away 'cause luckily I ran into someone I knew. Also sometimes my heart starts to race when I am at a store waiting to pay. Has anyone else felt the same? Oh yeah this whole walking stuff just started happening.

03-11-2013, 10:24 AM
I go through the same exact thing. When I am walking somewhere the what ifs always try and force there way in. Mine is the fear of dropping dead and being somewhere where no one cab help me, but I continue to push those thoughts away and try and remain in control. I have come to find that patience is not something I have ever since I started suffering with anxiety and panic. When I am waiting in a store or at a red light my hr will deff increase. stay strong!

03-11-2013, 01:19 PM
that's the exact same thought that was going through my head... the whole dropping dead. Thanks for the encouragement=)