View Full Version : New to this and kind of freaking out, need advice?

03-08-2013, 09:21 PM
First of all, I'm very sorry if I'm posting in the wrong area, or if I'm posting questions which have previously been posted.

Let me start from the beginning. I've had a certain level of anxiety for years, but never anything I thought was severe. About two weeks ago I noticed that every once in awhile my heart would "flutter" a little in my chest, maybe one palpitation a week. When I realized this and started to think about it, it began happening every day, followed by chest pressure and breathlessness. I went to see a doctor. He listened to my heart for three minutes, asked questions, and did an EKG. All came back normal and he said it was probably anxiety.

The palpitations have since stopped, but I often get an upset stomach, and when I start to feel stressed the breathlessness returns. Last night I was on the couch and my arms and legs started to tingle. Needless to say I freaked out and had what I believed was my first panic attack. I thought I was dying. Throughout the day today I felt fine, no tingling, no breathlessness, no palpitations. However as soon as I got home and had "down time" the tingling started again, in my arms and legs, with some itching on my stomach and face (the tingling kind of feels like when your leg falls asleep, but more mild). No rash or anything.

I googled and now I'm convinced I either have MS or a brain tumor. I have no health insurance but I made an appointment with my PCP for Monday. Could this be related to anxiety? Is that even possible? Or does it sound like something more sinister?

03-08-2013, 10:56 PM
Unfortunately u have experienced a typical panic attack along with its horrible symptoms.. Try not to worry to much. I have had the heart flutters, the tingling. The list go's on. Your not alone... If it gets to concerning for u go back to your doctor & explain your sensations to them

03-09-2013, 02:15 AM
You're just having panic attacks!:) gotta convince yourself that! Anxiety causes all kinds of weird symptoms! Just chillax and know that you are not at all alone!!!

03-09-2013, 02:57 AM
Yep it sounds like anxiety to me. I have had the exact same symptoms in the exact same way as you have described. My advice is if your really worried about it, go the doctor. But 100% these are symptoms of anxiety.

What I would definitely do is if these symptoms are new and getting more frequent take a look at the stresses in your life and make sure you relax properly.

My experience was I ignored the symptoms completely and ragged myself out with work and drinking and not getting enough sleep (amongst other things) and it caused my body and mind to into anxiety overdrive.

So yea, just chillax and you'll be fine.

03-09-2013, 04:31 AM
PaperLanteren - first welcome to the board

We are always looking to recruit new members so they can experience the awesomeness of panic


You are experiencing the symptoms of anxiety

It's crazy that we don't believe what a doctor says, but everyone here can listen to someone's story and correctly identify if a person is experiencing anxiety

Worrying, stress and dwelling on things will cause you to breathe shallow from your chest

When you shallow breathe, you will or can experience tight chest, skip heart beats, heart flutters and palpitations, cold and tingly limbs, etc....

These symptoms are all proven fact by doctors, and more importantly people with anxiety disorders. So stop looking for other reasons.

You found your way here and this is where it stops.

You are not dying or freaking out or getting MS or cancer or heart disease

You just got mind fu+ked like the rest of us!

There is a great post on here asking people what the symptoms are they experience. Long list.

When you feel some of the physical symptoms you mention, put your hand on your belly and breath normally or slightly deep with you belly moving up and down.

Those physical symptoms will just stop. Promise.

Regarding your thoughts that begin to cause your shallow breathing, you have to wrap your head around the fact that weird, horrible and scary thoughts are just a symptom of anxiety, just like the physical ones.

Just like your physical symptoms of anxiety, blow off any crappy thoughts as a symptom and pay no attention to it.

When you fight or try to distract yourself from the symptoms, they get worse

When you accept what they are, disregard them and move on, you are on your way out of this forum.

Since you just began to really experience anxiety, it is important for you to believe what you are reading so you will not be one of us here that have fought it for years and years and nothing changed.

Acknowledge, accept, understand, move on. Great cycle when you get a mental or physical symptom.

God bless and I hope you never have to post here again.

But if you do, we will be here

03-09-2013, 10:25 AM
First of all, I'm very sorry if I'm posting in the wrong area, or if I'm posting questions which have previously been posted.

Let me start from the beginning. I've had a certain level of anxiety for years, but never anything I thought was severe. About two weeks ago I noticed that every once in awhile my heart would "flutter" a little in my chest, maybe one palpitation a week. When I realized this and started to think about it, it began happening every day, followed by chest pressure and breathlessness. I went to see a doctor. He listened to my heart for three minutes, asked questions, and did an EKG. All came back normal and he said it was probably anxiety.

The palpitations have since stopped, but I often get an upset stomach, and when I start to feel stressed the breathlessness returns. Last night I was on the couch and my arms and legs started to tingle. Needless to say I freaked out and had what I believed was my first panic attack. I thought I was dying. Throughout the day today I felt fine, no tingling, no breathlessness, no palpitations. However as soon as I got home and had "down time" the tingling started again, in my arms and legs, with some itching on my stomach and face (the tingling kind of feels like when your leg falls asleep, but more mild). No rash or anything.

I googled and now I'm convinced I either have MS or a brain tumor. I have no health insurance but I made an appointment with my PCP for Monday. Could this be related to anxiety? Is that even possible? Or does it sound like something more sinister?

Yes it's anxiety I feel exactly what you posted probably every night an I myself believe I have a brain tumor also my doc won't do any kind of tests for it though because he knows its anxiety :(