View Full Version : Pains

03-08-2013, 08:44 PM
I'm having some pretty intense chest pains. Well they are more like aches. But non the less, annoying. The funny thing is though, they don't scare me...every stinkin mental symptom does though!! All this mental checking is probably causing them.

03-09-2013, 03:04 AM
I'd agree. The mental checking is exhausting though. Saying that I used to get alot of chest pains from indigestion and acid reflux for about an hour after I ate or drank anything.

Jamie Matthewman
03-09-2013, 06:20 AM
Not sure what you mean by mental checking, however I'm thinking you're talking about keeping an eye on your thoughts? If so I've a free e-book you might be interested in which talks about the psychological side of anxiety. It is the psychological aspects of anxiety that really interest me and I believe is the most important thing we need to learn in relation to anxiety. If you'd like a copy let me know and I'll get one to you :)


03-09-2013, 07:33 AM
Not sure what you mean by mental checking, however I'm thinking you're talking about keeping an eye on your thoughts? If so I've a free e-book you might be interested in which talks about the psychological side of anxiety. It is the psychological aspects of anxiety that really interest me and I believe is the most important thing we need to learn in relation to anxiety. If you'd like a copy let me know and I'll get one to you :)


I'd be interested in a copy if you don't mind. It sounds interesting

Jamie Matthewman
03-09-2013, 08:21 AM
Of course, let me have your email and I'll send it over :)

03-09-2013, 10:04 AM
How do I private message you to give you my email? I'm fairly new on here and still learning the ropes. ))