View Full Version : Extreme heartburn

03-08-2013, 06:53 PM
Does anyone else have extreme heartburn all day everyday? I came off nexium due to insurance no longer pays. I take Prilosec now every day or every other. Please share your stories. So worried it is something more serious like esophagus cancer. Dang I hate this please help me!

03-09-2013, 03:57 AM
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (aka pretty much any kind of digestion problem) is quite a common co-diagnosis with anxiety.

Are you eating anything new/different or spicy food that would set off the indigestion?

If it continues, I would consider seeing a doctor about it. Maybe get a RAST blood test to see of you have any of the big 5 food allergies?

03-09-2013, 10:17 AM
Thank you!

03-10-2013, 02:07 PM
Anyone else share the same problem?

03-10-2013, 02:20 PM
I used to take nexium too! I came off it as my anxiety got a bit better.. Now it's come back and I've started taking ranitidine every morning (it's over the counter really cheap as long as you don't get it branded) BUT I should say my doctor told me its ok to take it everyday, you should check with your doc.

I don't get heartburn when I'm relaxed, I know it's easier said then done but try relaxation techniques before you eat

Good luck!!

03-10-2013, 06:04 PM
I used to get terrible heartburn years ago and thought it was yet another symptom of this bullsh*t we deal with

Doctor told me it was the two tins of Skoal I dipped every day.

He was right. For once.

Doctors: 1 Me: 13, 243

They did a endoscope on me to see if I had damaged my throat or espophagus

This is the first time I heard of heartburn being a symptom, but hell there are so many.

Let the docs give you a check

03-11-2013, 05:49 AM
Yup I had this pretty bad for almost a year when I was a teenager thankfully it eventually went away on its own. Was probably just another anxiety symptom