View Full Version : Need to vent

03-08-2013, 04:43 AM
Grrrr! Just when you start to feel better!!! I'm new to this anxiety thing, and now realising that a tablet isn't going to make me better over night!!! I think once you've crossed that border, it's hard to get back. Not sure what normal is anymore! Used to feel different things and not think anything, now feel things and to me they're all a serious 'illness'. Constantly assessing my body esp when get up each morning. Fed up of feeling dizzy and not being able to breathe!!! Argh, rant over!!

03-08-2013, 04:44 AM
how long have you been taking your med vicky?

03-08-2013, 04:55 AM
Unfortunately I am also sitting on this boat with a ticket.

03-08-2013, 05:05 AM
Only just over 4 weeks, am I expecting too much?

03-08-2013, 05:13 AM
Only just over 4 weeks, am I expecting too much?

Depends what it is? I'm taking Paxil, i've been on it 6 weeks, i feel a little better from it, but i heard it only starts working after 6-8 weeks, but isnt in full force until about 12 weeks.

I do feel better in the mornings though. i can feel it. i used to wake up and check what was wrong with my body today. headache or heart pvs or chest pains. and then i would focus on that most of the day. im not doing that much anymore. when i get up now, i go to eat and then watch tv, it takes longer for me to get wound up. hopefully it will keep getting better!

Hang in sweety.

03-08-2013, 05:28 AM
Grrrr! Just when you start to feel better!!! I'm new to this anxiety thing, and now realising that a tablet isn't going to make me better over night!!! I think once you've crossed that border, it's hard to get back. Not sure what normal is anymore! Used to feel different things and not think anything, now feel things and to me they're all a serious 'illness'. Constantly assessing my body esp when get up each morning. Fed up of feeling dizzy and not being able to breathe!!! Argh, rant over!!

I hear ya!!!
I feel like that everyday! I diagnose myself with some kind of serious illness all the time! It's awful I don't take medication I'm new to this as well I would love to know what medications are helping? I need some serious help I want my life back

03-08-2013, 06:07 AM
are you taking anything yet steph?

03-08-2013, 06:45 AM
are you taking anything yet steph?

No not at all I'm scared of side effects

03-08-2013, 06:48 AM
I'm taking sertraline, 50mg, do feel better generally, but still not convinced that I haven't got a serious illness every time I feel something. Wanting to look at buying a new house but keep thinking, should I at this moment in time until I know for sure that I'm ok?! but that could take forever ha! Yes my way of thinking has changed slightly, don't think it would have without the meds. What set off your anxiety?

03-08-2013, 06:50 AM
Stephanie I would take the risk if you need help. Not everybody gets side effects, I didn't, and even if you did your doc would take you off them and try you on another

03-08-2013, 07:00 AM
Stephanie I would take the risk if you need help. Not everybody gets side effects, I didn't, and even if you did your doc would take you off them and try you on another

I tried valium an Ativan an my side effects were awful I had to be rushed to the hospital now I'm scared to even take over the counter meds my life has changed so much since this started happening :( April will be a year since I've driven due to my fear of fainting while driving.... I know I need to try a new medication I'm just too scared

03-08-2013, 07:04 AM
Stephanie I would take the risk if you need help. Not everybody gets side effects, I didn't, and even if you did your doc would take you off them and try you on another

Okay I'm trying this again.... I sent a reply twice but it didn't go through??? I had one bad experience with anxiety medication an now I'm terrified to try any other

03-08-2013, 07:04 AM
What side effects did you get from the valium and ativan steph???

03-08-2013, 07:05 AM
What side effects did you get from the valium and ativan steph???

The Valium a rapid heart beat the Ativan wasn't major but I felt a huge head change an really tired an I didn't like that

03-08-2013, 07:07 AM
The Valium a rapid heart beat the Ativan wasn't major but I felt a huge head change an really tired an I didn't like that

My heart beat was so fast I couldn't breathe I'm even scared to take over the counter medication now

03-08-2013, 07:10 AM
The Valium a rapid heart beat the Ativan wasn't major but I felt a huge head change an really tired an I didn't like that

yeah ativan makes me sooo tired, i took it once but i cant take it again. when i took my antidepressant it also caused rapid heart rate, i dont know if was the tablet or just because i was nervous about taking them. they are gone now though thankfully

03-08-2013, 07:16 AM
I just hope I can find an answer soon! I ant my life back i appreciate you an Vicky for letting me vent to you guys :)

03-08-2013, 07:19 AM
I just hope I can find an answer soon! I ant my life back i appreciate you an Vicky for letting me vent to you guys :)

thats why i like this forum stepth. you can vent, and get advice to. its nice to hear from people who have gotten better and hear their stories. doctors and my family dont understand me. but here everyone understands, i can write something, and nobody gives me a strange look or tells me to stop being over dramatic :)

what is your anxiety about? is it about your health? have you tried therapy before?

03-08-2013, 07:40 AM
Yes it's about my health always!!!
If I'm not having a stroke heart attack or aneurysm I have cancer I always think I have something an Im convinced I'm being mis diagnosed when the doctor tells me it's just anxiety... I'm just really scared to die :(

03-08-2013, 07:42 AM
I tried therapy but all my sessions are about taking medication so I stopped going

03-08-2013, 07:51 AM
Stephanie I would take the risk if you need help. Not everybody gets side effects, I didn't, and even if you did your doc would take you off them and try you on another

Great point Vicky, but let's take it one step further.

An extremely small percentage get side effects.

In most cases the side effects are caused becasuse we are scanning any and all differences how we feel.

Then our shallow breathing and self diagnosis has us feel some physical symptoms that we swear are from the meds.

It's funny how poeple that swear they have side effects, don't have then 6 weeks after starting the meds.

Because the meds have eased the anxiety symptoms.

Not saying everyone should take meds, just that if you do the odds of having any major side effects are extremely rare, but the med companies have to list any possibility.

Milk, peanuts, candy, eggs have all killed people and have caused adverse reactions that have killed people.

Bet we all still take our chances with these things.

03-08-2013, 07:51 AM
my anxiety is about health too. i HATE being left alone. i have a panic attack if im home alone. i need to know someone is with me to call an ambulance just incase. lucky my mom is around most of the time!!!

where do you live steph?

03-08-2013, 08:13 AM
my anxiety is about health too. i HATE being left alone. i have a panic attack if im home alone. i need to know someone is with me to call an ambulance just incase. lucky my mom is around most of the time!!!

where do you live steph?

Yes same here! I cannot be left alone as well for the same reason! My mom is very negative about my anxiety my boyfriend helps out alot but he's starting to get tired of it :(

I'm from California an you?

03-08-2013, 08:34 AM
I try to keep it as hidden as i can from my bf. i dont want to annoy him. i just make sure he is fed and nod along when he talks about his day. i become paranoid of getting on everybodys nerves! I am taking antidepressants and ive started therapy and i come on this forum. i am beginning to feel better about things i think.

im from toronto in canada. California is lovely :)

03-08-2013, 08:36 AM
I have a med-buddy on here actually. somebody else who has been on meds for a while and i message them whenever something about if freaks me out. soon i will be totally used to them though. but it eases my mind talking to somebody about it.

03-08-2013, 02:21 PM
It eases my mind alot too I have a doctor appt in a few hrs an I think I have the strength to start taking the medicine he prescribes me an I think I will post about the medicine prescribed too just to get some positive influence.....I get very worried about annoying people too mainly because I've noticed I annoy the sh*t out of people because all of this "is all in my head" :/