View Full Version : Ultrasound

03-08-2013, 03:47 AM
Hi all,

been a long time since I posted here. Unfortunately a recent issue has caused me to get a bit worked up recently.

Went to hospital yesterday due to pain downstairs for a few days. Rang my GP and he said go to A&E immediately. Obviously that set me in a bit of a panic. 5 hours later I was told it the tubes.cords leading to the right testicle were slgihtly inflammed. but I showed no symptoms of a urinary infection or an STD.

They gave me 6 weeks of antibiotics. I reacted to them and had to get a new prescription this time for 2 weeks. After the symptoms continued after 4 days I went to doctor who increased the dosage of the antibiotics and gave me some prescription anti inflammatories too.

After 3 or 4 days the pain lessened significantly and by the end of the course I felt great. Still hurt to press the tube but walking, sitting etc felt fine.

Yesterday the ache came back so I pressed the area and BAM it hrut a lot. Not as bad as it had, but still bad. It got me worried so i rang the GP who said leave it be, if it gets worse make an appointment. Unfortunately it was swirling around in my mind all day etserday and in the evening.

Went to the doctors today and he said best to get an STI test booked. I had the all clear 5 weeks ago but entered a new relaitonship since then. As a precaution my gf got an STI test last week and hasn't heard back. If you don't within 2 weeks then basically you don't have an STI.

In the mean time I have 6 days left of anti inflammatories which he told me to take. he did however say the Co-Amoxiclav I was prescribed and finished wouldn't get rid of chlamydia or gonorrhea if I had either of those. Annoyingly the first antibiotics I had which i reacted to would have done.

I asked him about cancer and he said the scan would show if I had it or not, but he was not willing to rule it out completetly with a hands on examination. So now i'm quite worried but it's silly really. I know worry and fear drive anxiety. I've overcome my anxiety but this has rekindled it slightly.

I guess it's the fear of the unknown. Yet I can rationalize the situation. When I had antibiotics and anti inflammatories the pain lessened. Therefore it's either an infection or an inflammation.

Doctor said it could be a cyst. Parents said it could be a strain. So many possibilities and I have to sit on my hands for up to a week before I can even get an appointment.



03-08-2013, 08:23 AM
Man, I bet that post was tough to write.

Any time a dude has pain in his beanbag, he will think the world is crashing down,

Take it from a guy who doesnt't have much going on down there.

My wife often weeps when she sees me without clothes.

She swears that she just keeps getting dust in here eyes..

But we are here talking about you, not me.

Ed - I understand how that can get your mind racing.

I had a few scares in the past as well.

I do recall my doctor telling me that testicular cancer would be felt as a hard lump on the bottom , not on the side where it can be usually felt

Most doctors will not even do a scan if it isn't felt

If it is chlamydia or gonorrhea, at least it can be easily gotten rid of. Just makes you feel like a tool.

Just recently, for no reason at all, I woke up with a sharp pain in that area, took 2 weeks to finally go but it was a strain.

I didn't even go to the doctor (high five for me!)

When you said you can't rationalize it, that is what we do. If there is no absolute answer, we tend to dream up our own worse case scenerios.

Botom line, in all of the causes you list above, all are curable.

Even in the extreme rare chance that it would be cancer, if the doc can't feel anything, you got it wayyyyy early and no problem to treat that either.

I wish you luck and I am sure that it will all turn out to be not much concern.

03-08-2013, 10:02 AM
Thanks for taking the time to read my post and reply so thoroughly. I doubt it's cancer too. but I just feel liek i'm back to square one now. Been sat at my desk all day at work and now it's back to aching as much as it did before the antibiotics and anti inflammatory started working. But it's friday evening now and I can't get an appointment with the doctors. I could go to A&E and probably get an ultrasound done there and then and maybe even a prescription for free if I kicked up enough of a fuss. But I don't want to have to sit around for 3+ hours in a waiting room.

I guess I hope the anti inflammatory i have left will tide me over the weekend. If it does then it sounds like it's an inflammation based problem. Which will be better in some ways I suppose. If it's an infection I doubt the naproxen would really do anything about it.

Time will tell I suppose. It's just annoying as you realize how much a pain down there prevents you from being able to sit or walk or do anything really.

I got the STI test booked for Monday morning. At least I can also get another doctors opinion on the matter. Hell maybe I could even plead to see if they could get me scanned there too. I mean...whilst i'm at the hospital it's worth a punt at least.

Thanks again for listening.


03-08-2013, 11:23 AM
Hi, I hope you don't mind me coming in on this, as iam not a male. However I have got a male friend who had something similar to this.

His tubes ached for a few days and ended up having pink coloured semen. He has had this couple of times over the last few years and both times the dr has told him its nothing bad. The dr thinks this was probably caused a bit of stress or trauma to the tubes when he was having sex, as this can cause aching in the tubes and coloured semen. Within a week the coloured semen went away and then a few days after that the ache went. When trauma is caused it causes swelling and bruising to the tubes. A few months after this he also has a lump on the back of one of his testicles which was the size of a small pea. He was seen by the doctor who said that he didn't think that it was any thing serious but sent him for an ultra sound at the hospital. The scan showed a cyst and they told him not to worry about it.

To me you seemed to have done all the right things and have got yourself checked out. I know its hard not to worry and allow the anxiety to build up. As I suffer with it quite bad and have got health issues at the moment which im trying to deal with. Both of his issues could of been quite bad but both turned out to be ok

Im sure everything will be ok , take care.

03-08-2013, 02:47 PM
I had suttin like this i was sittin in the cinema watching flight so yeah not that long ago n bam my left nut ached like mad couldnt syop it kept feeling for say lumps thought i found one but it was just suttin that was spose to be there the doctor said to me anxiety is a powerfull thing and can cause absolulety any physical pain or symptom witch your aware of ed i know just thought ide share