View Full Version : Panic us attacking!!! :(

03-08-2013, 02:40 AM
I'm so convinced I'm having a brain aneurysm or a stroke!! My head is constantly hurting I feel like a brain vessel is going to explode my temple keeps twitching I have blurred vision an feel really dizzy an forgetful April will be a year since I driven a car I'm letting this take control of me! I don't even know who I am anymore :( this isn't me! I refuse to take medication because I am terrified of side effects I just want to get through this an have my life back!!! Anyone overcome feeling like this

03-08-2013, 02:53 AM
Hey, I realise u don't want to take medication but take it from me it does help.. U just have to get through the first couple of weeks..

03-08-2013, 03:45 AM
Hey, I realise u don't want to take medication but take it from me it does help.. U just have to get through the first couple of weeks..

I tried Valium once and within 30 min my heart raced so fast I had to call the ambulance it was too fast I couldn't catch my breath I was hooked up to IV then was sent home. after that experience I tried a Ativan an it kinda did the same thing except I felt really high an i don't like that feeling so freaked out over feeling high.... I feel like there's no medication out there that will work :(

03-08-2013, 03:52 AM
I'm on Zoloft for panic & anxiety. It works for me. Im too scared to take the stronger drugs

03-08-2013, 07:17 AM
If Benzos like Ativan and Valium don't work, then try other ones. It takes a few tries to get it right. You might want to try something gentle like Buspar. It's non addictive as well. I had once tried Lexapro and ended up in the ER but it works wonderfully for others. I have been taking Buspar for a while now and have never had an issue.

03-08-2013, 07:36 AM
Stephanie - horrible what you are going t hrough

There are meds out there that can help. Remember your fear of side effects is one of your symptoms of anxiety.

If you have a bruise on your leg from falling, the next day you look at it and say "oh yeah, that fall sure bruised my damn good looking leg."

When you have an irrational thought, don't pay attention to it and say "oh yeah, one of my anxiety symptoms is trying to f*ck up my beautiful mind."

Broken down, it is that simple, but for people like us, harder to believe in.....But is true and you will get there I promise.

Go jump in your car and drive like a jackass until the police catch up to you.

That way at least the next time you say you haven't driven it will be becasue your license was suspended and not your anxiety.

Do whatever you need to do to get better. If that means bite the bullet and get on meds, do it.

We are so fortunate to have meds that can help you get over the hump. Take them if you need them until you don't need them anymore.

You would do it for most other illnesses.

You can and will overcome this as soon as you stop fighting, understand better what this disorder is and how it tricks you into so many things.

I have all the faith in the world you are closer than you think.

God Bless

03-08-2013, 08:06 AM
Stephanie - horrible what you are going t hrough

There are meds out there that can help. Remember your fear of side effects is one of your symptoms of anxiety.

If you have a bruise on your leg from falling, the next day you look at it and say "oh yeah, that fall sure bruised my damn good looking leg."

When you have an irrational thought, don't pay attention to it and say "oh yeah, one of my anxiety symptoms is trying to f*ck up my beautiful mind."

Broken down, it is that simple, but for people like us, harder to believe in.....But is true and you will get there I promise.

Go jump in your car and drive like a jackass until the police catch up to you.

That way at least the next time you say you haven't driven it will be becasue your license was suspended and not your anxiety.

Do whatever you need to do to get better. If that means bite the bullet and get on meds, do it.

We are so fortunate to have meds that can help you get over the hump. Take them if you need them until you don't need them anymore.

You would do it for most other illnesses.

You can and will overcome this as soon as you stop fighting, understand better what this disorder is and how it tricks you into so many things.

I have all the faith in the world you are closer than you think.

God Bless

I know I try an be positive staring at a bottle of medication that will help me but then I freak out!
It's really really hard :( it feels really good to have people like you reply to my post with positive advice thankyou very much. I have a doctor appt today an I'm hoping I can take the medicine I am prescribed without automatically throwing it away

03-08-2013, 08:09 AM
If Benzos like Ativan and Valium don't work, then try other ones. It takes a few tries to get it right. You might want to try something gentle like Buspar. It's non addictive as well. I had once tried Lexapro and ended up in the ER but it works wonderfully for others. I have been taking Buspar for a while now and have never had an issue.

thanks I'm going to have to ask my doctor about it??? An try not to google side effects! :(

03-08-2013, 08:31 AM
If the doc gives you meds and you are on the fence about taking them, either get on a chat app with a few people here or give a time you are going in the chat room here.

Bet a few of us will sit there with you for an hour and talk to you if you are feeling scared.

Andrew Marino
03-08-2013, 09:21 AM
hmmm good points....ok look at it like this...have you ever taken any tylenol or advil for headaches before? If you have they to have side effects but mostly internal. acetaphetamine causes strain on the liver and kidneys. Let me tell you I have had anxiety for the past 4 years and soo far my body has agreed with a smaller dose of ativan. I used to take 1mg of ativan but made me feel like i was going to float away, wasn't good. I then took only half a pill and it actually made me feel normal. Like I did before I ever had anxiety. The bad thing about ativan though is that your body will eventually get used to the feeling and then it will require you to intake even stronger doses. What I do is really only take it as needed. Then stay on a SSRI to help keep the anxiety at bay. To me, I think Celexa worked best for me. It sucks though because alot of general doctors wont give you any of these and require a psychiatrist. bleh!

03-08-2013, 09:53 AM
thanks I'm going to have to ask my doctor about it??? An try not to google side effects! :(

I had no side effects from it at all. Just tell the doc that you want to start at a small amt and work your way up!!!! That's for any med you choose to try.....

03-08-2013, 02:28 PM
If the doc gives you meds and you are on the fence about taking them, either get on a chat app with a few people here or give a time you are going in the chat room here.

Bet a few of us will sit there with you for an hour and talk to you if you are feeling scared.

I think that's exactly what I'm going to do :) I have my appt in about an hr an I'm going to do some major venting to my doctor an I know he's going to convince me to take SOMETHING! so hopefully I can log on here in a couple hrs an get some support on whatever he prescribes me

03-08-2013, 02:36 PM
hmmm good points....ok look at it like this...have you ever taken any tylenol or advil for headaches before? If you have they to have side effects but mostly internal. acetaphetamine causes strain on the liver and kidneys. Let me tell you I have had anxiety for the past 4 years and soo far my body has agreed with a smaller dose of ativan. I used to take 1mg of ativan but made me feel like i was going to float away, wasn't good. I then took only half a pill and it actually made me feel normal. Like I did before I ever had anxiety. The bad thing about ativan though is that your body will eventually get used to the feeling and then it will require you to intake even stronger doses. What I do is really only take it as needed. Then stay on a SSRI to help keep the anxiety at bay. To me, I think Celexa worked best for me. It sucks though because alot of general doctors wont give you any of these and require a psychiatrist. bleh!

I am so weak to medicine that a half of a Ativan made me feel like I was floating an wanting to sleep for hours..... I am really really weak to medicine which I don't understand! 4 years ago I could take NyQuil now if I take NyQuil I will freak out over feeling drowsy.... I wish I can cure this ugly anxiety naturally..... Therapists made it clear the only way I will get better is through medication

03-08-2013, 02:40 PM
My guess, and this is only mu guess, is that you take a little bit of a medication and then you get it in your head its so bad for you then you have a panic attack, and then blame the medication. I am guessing the medication didn't race your heart but you just had a panic attack.

It's really simple. If you think you have a crazy disease, then you go to the doctor and get everything checked out, then when the doctor says, "You need to chill. You just have anxiety." Then you know what you have to do. Work on healing the anxiety. Anxiety is not a terminal illness, it is a behavioral disorder coupled with a highly sensitive nervous system that you can heal and overcome. But you have to do the work and use your will.

03-13-2013, 07:13 AM
Right on with the idea that it was anxiety and not the meds that caused your "side effects"

Everything I was sure I was allergic to or had side effects from went away when I fixed my anxiety issues

Imagine that

03-13-2013, 07:23 AM
My Mum gave me a sweet when I was having anxiety. Told me to swallow it with juice as it was a strong dose of Valium and would calm me instantly. Within about 10 minutes I was as calm as a park lake in June. Is the message of my story; 'the mind is incredibly powerful and capable of immense simulation'? ... Perhaps... I'll explore that later, right now I'm too busy considering the idea that....

