View Full Version : Cymbalta

03-08-2013, 12:54 AM
Has anyone here ever tried cymbalta for their anxiety and if so did it help?

03-09-2013, 10:33 PM
Ive just come off it ... It did not help my anxiety but did relieve depression... Im sensitive to these drugs so it may work for you x

03-09-2013, 11:06 PM
Did u have a hard time coming off? I'm scared to take it because I have heard terrible stories about coming off. How long we're u on it and any bad side effects if u don't mind me asking

03-10-2013, 05:16 AM
Im not going to lie to you its been a week now and ive been so ill... I can barely stand up cant eat the most awful trembling and muscle spasms but i was on a low dose of 20 mg 1 a day i cut them down incase my doctor tried something else but i think i also have nervous exhaustion with a constant racing mind... I have diahroea and terrible nausea but im not drinking enough so thats maybe why im not feeling well and i have the flu.... I started prozac a week ago and ive been in bed waiting on them working i feel like shit i was told takes up to 3 weeks to take effect i even went out to hospital yesterday my dad took me and they did stroke and co ordination tests... But i think i have a virus and withdrawls and the new meds all at once.... Good luck x

03-13-2013, 03:05 AM
I have heard major horror stories about coming off cymbalta. I was taking hydrocodone for two years 40 mg a day which was prescribed. I never took more then I was supposed to but one day I was coming home on a very long drive and boom panic attack. I'd never had one a day in my life. Then I got to noticing when I took one for pain anxiety got worse and worse. So I decided to quit taking the pain meds. Physically I was uncomfortable Motrin 800 mg was my best friend mentally. Omg I ended up in a cd unit after a week only to find out it was anxiety from coming off them. After that I tried celexa 30 mg for 4 months that stuff did nothing but make me gain weight. I tried Zoloft n after 6 weeks stopped on my own I became a vegetable. Never left my couch. That was the same time I quit the pain meds. I take a very low dose of pain meds when needed but I'm so terrified of trying this cymbalta and having severe withdrawal. I got lucky after two years of pain meds not really having horrible physical symptoms. Some have said they took cymbalta tapered down and was fine others have said tapering down was awful. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place but in all honesty I'm so tired of this anxiety. It's been almost a year and my life is not the same I'm not the same anymore. I have gone through some shit n my life and never had anxiety. I have been under horrible stress none like I have now. I have done meditation apps at night for sleep which help sometimes. I want my life back I want the person I used to b back. Idk what to do. Some say take it and see how u feel and then if it makes me 2 sick then don't take anymore but even people who have taken it a day say its horrible. I'm just at my wits end here not knowing what to do.

03-13-2013, 07:05 AM
I have heard major horror stories about coming off cymbalta. I was taking hydrocodone for two years 40 mg a day which was prescribed. I never took more then I was supposed to but one day I was coming home on a very long drive and boom panic attack. I'd never had one a day in my life. Then I got to noticing when I took one for pain anxiety got worse and worse. So I decided to quit taking the pain meds. Physically I was uncomfortable Motrin 800 mg was my best friend mentally. Omg I ended up in a cd unit after a week only to find out it was anxiety from coming off them. After that I tried celexa 30 mg for 4 months that stuff did nothing but make me gain weight. I tried Zoloft n after 6 weeks stopped on my own I became a vegetable. Never left my couch. That was the same time I quit the pain meds. I take a very low dose of pain meds when needed but I'm so terrified of trying this cymbalta and having severe withdrawal. I got lucky after two years of pain meds not really having horrible physical symptoms. Some have said they took cymbalta tapered down and was fine others have said tapering down was awful. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place but in all honesty I'm so tired of this anxiety. It's been almost a year and my life is not the same I'm not the same anymore. I have gone through some shit n my life and never had anxiety. I have been under horrible stress none like I have now. I have done meditation apps at night for sleep which help sometimes. I want my life back I want the person I used to b back. Idk what to do. Some say take it and see how u feel and then if it makes me 2 sick then don't take anymore but even people who have taken it a day say its horrible. I'm just at my wits end here not knowing what to do.

Dearest friend...

Dont want to call you anxiety freak so i'll call you friend :)

I was on duloxetine ( cymbalta) for about 7 months it helped lift my mood but did NOT help my anxiety
I felt agitated if i took them in the morning or when i got up so going out to the shops or on the bus was more difficult as the side effects last a couple of hours after taking them.. If you start them take them at bedtime as when your asleep the side effects will be gone by the time you wake up... I have severe chronic anxiety... But just in the last 14 months i have struggled with it for 22 yrs i was on clomipramine hydrochloride which completely stopped anxiety and let me live a normal life ... Only thing was they are sedatives so i slept alot and gained alot of weight but sleep is good for anxiety right?

Ive had to stop those meds as trycyclic anti depressants seem to give me awful palpitations for which i take a beta blocker...
I came off the cymbalta nearly 2 weeks ago and have had quite bad shivers.. Spasms.. Nausea and diahroea but seems to be not as bad.... I do however have complete nervous exhaustion and have been in bed for a week am so shakey and weak but then im not really eating... I collapsed in my parents house 2 nights ago and was rushed to hospital... They couldnt find anything major wrong and said its probably all the anxiety and change in medication...

Ive been on fluoxetine (prozac) 20 mg 1 a day for nearly two weeks started them the day after stopping cymbalta... Im not crying just as much but im still physically tired and weak .

I want to reccomend something to you...

Have you heard of Charles Linden?
He has cured thousands of people permanently of their anxiety and ive just received my pack in the mail

It has all the manuals dvd cd's and tools you need to change your life and how you live... By doing the linden method he guarantees as an ex sufferer of awful anxiety and OCD he says if you stick to his method he promises your anxiety will " switch off"

Yes i know what your thinking " yeah right no one can help me" only pills WRONG according to charles you can turn your life around by changing your behaviour and stopping all your anxious habbits...

Im going to give it a go if it doesnt work you get your money back


Please have a look or look up charles linden on youtube and listen to what he has to say

Try the cymbalta... If you have to stop them you wont feel ill forever it will go away x
Im looking forward to my recovery ... I hope it works i want my life back too :-(
Good luck x


03-13-2013, 08:16 AM
Well said, Suz245

05-10-2013, 03:14 AM
I have been on a high dose of cymbalta 90 mg for about 4 years. Overall it works pretty good. I have gad.. Generalized anxiety disorder/ depression. But i have to take it at exact same time everyday. Tho i still have panic attacks at times so i may need like valium to take with it. And at times i still get down but not as much as i used too. Iam also on trazodone for insomnia. Hope this helps ;-)