View Full Version : Living With Anxiety

03-07-2013, 09:35 PM
Here we are. Thousands of people being affected by this 'demon' called anxiety. Its a rougher road for some than it is for others, but here we are given an opportunity to share and talk openly about our different experiences. Some of us read the comments and feel better that we are not alone. Others read and feel an heightened sense of anxiety. Medications have been discussed. Different natural remedies and exercises. We try them. Some work. Some don't.

In this midst of all this babbling, I realize something profound. its hard for us to look on the positive side of our suffering, but if at all possible we should. We may not find a cure for how we feel. Its a terrible and uncomfortable feeling...maybe even terrifying, but there is no 'concrete' cure now is there. Those of us who have experienced a relief from our heightened anxiety have simple learn to live with it. Some people have sinuses, some asthma, some allergies of all kinds, some are deformed in certain parts of their bodies, others have migraines, arthritis, and the list is endless. Ours is anxiety. Somehow, it is supposed to be a part of who we really are. Somehow its supposed to help us be better or accomplish some unknown purpose now or in the future. Somehow...there is a reason for why we are different.

I'm thinking, so what if we are different. Different is good right? We are different from others because we have overly sensitive nerve endings, so what? That is what makes us all the more unique right.

So what if I can't handle stress and the hard stuff in life like death and unemployment?

In essence, 'So What' becomes the cure that eludes us. We are cured when we adapt that attitude towards how we feel.

So what if I fainted in public. There are a million golden-heart people on this planet. A few will stop to help. I have seen it happen. I have been among the few.

So what if I stopped breathing. Wouldn't that be the best sleep I ever got.

So what!

I have surmised that feeling sick is much worse than actually being sick. Its a daunting reality for anxiety sufferers.

Even as I write this, I'm feeling all kinda weird sensations...but .... So what!!!!!

Truth is, if something is really wrong in our bodies or brain...it would not be just a feeling or thought. Embrace your sensitivity, celebrate your uniqueness and on your worse days just fold your arms and say, "So What!!!"

03-07-2013, 09:41 PM
Just like the pill, fukital

03-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Just like the pill, fukital

Can I get a prescription for that? Lol

03-07-2013, 09:45 PM
Here we are. Thousands of people being affected by this 'demon' called anxiety. Its a rougher road for some than it is for others, but here we are given an opportunity to share and talk openly about our different experiences. Some of us read the comments and feel better that we are not alone. Others read and feel an heightened sense of anxiety. Medications have been discussed. Different natural remedies and exercises. We try them. Some work. Some don't.

In this midst of all this babbling, I realize something profound. its hard for us to look on the positive side of our suffering, but if at all possible we should. We may not find a cure for how we feel. Its a terrible and uncomfortable feeling...maybe even terrifying, but there is no 'concrete' cure now is there. Those of us who have experienced a relief from our heightened anxiety have simple learn to live with it. Some people have sinuses, some asthma, some allergies of all kinds, some are deformed in certain parts of their bodies, others have migraines, arthritis, and the list is endless. Ours is anxiety. Somehow, it is supposed to be a part of who we really are. Somehow its supposed to help us be better or accomplish some unknown purpose now or in the future. Somehow...there is a reason for why we are different.

I'm thinking, so what if we are different. Different is good right? We are different from others because we have overly sensitive nerve endings, so what? That is what makes us all the more unique right.

So what if I can't handle stress and the hard stuff in life like death and unemployment?

In essence, 'So What' becomes the cure that eludes us. We are cured when we adapt that attitude towards how we feel.

So what if I fainted in public. There are a million golden-heart people on this planet. A few will stop to help. I have seen it happen. I have been among the few.

So what if I stopped breathing. Wouldn't that be the best sleep I ever got.

So what!

I have surmised that feeling sick is much worse than actually being sick. Its a daunting reality for anxiety sufferers.

Even as I write this, I'm feeling all kinda weird sensations...but .... So what!!!!!

Truth is, if something is really wrong in our bodies or brain...it would not be just a feeling or thought. Embrace your sensitivity, celebrate your uniqueness and on your worse days just fold your arms and say, "So What!!!"

I love this :) thank you.

03-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Here we are. Thousands of people being affected by this 'demon' called anxiety. Its a rougher road for some than it is for others, but here we are given an opportunity to share and talk openly about our different experiences. Some of us read the comments and feel better that we are not alone. Others read and feel an heightened sense of anxiety. Medications have been discussed. Different natural remedies and exercises. We try them. Some work. Some don't.

In this midst of all this babbling, I realize something profound. its hard for us to look on the positive side of our suffering, but if at all possible we should. We may not find a cure for how we feel. Its a terrible and uncomfortable feeling...maybe even terrifying, but there is no 'concrete' cure now is there. Those of us who have experienced a relief from our heightened anxiety have simple learn to live with it. Some people have sinuses, some asthma, some allergies of all kinds, some are deformed in certain parts of their bodies, others have migraines, arthritis, and the list is endless. Ours is anxiety. Somehow, it is supposed to be a part of who we really are. Somehow its supposed to help us be better or accomplish some unknown purpose now or in the future. Somehow...there is a reason for why we are different.

I'm thinking, so what if we are different. Different is good right? We are different from others because we have overly sensitive nerve endings, so what? That is what makes us all the more unique right.

So what if I can't handle stress and the hard stuff in life like death and unemployment?

In essence, 'So What' becomes the cure that eludes us. We are cured when we adapt that attitude towards how we feel.

So what if I fainted in public. There are a million golden-heart people on this planet. A few will stop to help. I have seen it happen. I have been among the few.

So what if I stopped breathing. Wouldn't that be the best sleep I ever got.

So what!

I have surmised that feeling sick is much worse than actually being sick. Its a daunting reality for anxiety sufferers.

Even as I write this, I'm feeling all kinda weird sensations...but .... So what!!!!!

Truth is, if something is really wrong in our bodies or brain...it would not be just a feeling or thought. Embrace your sensitivity, celebrate your uniqueness and on your worse days just fold your arms and say, "So What!!!"

I know what you mean! I've known people who are WAY sicker than I am that don't have half as much anxiety as me. I think a big part of it is uncertainty... anxiety makes you feel like anything is possible in terms of what's wrong with you. There's no end to the "what if"'s.

I'm trying really hard to put a stop to this cycle. It's difficult, and I've accepted it will take a long time. But I gotta try. It ain't natural to live like this, especially when you're young.

03-07-2013, 10:38 PM
I love this! Thanks for sharing!