View Full Version : Today I took a leap

03-07-2013, 08:51 PM
I went to work on my day off and opened the department alone and work 5 hrs by myself those who have read my threads know that this is a huge issue but today I had no symptoms no chest pains no weird body pains except for during the morning meeting but I pushed through it. But my biggest leap was after work I took my daughter for a hair cut alone just her and I no one with me just me and my jujube I was so excited and proud of myself then we came home and I started to feel a little jittery so we curled up watched some Disney and took a nap. Today was a blessing I feel like the new dose of meds is finally kicking in and doing what it should. I feel like I'm getting a little bit of my life back cracking jokes smiling laughing even though it was dull and grey here in Ohio.

I now believe more then ever we all can get through this together with the support of each other

03-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Yes step by step with each others help and support we will all conquer anxiety. Great accomplishment today. Well done!

03-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Weary- that's awesome :) so proud of you! What meds are you taking? Good job..keep it up! I wish I could feel normal for 1 second. Lol

03-07-2013, 09:03 PM
I went to work on my day off and opened the department alone and work 5 hrs by myself those who have read my threads know that this is a huge issue but today I had no symptoms no chest pains no weird body pains except for during the morning meeting but I pushed through it. But my biggest leap was after work I took my daughter for a hair cut alone just her and I no one with me just me and my jujube I was so excited and proud of myself then we came home and I started to feel a little jittery so we curled up watched some Disney and took a nap. Today was a blessing I feel like the new dose of meds is finally kicking in and doing what it should. I feel like I'm getting a little bit of my life back cracking jokes smiling laughing even though it was dull and grey here in Ohio.

I now believe more then ever we all can get through this together with the support of each other

I'm very happy for you!

Having a good day is a real blessing, especially after going through a series of bad ones. Keep it up, I'm sure you will have more good days as time goes on!
As always, feel free to PM me any time

03-07-2013, 09:04 PM
Weary- that's awesome :) so proud of you! What meds are you taking? Good job..keep it up! I wish I could feel normal for 1 second. Lol

Smoore- I was at 25 mg of Zoloft and in Feb we upped it to 50mg I still have some of the side effects like fatigue and cotton mouth but those too I am pushing past although I find that I am taking more naps when I am not scheduled to work but am able to wake up not feeling so panicked or shaking so I figure I few more weeks of the side effects and I should be good to go for a while and keep moving forward

03-07-2013, 09:04 PM
Thanks everyone it was an amazing day.

03-07-2013, 09:14 PM
I just started 25 mg of Zoloft like 2 days ago hope it start to work soon :) so glad for you Weary:)

03-07-2013, 10:39 PM
I just started 25 mg of Zoloft like 2 days ago hope it start to work soon :) so glad for you Weary:)

Give it time to work and I will start to. I was doing great on the 25 mg until I got really stressed at Christmas and work. And I waited til Feb to make the decision to up the meds made the appointment and went with it so please allow the time for it to work

03-07-2013, 10:40 PM
I'm very happy for you!

Having a good day is a real blessing, especially after going through a series of bad ones. Keep it up, I'm sure you will have more good days as time goes on!
As always, feel free to PM me any time

Fording the waters- so very true I knew it would just take time but it is sometimes worth the wait. I hope you can see there is light at the end of the tunnel.positive thinking

03-07-2013, 11:01 PM
That's great.. I hope mine start to kick in soon too