View Full Version : Feeling like crap today

03-07-2013, 05:58 PM
My 2 year old has been kicking my ass! She is going through a phase of really bad tantrums mixed with teenager attitude :( it's wearing me downnnnnn. Not to mention all these worries going on in my head. If its not one thing it's another. I just feel like crying, and at some point I will because I won't be able to hold it all in. It actually feels like the best release. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes, with this anxiety and having to be a mother. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way. I screamed so loud at my daughter today, my throat was scratchy afterwards :( and to make matters worse,
I thought I heard something twice today. I feel like I'm just a sitting duck and crazy is about to hit me.

03-07-2013, 06:10 PM
The 2 year old stage isn't called "terrible twos" for nothing!!!! Don't worry, a lot of us moms surely understand!!!! You DO need some time just to be alone and let it all out, or some time to just unwind.

03-07-2013, 06:23 PM
The 2 year old stage isn't called "terrible twos" for nothing!!!! Don't worry, a lot of us moms surely understand!!!! You DO need some time just to be alone and let it all out, or some time to just unwind.

It's rough!! I love her so much, but I told my husband today, I can't do this again :( no more kids

03-07-2013, 06:42 PM
Mellymel- I totally understand when my little one was two it was crazy but 3 was crazy she had some of the worst tantrums I too would just break down in tears. Ask your husband to give you some time to unwind have him give her a bath so you can relax or go to the store by yourself that helped me. I know it is hard but it is just a phase all babies go through.

I broke down in front of my little one and just cried and held her and she actually settled down for me.

I hope you start to feel better soon

03-07-2013, 08:37 PM
A healthy mother daughter relationship is special in that over the years, it will at one time or another, touch just about every emotion possible. You both will share with each other laughter, sadness, joy, anger, hope, fear and etc. Dont worry. Embrace the moment and enjoy the ride.