View Full Version : help! just afraid for no reason

03-07-2013, 02:22 PM
i am in the office and this is anxiety time!.i am trying to stay calm but dont know why i just get this sense of doom/gloom for no reason. I am trying to accept the thoughts but just need a few words of encourgmnt

03-07-2013, 03:29 PM
i am in the office and this is anxiety time!.i am trying to stay calm but dont know why i just get this sense of doom/gloom for no reason. I am trying to accept the thoughts but just need a few words of encourgmnt

My words of encouragement to you is this:

Let the rational part of your mind win. How many times before have you thought you were about to suffer some horrible type of calamity and have it not happen?
The odds are: 100 to 1, if not more, that you are NOT about to have something bad happen. I know it's easier said than done; I have the same problem 100 fold, if I didn't I wouldn't be here, but we've GOT to find a way to keep our worries in check or we will never overcome this.

I'm here for you, my friend, so is everyone else on here. You can get through the day and you will.

God Bless

03-07-2013, 03:37 PM
The odds are far from 100 to 1 more like 100000 to 1!

03-07-2013, 04:17 PM
thank you so much for the replies. the issue is the intensity and velocity of thoughts. its too fast :( i wish i cld slow down the train

03-08-2013, 02:18 AM
I know the feeling. It's weird how it just creeps up on you. It's like this awful feeling that something has to be wrong. It's weird, I know. Do the herbs, drink the chamomile tea, don't over breathe, breathe through your mouth, and don't add 2nd fear to the fear that's been creeping up. Its adding the 2nd fear that really sets you over the edge. Don't fight, but let it pass. I think what happens is you eventually develop the habit where it passes over you and then soon doesn't even come.

03-08-2013, 04:34 AM
I know the feeling. It's weird how it just creeps up on you. It's like this awful feeling that something has to be wrong. It's weird, I know. Do the herbs, drink the chamomile tea, don't over breathe, breathe through your mouth, and don't add 2nd fear to the fear that's been creeping up. Its adding the 2nd fear that really sets you over the edge. Don't fight, but let it pass. I think what happens is you eventually develop the habit where it passes over you and then soon doesn't even come.

Thats the exact feeling thats been been bugging me of late. Yes it does creep up on you and I am stuck trying to figure out wtf this feeling is or where it came from. Man I thought that I was out of the woods. I guess its tea time!