View Full Version : Is reflex action the same as anxiety? Breathing problems.

06-29-2007, 01:46 PM
Breathing problems and chest tightness.

I have breathing difficulty "only" when exposed to specific things that I am allergic to (yes MD tested). Stress, pressures, ect do not cause breathing problems. I have had this my whole life.

Awake or asleep symptoms are the same.

When I am feeling fine I usually forget about my problem to the point where I forget to take allergy meds until I realize I am having trouble breathing because I skipped dosages.

Asthma and allergy meds stop most of the problem.
Doc says, mind stops worrying because you took meds.

What we know. (For nonsmokers) If I breath in smoke I choke. After a while my chest will begin to become tight if I remain in the direct smoke. Repeated discomfort causes tightness in my chest making it hard to breath in and out.
Doc says this is anxiety to the smoke.

QUESTION. Is choking reflex or anxiety to the smoke? What is the difference. One doctor says it is anxiety to the smoke.

Cure. I have 2 meds. 1 is an inhaler. That opens my air ways right away. Another stops irritation in my chest from the smoke. While on these meds I can tolerate the smoke somewhat better. I still choke sometimes but do not tighten up.

Same with flower/grass/mold pollens. Antihistamine stops the breathing problem too until they wear off.

We know I have serious allergies. But some say the breathing problem is from worrying about the reactions I feel not a reflex.??

Aware, unaware, sleeping or awake the problem is the same.
I have not tried anxiety meds.
I have not been to a psychiatrist because I think they see $$ to try and treat me. Need advise!!!

06-29-2007, 02:42 PM
I left out that it also is mildly painful to inhale when I have chest tightness. I was wondering if the discomfort (definitely allergy related) was telling my brain to stop breathing because it hurts. When meds start working the discomfort goes away and breathing is better. Will xanax enable me to breathe easier and ignore the discomfort? Or do I just need to work on meds to stop the discomfort.

Just trying to figure out what direction to go.

08-03-2007, 01:20 AM
I dumpped my doctor and got a new one. It was not anxiety. The new doc said it was asthma. Totally treatable. Rather not have it, but just happy to have an answer and now I'm properly medicated and it went away. Thanks.

08-04-2007, 06:59 AM
Anxiety to smoke??? Quite frankly, smoke of any kind makes me choke, unable to breathe, and I get congested and stuffy.

Smoke is disgusting. Of course you aren't going to be able to breathe around it.

Haha, i certainly to have "anxiety" to smoke, seeing that i don't want lung cancer.. duh.