View Full Version : Cant stand these head things

03-07-2013, 12:59 PM
Hey everyone lately I've been dealing with these head things. Hard to explain but they are weird for sure. They make me feel like I need to move my head and I get dizzy for a second or two. It's so bad when I drive. They feel seizure like even though I don't think they are. They are scary at times. Also lately I've been having like I can't feel my chest sometimes so I have to stretch it until I feel the muscle and it feel like I can't breath. I could use help is anyone else does this! Thanks :)

03-07-2013, 03:21 PM
Yeah sort of. Anxious folks just way too much attention to their bodies and how they may feel at any given moment and one can develop a habit as you describe. It's anxiety. Alankay

03-07-2013, 05:09 PM
It will pass over time, don't worry. I had this for 3 months straight and it eventually stopped.