View Full Version : So frustrated

03-07-2013, 12:16 AM
I don't know how to deal. I have a gazillion problems that I feel I need to fix but I can't. No one is there to help me work through these challenges - it's like any help costs a lot of money - I need direction- support so I know where I can use my interests in a real job. I need to figure out why I can never concentrate and instead procrastinate on schoolwork, thus always needing extensions but refusing to ask professors because I'm anxious to confront them
Ever. I need to know if its cause I have learning disabilities or if its just that I was lazy.

But assessments to help me find my way or help identifying learning challenges cost thousands of dollars, and though it would be nice to have I am way too nervous to spend that much money so frivolously (besides, what if the assessments don't actually help? They don't refund that)

My husband wants me to work, to apply to any job with decent pay, even if I don't care for it. He doesn't understand that I dread every day I go to my fathers accounting firm, I hate being there, it reminds me that I haven't accomplished anything in 5 years, that my life has stalled again and I'm stuck in a self loathing pit. , I don't feel like working for my dad now and i waste my time at the office online looking for jobs I wish I had instead, or on Facebook. I haven't worked on a file really in 3 weeks. And my husband thinks its a swell idea, good money too, if I were to go to school to be an accountant and work in my dads business, maybe take it over when he retires. He's suggested it twice this week. I can't stand it.

I am a front desk clerk twice a week at a recreation centre- I got the job last month. I don't want to be there at all. I feel stuck, going nowhere, I hate going to these jobs which remind me, when I'm at the job, how screwed up my life feels.

I want a job I can look forward to, that fulfills my desires and image of myself. I've applied to several and not one interview. I wonder why bother applying at all. Obviously if they don't like my resume now there's no use trying again in a month, it's the same resume (tweaked 3 times) and still I'm not good enough for the entry level job I want. And after all my prior years of volunteering for the community, and getting zilch on a stick at the place where i dedicated 4 years of my life (they never hire me to this day, and I see them an new application for each of their job openings that I'd qualify for)

I'm fed up. I don't want to go to a dead end work tomorrow while i stew over how the world turned my life upside down and left the mess for me to clean.

No one gets it. And all I got is one potential psychotherapy appt a week, starting next week, and I'm already not excited about it. $$$ down the drain like the last one I saw.

03-07-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi what are your actual symptoms

03-07-2013, 05:56 AM
What are your interests? Write them out. My friend was working at a,job she didn't like, but she likes to take pictures. She decided to take up photography full time and now she is booked solid and travels to shoot weddings, etc. She makes her own schedule too. Maybe you could think of it that way. Or if you want to work in an office, but you also like animals, walk into a vet office and apply in person. You just have to get creative and don't limit yourself.

03-07-2013, 06:10 AM
I start crying and can't stop (I call them crying spells, they are happening more frequently). I feel jumpy and on-edge, like I will snap at any moment, even at the most mundane thing, I think and obsess over the same thoughts and they don't go away (my worries and unhappiness).

I feel like not getting up and going out to do anything, I'd rather sit and watch tv all day because at least then my brain shuts up and is distracted by tv. I can sleep all day, get headaches, pretty much depressed.

I'm on Effexor xr but it doesn't do anything for me, I'm just on it because my body is addicted to it now and without it I guess the depression and anxiety symptoms would be worse. I know if I increase the dose it may make me feel better temporarily, but it won't help me. I have Noone to help me work out my problems and I'm not going to give in to taking meds as a band aid solution that relieves society from giving me the counselling I need.

03-07-2013, 06:33 AM
I know there is a type of job I wouldn't mind doing but I keep applying to them and no body responds back. (Research assistant) I must be a pariah. Now I'm wondering if I should even bother applying, I guess I'm not qualified enough for their jobs- that has to be the alternative explanation, like they don't mention it but they want a masters degree, or the stupid post graduate diploma in "research assistance" thats only available in 1 community college so you can pay an extra couple thousand and an extra year (or 2 or 3) of your life to be overqualified to enter data into a computer and book appointments.

03-07-2013, 06:41 AM
I start crying and can't stop (I call them crying spells, they are happening more frequently). I feel jumpy and on-edge, like I will snap at any moment, even at the most mundane thing, I think and obsess over the same thoughts and they don't go away (my worries and unhappiness).

I feel like not getting up and going out to do anything, I'd rather sit and watch tv all day because at least then my brain shuts up and is distracted by tv. I can sleep all day, get headaches, pretty much depressed.

I'm on Effexor xr but it doesn't do anything for me, I'm just on it because my body is addicted to it now and without it I guess the depression and anxiety symptoms would be worse. I know if I increase the dose it may make me feel better temporarily, but it won't help me. I have Noone to help me work out my problems and I'm not going to give in to taking meds as a band aid solution that relieves society from giving me the counselling I need.

You might benefit from going to see a counselor. Or when you start getting down or anxious, write down everything that is bothering you. Similarily, write down all the things you are thankful for. Get out from in front of the TV. If the weather permits, go outside for a walk and people watch, or if you have a bike, take a bike ride. Take a good book and sit outside and read. Look in your local paper for festivals or fairs and go and check out something new.
Sorry my ideas aren't quite so formulated, just thinking as I go. I always feel better when I'm busy, perhaps you might try one, or more, of these things....