View Full Version : Went to the doctor today.

03-06-2013, 08:05 PM
Went to the doctor and got some stuff checked out. Everything was fine. Also got lymph nodes felt and they said they can definitely feel what I'm talking about, but it's nothing to worry about because I'm thin and some people can just feel them. What kind of got to me was while he was feeling my neck he went from my jaw down and kept saying "oh yeah, uhuh I can definitely feel them" and then said they are ok. He would know if they didn't feel ok, but that still seemed to discourage me hearing him say that.

03-06-2013, 08:29 PM
I'm sure he meant well. If he were concerned, he would tell you.
You also know what? When you feel your lymph nodes a lot, they actually become irritated and it causes them to swell. It happens a lot to people who have HIV paranoia. They keep feeling their lymph nodes and from the constant checking of them, they swell up a little. But it doesn't mean anything, it's just caused by something as simple as that.

Minor things can cause lymph nodes to swell too, but those things are easy to recover from. Don't sweat it. It's okay. :)

03-06-2013, 08:31 PM
Just confused - I know what you are feeling been there. About 3 weeks ago I had to go to dr for full physical and well my dr did the same to me and I said ummm not liking how that sounds should I worry about this his response was ... Wait for it .... If you didn't weight 89 lbs I would not have felt them however because you weight 89 lbs I can feel them and they are normal so there is nothing for you to worry about except to start gaining weight .... All I could do is laugh to a point then he told me it is not healthy for a 38 yr old woman to weigh 89 lbs. so the deal was he would only up my Zoloft if a agreed if I lost any weight on e new dose I would call ASAP And I agreed I have been on new dose for 3 weeks and have not gained or lost so. The moral of this is we have to just our health professionals mine has been my dr for 20 yrs

03-06-2013, 08:48 PM
I know what you mean. I do trust them. It's just the left side of my jaw and neck things are so much more obvious and seem bigger. That's the part that worries me. He brushed it off, but still.. My left collar bone also seems to have one and my left jaw one is bigger than the other, and on the side of my neck there is one that is pretty big. He felt it, but I couldn't believe he said it was ok. It's so easy to feel you can rub your finger across the skin and it's there. I've heard so much about things like lymphoma around the collar bone area and that scares me. I mean I know a doc would know what to look for with that, but how can they be this big and just be normal when the other side of my body they aren't even noticeable.

03-06-2013, 09:00 PM
Sometimes with stress things don't move like they should such as fluid in the body I dealt with something similar and all it happened to be was a blocked duct to the lymph nodes. I basically a few times a day had to rub and massage the area to break through every now and again I have to massage the area be ause I can feel the difference try massaging the area that is swollen for the next few days and see if it helps

03-06-2013, 09:16 PM
I feel like such a failure.. :( I've had two and a half hours sleep combined the last two days and told myself after the doctor I'd have relief even if for a short time. I left there feeling the same as when I went in and it just crushes me. I was just sitting here and began to cry for no apparent reason. I just can't escape how I feel. I'm not on edge or anything I just feel weird. Nothing can convince me that I'm ok and I can rationally look on the outside in and see how stupid it is, but to actually rationally feel normal just seems so hard. I have a muscle or something on the left side of my neck that feels rock hard and the right side is nothing even close to like it. Everything just seems to be wrong with the left side from my head to the bottom of my neck.

03-06-2013, 09:41 PM
Ok I can understand that maybe look at getting a second opinion. Sometimes we anxiety suffered have to have multiple people tell us we are ok and when you go in for the second option let the dr know what the first dr said and how it made you feel. Sometimes it feels like the dr rush us in and out or that they are not focusing on what we are telling them so we have to be a little more aggressive so they can understand that we are extremely nervous or scared about we are feeling

03-06-2013, 10:24 PM
Weary can I ask how long u have been on your increased dose of Zoloft for ??? And has it started to kick in yet. I've gone from 100mg to 150mg I've been on the increased 150 for 14 days today ( it's probably night where u are but where I am it's Thursday 4:22pm ).... I'm not feeling the benefits yet... I've been on Zoloft for 14 years & when I hit bad times of stress the anxiety & panic come back. I'm looking for the light at the end of the tunnel but can't see it yet :(

03-06-2013, 10:40 PM
Weary can I ask how long u have been on your increased dose of Zoloft for ??? And has it started to kick in yet. I've gone from 100mg to 150mg I've been on the increased 150 for 14 days today ( it's probably night where u are but where I am it's Thursday 4:22pm ).... I'm not feeling the benefits yet... I've been on Zoloft for 14 years & when I hit bad times of stress the anxiety & panic come back. I'm looking for the light at the end of the tunnel but can't see it yet :(

kelsta- it is 1247 am Thursday morning for me just getting ready for,bed ... I started my new dose on Feb 12 and am just now starting to feel some relief but I know it can take a few weeks to get past some things it is getting better keep with the dose increase for another few weeks if you don't feel better after 5-6 weeks then talk to your dr about it

03-06-2013, 11:20 PM
Thanks weary !!! Glad your starting to feel the benefits... Sleep well :)