View Full Version : anxiety and hormones

Diane V
06-28-2007, 06:39 PM

Am new here and am wondering if there are woman out there that can associate anxiety with hormones.

07-01-2007, 11:42 AM

I am new to this site and I am also interested if there is a strong connection between anxiety and hormones.

Here is my story briefly. I'm 31 years old I was nursing my only child for 2 years. I stopped 3 months ago about 3 days after I stopped I started waking up feeling really wierd. I had this feeling of extreme nervousness and a tightness in my throat and pressure in my chest. My heart was flip flopping too. I went to a DR he did an EKG, it was fine. He said he thought I had anxiety and prescribed Xanax. I took it, it helped. But I went to another Dr and said I didn't think it was anxiety and that I wanted other problems ruled out. She did blood tests and everything came back OK except she wanted me to get my thyroid checked in 3 months and she said I showed signs of inflamation which could be signs of a heart disease. you can imagine that totally freaked me out. So she passed me on to a cardiologist who wondered what I was doing there. He said that my echo came back fine. He said I was stressed and that I should exercise. Which I am doing. One of the questions I asked all of the Drs is could my stopping nursing cause these problems. A few said yes some said no.

So here I am 3 months later. A few symptoms have subsided I'm not so tired anymore or emotional. But I still have chest tightness (intermittent), a wierd feeling in my throat, and a feeling of jitteriness (no shaking or sweating) and I rarely sleep through the night. OK so now I ask, has anyone experienced this after stopping nursing. Does anyone have any suggestions or hope for me?