View Full Version : I hate those instant anxiety attacks....freaking out this AM

03-06-2013, 08:02 AM
I had a good week last week so I should have known something this week would send me into the spiral of doubt, worry, and flat out panic my chest is heaving and my heart is pounding I feel like Im sweating needles, I got sick its such a bad anxiety attack.....I was fine this morning had been doing pretty ok, went to the doc and am back on anti depressants the other day but this morning my husband was venting about work, he wanted to quit his job....as soon as the words were out of his mouth I was instantly in the throws of a full blown anxiety attack nothing I did or tried has been able to settle me..........is there any medication you can take out there that will help at the onset of an anxiety attack? this was at 4am and its 7am and im still in the throws of the attack I have 4 hrs in the car today and im not thrilled about trying to drive and be social with this gloom and doom hanging over my head. I shouldnt be so worried, my husband has always been good about getting work and making sure we can survive, I hate this, it makes me feel like im outta my mind it just keeps spiralling worse and worse. Deep breathing, helps but its like coming in waves ill calm a little then another wave of it drowns me and its back to deep breathing trying to gain some kind of control of my own mind. Im tired and not sleeping well wich doesnt help.

So what are some things other people do when something hits them outta the blue like this, I was totally un prepared for his announcement this morning and it really triggered a hell of an attack :-(

03-06-2013, 11:55 AM
Bless your heart I have SOOOO been there! Hang in there. Ask your doc about Ativan it has been a life savior for those spur of the moment attacks....as well as prayer! Don't give up you can beat this....we all can! My thoughts are with u!