View Full Version : I want to give up

03-06-2013, 07:13 AM
I'm exhausted from battling this week. I've tried to power through but with every stressful situation in work this week I'm getting full blown attack to the point of vomiting.

I just can't see a way out and I'm losing the fight.

03-06-2013, 07:33 AM
I'm exhausted from battling this week. I've tried to power through but with every stressful situation in work this week I'm getting full blown attack to the point of vomiting.

I just can't see a way out and I'm losing the fight.

Please Hang in there you're so not alone! These last 2 weeks have been so bad I was at the point of giving up too and didn't feel like waking up and living anymnore but I am trying to keep on fighting this. There are times during the panic attacks I feel like freezing the whole situation. What happened at work to make you so stressed out?

03-06-2013, 07:38 AM
Oh I was late with something and the client complained. It doesn't matter that none of my other 15 are very happy. It's just a cycle of things that keeps happening.

It just feels like everytime I start feeling okay my life gets out of control. Now I just want to get out of it.

03-06-2013, 10:27 AM
don't feel defeated

Never feel defeated, as hard as it is, pick yourself up and tell yourself you aren't going to lose the fight

03-06-2013, 12:41 PM
Oh I was late with something and the client complained. It doesn't matter that none of my other 15 are very happy. It's just a cycle of things that keeps happening.

It just feels like everytime I start feeling okay my life gets out of control. Now I just want to get out of it.

You have entirely too many things to be awesome at ahead of you to give up.

Gets soooooooo much beter and easier.

May sound kinda stupid but I used to write down what I was feeling during an attack.

When I was writing, it was more like observing then going through it.

Seems weird but it really helped me and by the time I finished writing it was always over.

Hold on tight....here comes a huge portion of thoughts and prayers.

03-06-2013, 01:28 PM
How about trying to stop fighting it and just let it be? Let it wash over you like a wave. Ignore it. Say FUCK IT! What are you fighting anyway? If you know it's anxiety then you know its a joke. It's a bluff. You are being bluffed. Stop buying into the bluff. You need to out bluff the bluff! Focus and visualize being anxiety free rather than seeing it as a fight or a battle. When it comes just relax and let go of all tension and allow it to pass. Don't fear it. You are fearing nothing that is actually harmful to you. Just let it go and ACT AS IF you do not have anxiety until your body follows the mind.

03-06-2013, 01:37 PM
A panic attack is like a Bear Trap... The more you struggle, the more it hurts you. :)

03-06-2013, 02:37 PM
Well said JesseD xxxx

03-06-2013, 03:53 PM
Don't let anxiety and panic beat you. Try to learn to work with it rather than just try to ignore it and shoe it away. Stay strong and stay positive. Positive self talk is so important. Have a good rest of your day everyone!

03-07-2013, 03:01 AM
Thanks guys. I'm still here although head def getting worse. it's more that I feel like coz of my anxiety my outlook on my life is crap. I just want to curl up in a little ball. Ive no fight left in me for my life anymore. I know it's not a bad one but I've fought depression & now this bloody anxiety for years.

Only thing that is stopping me is I can't do it to my mum.