View Full Version : Just venting about anxiety in general. Who else just gets pissed sometimes?

03-06-2013, 04:29 AM
Hey All,

Just venting....lately have been having the worst time of it in years! Literally years!!!! I have tried every technique I have ever used and have just yesterday started a bit higher dose of celexa and I don't know how to cope.
I tell myself that it was like this in the beginning and I got through it so I can this time too but it is different this time. I feel like I am shutting down and I am afraid of everything and I am about at my wits end with all of this nonsense.

I go to the store and mutter to myself like the Rain Man the few things on my list until I can get them as fast as I can and get out of there. I drove across town to an estate sale the other day and had to pull over twice because I was freaking out over what I have no idea. I went down town to my Dr.s appt and thought I would treat myself to a manicure on the way home but had chewed all my nails off on the damn drive.
I used to confront my anxiety in a store by browsing around until I calmed down and faced my fears to sort of desensitize myself to things but I just can't do it lately. I get chest pains that are out of this world, eyes twitching like a mad woman, sweating, shaking, jaws hurting and in general just turn into a complete mess.

I have lost interest in my home as far as cooking and walking the dogs, I am only comfortable when I am on my stupid couch reading or crocheting like I am 80 years old.
I just want to be me again! I used to love to go, love to be active, love meeting new people, driving to new places, going somewhere just to go a browse around see new places and things and stores and now the thought of it scares the hell out of me.
Up until a few weeks or so ago I could get through things, not always easily but get through it. Now I just sit here.

I need a hair trim and have put it off for 6 weeks because I panic in the chair. something about sitting there and they put that cape around me I feel trapped and freak out.
Wow, just re-reading this, I am a mess and probably need a padded vacation.

If any of you have had times out of the blue this bad, how did you come out of it?

03-06-2013, 05:45 AM
Hey All,

Just venting....lately have been having the worst time of it in years! Literally years!!!! I have tried every technique I have ever used and have just yesterday started a bit higher dose of celexa and I don't know how to cope.
I tell myself that it was like this in the beginning and I got through it so I can this time too but it is different this time. I feel like I am shutting down and I am afraid of everything and I am about at my wits end with all of this nonsense.

I go to the store and mutter to myself like the Rain Man the few things on my list until I can get them as fast as I can and get out of there. I drove across town to an estate sale the other day and had to pull over twice because I was freaking out over what I have no idea. I went down town to my Dr.s appt and thought I would treat myself to a manicure on the way home but had chewed all my nails off on the damn drive.
I used to confront my anxiety in a store by browsing around until I calmed down and faced my fears to sort of desensitize myself to things but I just can't do it lately. I get chest pains that are out of this world, eyes twitching like a mad woman, sweating, shaking, jaws hurting and in general just turn into a complete mess.

I have lost interest in my home as far as cooking and walking the dogs, I am only comfortable when I am on my stupid couch reading or crocheting like I am 80 years old.
I just want to be me again! I used to love to go, love to be active, love meeting new people, driving to new places, going somewhere just to go a browse around see new places and things and stores and now the thought of it scares the hell out of me.
Up until a few weeks or so ago I could get through things, not always easily but get through it. Now I just sit here.

I need a hair trim and have put it off for 6 weeks because I panic in the chair. something about sitting there and they put that cape around me I feel trapped and freak out.
Wow, just re-reading this, I am a mess and probably need a padded vacation.

If any of you have had times out of the blue this bad, how did you come out of it?

I think you already know it because you said it in your post.

You already got through it before.

Go get a haircut. You look like a mess!

Go sit in that damn chair and let the panic come

A. Few belly breaths and the chest pains stop

Remember it's a feeling of fear without any danger

You feel discomfort but you're not in any danger

Sit there until the panic goes and then feel how strong you are

While your sitting there, write a grocery list.

You're cooking dinner for all of us here tonight

03-06-2013, 11:38 AM
Sounds like you use to live a pretty normal life before you started experiencing anxiety. There has to be a reason you're feeling like this all of a sudden. Could it be attributed to a scary past experience? Find the source of why you're feeling this way and address it. In reality the chances of something bad happening, though always possible, probably won't happen. Just realize that though we can't control the life around us, we can definitely control ours. Take control, face your fears and get out there and conquer your anxiety. Thought you could use a little motivation.. :)

03-06-2013, 01:13 PM
I think you already know it because you said it in your post.

You already got through it before.

Go get a haircut. You look like a mess!

Go sit in that damn chair and let the panic come

A. Few belly breaths and the chest pains stop

Remember it's a feeling of fear without any danger

You feel discomfort but you're not in any danger

Sit there until the panic goes and then feel how strong you are

While your sitting there, write a grocery list.

You're cooking dinner for all of us here tonight

Wow, I love how you just get right at it! Sometimes we need a swift kick in the pants....LOL
I couldn't get a hair appt today but will go sit in the damn chair yet this week and sorry having left overs tonight.

I see you are East Coast....are you as sick of winter as we are here in Michigan?

03-06-2013, 04:54 PM
So so sick of winter here

03-06-2013, 05:31 PM
When you feel trapped, like in the salon chair, take long deep breaths and count to 8, over and over again. Focus on the counting. And after a while you'll be so focused on counting you will forget about everything else. Learned that from a doctor when I was 12, and I continue to do it at 18!! :) go get your hair did!

03-06-2013, 05:35 PM
So so sick of winter here

Me tooooooooo!!!!!! :(

03-06-2013, 05:53 PM
I think you already know it because you said it in your post.

You already got through it before.

Go get a haircut. You look like a mess!

Go sit in that damn chair and let the panic come

A. Few belly breaths and the chest pains stop

Remember it's a feeling of fear without any danger

You feel discomfort but you're not in any danger

Sit there until the panic goes and then feel how strong you are

While your sitting there, write a grocery list.

You're cooking dinner for all of us here tonight

You're funny. I enjoy reading your posts! :)