View Full Version : is it normal to sometimes get random hopeless/scared thoughts

03-06-2013, 01:23 AM
So today I was having a great day in a great mood and all the sudden for like a second I got a hopeless scared for the future thought like I might not make it to tomorrow. Its the kind of thought you get when sometimes you are just scared what is going to happen for the future. I was doing something fun and then once I stopped I just got the feeling...almost like what if I die and dont ever get to do the things I love again? What if I go crazy one day or hurt myself?... it was NOT a panic attack feeling. I dont get physical symptoms...only mental. It sucks...anyone got any tips to get over those kind of thoughts when they occur? The thoughts really only last for a second (or less) but they usually happen when im not distracted or doing something I enjoy. They just make me feel shitty. Any tips or advice?

does anyone else suffer from this?

03-06-2013, 04:14 AM
I think it sounds like anxiety kicking in.. Or ... If you are in depression that may also account for those feelings .. I have them frequently but they last a lot longer than a second :) get well soon

03-06-2013, 05:24 AM
[it for sure sounds like anxiety

I think that most people with anxiety have had those WTF thoughts

You can read posts here about people afraid of hurting their family or themselves

Very normal symptoms

As scary as they are, they are just thoughts. Not reality.

Once you realize this , you won't react to them and they will stop

And when they do pop in your head, you can laugh and say " there is another symptom of anxiety"

You have the cure in you