View Full Version : Does Zoloft Really Work for Anxiety?

03-05-2013, 08:31 PM
I saw my GP today for a follow up. He's trying to get me into a high caliber psychiatric center in the city I live in. It's taking time...even a referral and that he knows people there doesn't even guarantee that I'll be seen.

While he reassured me that I don't seem like I'm a threat to myself or anybody, that I seemed perfectly articulate and self aware (his words, because I asked him for reassurance) he did say that I seem to be in a constant state of unrest.

He perscribed me Zoloft, 50mg. I'm afraid to start because Idk how it will work for me. I told him that I don't think I'm depressed, just severely anxious. And since he already said it may make me feel temporarily like not myself, that worries me. If I feel any less like myself I'm not gonna be sane. I feel barely sane... maybe it's just the anxiety talking. I HOPE it is...

Extreme derealization, some degree of deprsonalization, constant fatigue, dizzyness, irrational fears, fear of anxiety becoming schizo, fear of losing control, fear of sleeping, strong health anxiety, strong agoraphobia which I never had, no concept of time (actually tho, my doc said I seem to have a strong concept of time), everything looks strange, very strong sensitivity to motion and sound... I'm putting myself out there now. But that's how I'm feeling. Am I losing it?

So yea, is Zoloft really the answer? Should I just take small doses first to see how it makes me feel?
I'm just plagued by the "what if" bug. Help

** I did take Zoloft when I was younger and it worked well for me. But my body chemistry may be different from how it was then. I was a young teen then, I'm a young adult now. And back then I didn't have anxiety, I was in a deep depression.**

03-05-2013, 09:43 PM
Fording the waters- I so know how you feel I was the same way when I started. When the first prescribed me the Zoloft I started at a low dose of 25 mg because my gp knows how I feel about meds so we started low in may of 2012 I was not depressed either but Zoloft is not just for depression it also works for anxiety. I was doing really well on the 25 mg but then things started down hill for me with extra pressures so I made my appointment and asked him to up it to 50 because I was starting to fade back into my old habits. So we did and I was terrified to take the 50mg but people here helped me get through the first few days. Don't read the side effects ever have someone else read them and keep them posted as to how you are feeling so they can reassure you that it is normal. The first few weeks I was a little tired more then usual and had Cotten mouth for a few weeks lots of gum lol and the first week I had a little loss of appetite but after a few weeks it all went away. Therefore trust and believe in your dr. But remember you will have to give it a fair chance I have been on the 50mg for 3 1/2 weeks and somewhat starting to feel a little better everyday.

I try to do one thing I would not normally do if I can do it great if I can't then I try again the next day.

Remember everyone s body reacts differently but you have to try before you will know.

Best of luck my friend

03-05-2013, 10:23 PM
You have all the same fears as me !! :) lol

03-05-2013, 11:21 PM
In my case zoloft helped me tremendously for panic and anxiety attacks but it failed to cure my depression.

03-06-2013, 12:36 AM
I have been on Zoloft for 14 years for panic/anxiety. It helps. Trust me !!! But u have to give it time to work...

03-06-2013, 03:15 AM
I started 50mg Zoloft per day 4 weeks ago today for anxiety and it is helping me. I think it started to kick in around the 3 week mark. At first I was yawning quite a bit and a bit more tired but other than that was fine. I too worried about the side effects. I think the advice is right not to keep looking or thinking about those - like I did!

03-06-2013, 03:22 AM
I started taking 50mg Zoloft per day 4 weeks ago for health anxiety. It is working for me, I think it started kicking in around the 3 week mark. I too was worried about the side effects thinking that it would make my anxiety worse, but I was fine. I agree, don't dwell on the side effects, don't look at them.

03-06-2013, 03:23 AM
Oops! Didn't mean to do two replies!

03-06-2013, 04:23 AM
I agree vicky... The side affects will subside

03-06-2013, 04:46 AM
I feel for you!!

07-22-2013, 06:10 AM

Extreme derealization, some degree of deprsonalization, constant fatigue, dizzyness, irrational fears, fear of anxiety becoming schizo, fear of losing control, fear of sleeping, strong health anxiety, strong agoraphobia which I never had, no concept of time (actually tho, my doc said I seem to have a strong concept of time), everything looks strange, very strong sensitivity to motion and sound... I'm putting myself out there now. But that's how I'm feeling. Am I losing it?

OMG. That's me to a T. Wow. I am also on 50 mg of the Z. The part where everything looks strange, is still hard for me to deal with. I've had my eyes checked and my vision has not changed at all, but even when I'm driving, things just look weird. Or maybe that's my anxiety thinking things look weird. This sucks.

07-22-2013, 06:26 AM
I haven't started mine for the same reason lol but i need to give it a chance