View Full Version : Worrying over nothing?

03-05-2013, 10:56 AM
Hi everyone. Hope you're all doing well.

If you read my last post you will know that my Mother-in-law passed away over the weekend. It was very sudden and my husband is in pieces.
I've had a few wobbles over the past few days with feelings of panic and dp but I've tried to ignore these feelings and let them come and go as they please and for the most part I'm doing ok.
Now here's what I'm obsessing over - my husbands family have decided to bury their mum in a cemetery which is about fifteen miles from where we live and as I have a HUGE problem with travelling anywhere out if my comfort zone (which is tiny - about a five mile radius) I am now freaking out. Obviously I want to be there for my husband on the day to support him but all the same old fears keep popping into my head and I'm getting more and more panicky as the days go by - what if I freak out and I'm too far away from home? I can't make a show of myself on the day by running from the church because I feel faint and claustrophobic. What if I have the worst panic ever and I die?!? Obviously that last one is a bit far fetched but I am honestly scared witless.
I have diazepam in my handbag for emergencies but I hate taking them because I'm always afraid that something will happen. Will taking one kill me if my heart rate is already too high? I'm seriously needing some advice and understanding here guys. Normally my husband is my rock and now the tables are turned I'm afraid I'm not going to be strong enough to even make the journey! Help! Xxxx

03-05-2013, 12:29 PM
Take the medicine. It will not kill you.....its meant to slow down your heart rate and make you feel more calm. It will already be a stressful day already....I think you don't want your nerves kicking in even more. You will be fine. Help your husband through that day....it will be difficult for him.

03-05-2013, 06:10 PM
I too use valium as it works quickly and although I don't like it one freakin' bit, it allows me to travel, etc, and am grateful these meds are there for judicious use. Just having it helps tons. Again, I don't like it at all but have reluctantly accepted it. Alankay