View Full Version : heart palpatIons...

03-04-2013, 08:22 PM
k so i never used to have them and now ive been getting them every once in awhile. please tell me not to google or worry lol. i dont wanna end up in the er

03-04-2013, 08:53 PM
I have had them everyday for the past year. The doctor has done blood work and I wore a 24hour heart monitor. All is well and it is a common symptom of anxiety. It can also be caused by fatigue, stress, and caffeine among other things.

03-04-2013, 09:11 PM
Do not google it's not a good idea it will make it worse. Call your dr in the morning and see if he can get you in for an appt and let them run some tests to be on the safe side. I have ahead chest pains for almost 8 yrs now and finally getting some relief with medication however 22 EKG s and numerous scan and countless trip to er there is nothing wrong with my heart just sever anxiety. But please don't google it will make you think all sorts of other crazy ass things