View Full Version : I've been homebound by anxiety for 3 months now, how long will it take to come out of

03-04-2013, 03:19 PM
it, realistically speaking? I understand these kinds of things don't go away overnight, and that everyone is different, but I feel like this will never go away and hearing more stories about peolpe's slow road to recovery helps.

Of course, I'm still looking to see specialists and what not to rule out underlying conditions, but I know how important it is for me to get my anxiety in check.

If anyone wants to PM me their story, I'd appreciate it.

03-04-2013, 08:01 PM
I'm sorry to hear your anxiety is keeping you from doing the things you want to do,I myself am in the same situation (kinda) at the moment so I know how frustrating itis but up until this current little blip I'm haveing I have actually had a really successful recovery from anxiety so don't lose hope Hun ITIS possible and will happen..I went from begin housebound for over a year to gradually being able to do everything I thought wouldn't be possible again..it was a slow recovery (to start with) but with time it gets easier took me a few months to start venturing out (even thou I had to come home after 5mins it was a start) and it does gradually get easier 5 mins turns to 15,15 turns to 30,30 turns to an hour within just over a year I was back to doing everything I did before anxiety took hold. a year sounds a long time but when u have been in the grip of anxiety for 4yrs it's nothing....hope u find your road Hun remember the small steps add up xx