View Full Version : am i suffering with anxiety

03-04-2013, 02:01 PM
hello im new here. i need some help.
ive been suffering with constant dizziness and vertigo for 2 months. and its left me with terrible anxiety bt now im wondering could the anxiety ive had for years caused the dizziness? i thought i was dealing ok but has my body thought otherwise. im 23 with 3 young children. ive a clicking jaw because im constantly clenching my teeth and i cant relax. i now feel very out of body its so strange its like my bodys not my own im very fidgity feel like i have to move body parts all the time. i also have nausea and no appetite and ive lost a stone and a half in 6 weeks. does this sound like anxiety my minds racing all the time. i want help. the dr gave me beta blockers propranolol 10mg i just take one before bed as it leaves me too spaced out during the day bt is this enough to be taking i dont feel much better im only on them ten days. im sorry for the long post i jus want someone to understand how im feeling im so afraid

03-04-2013, 06:48 PM
That sounds like anxiety to me.
Sounds like the symptoms everyone here has had one time or another.
Mind racing and treating your thoughts as reality a very typical symptom.
Everyone here understand how you feel and everyone here at one point has felt that they were the only one with these symptoms.
Remember that it feels scary but it is no way dangerous.
Keep your faith! It gets so much easier.

03-04-2013, 07:01 PM
Ya it's anxiety

03-04-2013, 07:05 PM
long [QUOTE=ddonaghey1989;83187]hello im new here. i need some help.
ive been suffering with constant dizziness and vertigo for 2 months. and its left me with terrible anxiety bt now im wondering could the anxiety ive had for years caused the dizziness? i thought i was dealing ok but has my body thought otherwise. im 23 with 3 young children. ive a clicking jaw because im constantly clenching my teeth and i cant relax. i now feel very out of body its so strange its like my bodys not my own im very fidgity feel like i have to move body parts all the time. i also have nausea and no appetite and ive lost a stone and a half in 6 weeks. does this sound like anxiety my minds racing all the time. i want help. the dr gave me beta blockers propranolol 10mg i just take one before bed as it leaves me too spaced out during the day bt is this enough to be taking i dont feel much better im only on them ten days. im sorry for the long post i jus want someone to understand how im feeling im so afraid

Hi I am a long time anxiety sufferer and currently am on 100mg of sertraline a week I had exactly what you had for 2 or more years and wouldn't seek any help but when I finally did I was put on propanalol it was horrific I was in a and e 7 nights a week thinking I was a goner what point I am making is you need maybe medicated with ssri's for a while see your gp and hopefully it will level you out :)