View Full Version : Health anxiety is at it again

Forrest Owl
03-04-2013, 11:36 AM
So I was on here a few weeks ago about how I was scared of having ovarian cancer because I am bloated all the time. well I went to the primary and they took blood for celiac disease and hpylori and they both came back negative I also voiced my concerns about the ovarian thing so he gave me a physical pelvic exam and said he didn't feel anything on my ovaries, BUT I am still having the bloating problem and I still think that hes wrong and I do have ovarian cancer, please help! my health anxiety is so bad, I don't know what else to do.

03-04-2013, 12:32 PM
Try and join kik it's an app for a phone and you can talk to me I had a really bad case of health anxiety I went through it really bad thinking j had a brain tumor .. I had alot of symptoms u can't even imagine all I'ma tell you ..is that ur fine u don't have ovarian cancer ..I'm giving u reassurance wich is not good cause its not gonna work is gonna make you check and check again u gotta accept the thoughts remember its ur anxiety it's a false thought !!!!

03-04-2013, 01:09 PM
So I was on here a few weeks ago about how I was scared of having ovarian cancer because I am bloated all the time. well I went to the primary and they took blood for celiac disease and hpylori and they both came back negative I also voiced my concerns about the ovarian thing so he gave me a physical pelvic exam and said he didn't feel anything on my ovaries, BUT I am still having the bloating problem and I still think that hes wrong and I do have ovarian cancer, please help! my health anxiety is so bad, I don't know what else to do.

Hi, im going through the exact same thing at this moment. I lost a baby Dec 2011 and my stomach hasn't been right since. Heart burn, pain under my right rib- side and back. Pain in lower down and bloating. Well I have been tested for Celiacs , Helicobacter , thyroid, liver function, smear, ultra sound , ecg loads of stomach exams as well as an endoscope two weeks ago. Ive also had a swelling come up on my stomach under my right rib. I thought at one point it was gallbladder problems but the scan and blood tests have ruled that out. They don't think the lump is anything bad however the problem I have is that it wasn't there and now its just turned up. I now have constipation and one dr insists its IBS. Then out of the blue I started to have pain in my ovary across my hip and down my leg and spotting in between my periods. I had been on Google and I do have some of the signs of ovarian cancer but the dr said she doesn't think I have that she thinks that I could have endometriosis as that also has some of the signs that ive been having and I have had a smear as well as a scan and they were clear. Last week I couldn't cope any more I was so scared I was sick with worry and crying. Everyone keeps telling me im fine and not to worry about it. However that's easier said than done. As somebody said to me Flour , eggs & milk can make a pancake but it can also make a Yorkshire pudding . If your dr didn't feel anything on your ovaries that's a good thing I and that's what I also have to tell myself also if your doctor was worried they would have sent you for more tests to check. Try to have faith in your dr try and trust them. Bloating can happen for many reasons , like what you have eaten, time of month etc . You can always get a second opinion and maybe go to a different doctor.