View Full Version : am I thinking too much

03-04-2013, 10:14 AM
Just walked home with a friend. I was telling her about a phone call I had with my mam today. I ended up ranting about it.

I feel like I probably done her head in and she wouldnt want to know. She has recently had a baby and I feel as though this was very selfish of me???

I dont know if im just thinking too much about it. I understand I will be feeling slightly up a height considering I spoke to my mother. So I am in need of reassurance as to whether I was selfish or just normal.

03-04-2013, 10:32 AM
Yes. Yes. Yes. You are!!!!

Maybe you did go on about it a little bit who knows but stilllllll! Everybody does this! im sure she understands. i think ive burst my friends eardrums by going on and on and on. Its part of being friends. Next time, just talk a little more about her, AND DONT WORRY! :)