View Full Version : Might I have made my anxiety worse by doing H.I.I.T.?

03-04-2013, 12:04 AM
For those of you who don't know, that stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It's an exercise routine that's different from standard cardio in that it's aimed at
maximising efficiency in a short time.

I started doing this type of exercise back at the end of last summer and I took at lot of B12 at the time. While it made my athletic performance phenomenal, I did notice I started to get very tired around that time, yet kept doing it, sometimes every day.

It was Sept. 7th that I first went to the ER for anxiety, ironically, on the one year anniversary of my girlfriend and me. I was very fatigued that day and the fatigued triggered a massive panic attack. I had not been to the ER in YEARS before then, I've been there several times since. The findings are always the same, high anxiety.

I kept on ramping up my athletic efforts and ended up so fatigued by the time my anxiety kicked into high gear around late November. Since then I have not felt a moment of not being fatigued.

H.I.I.T. is different from standard exercise in that it gets your heart rate and energy levels SURGING. It's like sprinting.
Is it possible I made a HUGE mistake by doing it? Before November 2012, my panic attacks and anxiety was manageable, today it has my whole life hostage. I will admit though, they were getting worse in the early months of 2012. For some reason in early 2012 they just began to continuously get worse.

As I've said in other posts, I suspect I have an adrenal issue, as I don't think it's normal to feel like I'm being flooded with adrenaline 24/7. And like I said before, I feel I need hospitalization, but until an endochronologist confirms this (and this may not even be the reason I feel like this), there's no chance of that. On paper, I just don't appear to have any health issues, yet I feel like crap 24/7.

I'm trying to get recognised by my university as temporarily disabled. And am in contact with my teachers as to why I've missed so much school. I'm in danger of hurting my academic record.

I'm starting to wonder if by pushing too hard, I ruined my adrenals. Flighty people like me can't just take on stuff like that without caution. =/

I'm sorry I post so much. I'm just looking for answers, and feedback from people who may have gone through the same kinds of situations as me.

03-04-2013, 12:58 AM
I also had a horrible panic attack after doing HIIT one day and I was also doing HIIT a lot then one day had a horrible panic attack to where I hardly do any cardio now and I haven't done and HIIT since then for fear it will happen again. Have you tried any B vitamin supplements that could help or practice slow breathing while doing cardio... It's difficult but that way your not breathing in a lot of oxygen and getting faint. If you find anything else that works for you let me know I would like to get back to cardio/HIIT. Hope that helps even a little

03-04-2013, 01:06 AM
I also had a horrible panic attack after doing HIIT one day and I was also doing HIIT a lot then one day had a horrible panic attack to where I hardly do any cardio now and I haven't done and HIIT since then for fear it will happen again. Have you tried any B vitamin supplements that could help or practice slow breathing while doing cardio... It's difficult but that way your not breathing in a lot of oxygen and getting faint. If you find anything else that works for you let me know I would like to get back to cardio/HIIT. Hope that helps even a little

Thank u.

Yes, I used to take B12, which is awesome for energy, but apparently it's not good if you have anxiety. I stopped taking it.

No, you definitely want to keep your oxygen intake high no matter what.

HIIT is very beneficial, but it gets your body racing. I get the feeling most people who do it are not anxious. Those of us who are shouldn't do it much unless we're totally used to it. The first week I did it, it burned me out. And that in turn fueled my anxiety. It's an awful feedback loop.

03-04-2013, 08:59 AM
Not a doctor but the fact you asked if doing this type of exercise program can make your anxiety worse tells me that your anxiety is asking the question.
I used to think the same way and because my heart was beating so fast, I was scared so it made my adreneline flow like a river so I stopped doing it.
Funny thing is, I stopped doing most physical things for a while and guess what? I found other things that just had to be the cause.
You'll never answer the question but Lord knows I spent 2 decades looking for it.
By all means get reassured by a doctor, but that type of thinking is one of the biggest symptoms of anxiety.
Something tells me you will be able to do that program again and be just fine...again.