View Full Version : FREE Excellent Book For People With Anxiety

03-03-2013, 08:28 PM
I got this book a long time ago when I was suffering really bad, and it's a great and enjoyable read! I highly recommend it. It's by Amelina Linsdale called The Psychology of Fear, Panic and Anxiety. The weird thing is I don't think it's available anymore. I think she died and her family took over or something weird happened, but then didn't keep up the business of selling the book. I'm not totally sure what happened, but the website is gone and I think you can't even buy it anymore. It's not on Amazon either. Very strange as it's a fantastic book! I uploaded it to a site where you can download it for free for the next 10 days. I don't think there are any rights or anything to worry about since it doesn't even look available anymore. If anyone has any info about her and what happened let me know.

Here is a link where you can download it for free. I set this up. The file will only be available for 10 days: http://mbf.me/12qVyH

It's free so you don't have anything to lose.

Below is the Table of Contents.

1 Just the Jitters or Jumping Out of Your Skin? 3
We all get worried and feel stressed out, so how much anxiety
is too much? This chapter looks at the role of anxiety in your
life to help you figure out what’s normal and what’s not.

2 The Seven Sisters of Anxiety 19
Get to know the members of the anxiety family, what they
have in common, and how mental-health professionals recognize

3 Why Me? 31
Why do some people suffer from anxiety disorders and others
escape? This chapter looks at the combination of factors that
line up to create anxiety’s “perfect storm.”

4 What to Expect on the Path to Recovery 43
What does the journey from anxiety to peace look like? How
do we keep our eyes on the prize when we stumble or fall?
This chapter explores the path to emotional freedom, staying
motivated during tough times, and using personal values as
anchors against the winds of change.

5 Emotion Management 55
The ability to manage our emotions often makes the difference
between happiness and success on the one hand, and frustration
and self-sabotage on the other. This chapter looks at effective
strategies for listening to our emotions without letting
them take charge.

6 Making Friends with Anger 69
Anger is often the flip side of fear. This chapter explores the
complex ways anger and fear intermingle and how we can use
one to better manage the other.

7 Get a Move On! 81
Anxiety can cause us to run from situations we need to tackle
head on if we’re going to make our lives better. Whether it’s
the fear of failure or the fear of conflict that’s causing us to
duck and dodge, this chapter shows how we can be more assertive,
quit procrastinating, and take charge of our lives.

8 Tackling the “What-If” Syndrome 97
Discover the power of belief in fueling or relieving anxiety
and learn how to thrive whether the glass seems half empty or
half full.

9 Look Before That Mental Leap! 109
This chapter explores personal myths that feed our anxiety and
shows how we can write better scripts for our life stories.

10 Improve the State of Your Personality Traits 119
Celebrate your quirkiness and kick out bad mental habits!
This chapter explores the relationship between anxiety and
personality development.

11 Let’s Get Physical 133
What physical exercise promotes the calmest mind? Does
working out work out stress? And what the heck is yoga? This
chapter looks at mind-body connection through exercise and
how regular exercise can reduce tension and worry.

12 Mom Was Right: Eat Well and Get Some Sleep 143
You don’t have to have an anxiety disorder to get the jitters
from caffeine or low blood sugar. And lack of sleep can make
us anxious, just as anxiety can cause sleepless nights. This
chapter examines the role diet and sleep play in either nurturing
a peaceful core or disrupting our emotional equilibrium.

13 Undoing Perpetual Stress 153
Stress aggravates anxiety and anxiety makes it harder to deal
with stress. This chapter looks at state-of-the-art, stressmanagement
techniques and how we can prevent stressors in
our lives from sabotaging our recovery and torpedoing our

14 Surfing the Panic Tsunami 169
Whether you’re in treatment or not, panic attack sufferers
can use powerful strategies to regain control. Learn how to
manage the avalanche of physical symptoms and prevent them
from spiraling into catastrophic fears and an overwhelming
need to escape.

15 Snapping the Chains of Compulsive Behavior 183
For those of us with OCD, our lives can feel like an endless
cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Self-help strategies
can break the cycle, and, over time, extinguish the power our
repetitive thoughts and rituals hold over us.

16 Exposing Yourself to Specific Phobias 195
Irrational fears and the avoidance of the situations/objects
that trigger them can hold us prisoner and run our lives. This
chapter looks at how we can systematically tackle a seemingly
insurmountable fear and gradually desensitize ourselves to
what we’re most afraid of.

17 Moving Confidently Through Social Anxiety 207
Not only do social anxiety sufferers experience the same fears,
worrisome thoughts, and physical symptoms shared with other
types of phobias, they also experience social isolation and loneliness.
This chapter looks at self-help strategies unique for social
anxiety and how the Internet can be a practice field or a hideout
as we’re working to gain social confidence.

18 Need Some Help? Consider the Evidence 221
Anxiety disorders are highly treatable. This chapter looks at
what research says is likely to be most effective and how you
can do your own research to find the best therapist for you.

19 The Right Start: Anxiety During and After Pregnancy 237
Aren’t all expectant parents nervous? How much postpartum
anxiety is normal? If we’re already anxious, how do we survive
a pregnancy without medication? This chapter outlines
a panic-free pregnancy plan and shows how we can prevent
postpartum anxiety from disrupting the bonding process or
robbing us of the joys of parenting.

20 Raising Hardy Personalities 253
This chapter explores the secrets of resilience and how we parents
can teach our children to “party hardy” through life’s ups
and downs.

21 Calm Down! Helping Anxious Kids Recover 265
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! In this chapter, we learn how
to help our children overcome childhood fears and find out
when to call in the “wizard” when the worries just won’t go

03-04-2013, 06:32 AM
Downloaded. Thank-you PC

03-04-2013, 07:20 AM
Downloaded as well. Thank you!

03-04-2013, 08:56 AM
I guess I'm to late to download :(

03-04-2013, 12:49 PM
I guess I'm to late to download :(

Oh I see.

I will re-upload it.

03-04-2013, 12:57 PM
Here is the new link you can download it:


I guess only a certain amount of downloads are possible. Anyone else more computer savvy then me can post on a more permanent link?

03-04-2013, 12:58 PM
Oh I see.

I will re-upload it.

Should I try again?

03-04-2013, 12:59 PM
Here is the new link you can download it:


I guess only a certain amount of downloads are possible. Anyone else more computer savvy then me can post on a more permanent link?

It's downloaded thanx PC :)

03-04-2013, 01:01 PM
It's downloaded thanx PC :)

It doesn't let me open file though!!!

03-04-2013, 01:03 PM
It doesn't let me open file though!!!

Got it now cool thanks

03-04-2013, 01:06 PM
It doesn't let me open file though!!!

You have Adobe Reader (pdf) on your computer Saldav?

If not http://get.adobe.com/ > click downloads at the top, and then click Adobe Reader - Free and safe.

I can open it fine, so it must be a software issue. Looks an interesting book, I can't believe they let it slip from circulation.

03-04-2013, 01:11 PM
Yeah this book is amazing! I wonder what happened with her and the book. Do you see it being sold anywhere? I guess people that don't want or can't pay for other programs can read this. Or even if they have other programs can still read it. I love the little illustrations and tips.

03-04-2013, 02:06 PM
Yeah this book is amazing! I wonder what happened with her and the book. Do you see it being sold anywhere? I guess people that don't want or can't pay for other programs can read this. Or even if they have other programs can still read it. I love the little illustrations and tips.

I feel kinda sad, knowing she passed. She seems to have put a lot of effort into the book, and you really get to know someone reading their literature. I've never seen it sold anywhere. I don't know why her family don't create a cheap website, and sell the book. Costs a couple of bucks at most. So much work has gone into it with the editing, and all the graphics and illustrations. Seems a waste people can't read it, it seems really great for newbies.

03-04-2013, 02:59 PM
Do you know for certain she died? I couldn't find any info on her when I searched in google. But don't worry. I am sure she did not die from anxiety!

03-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Do you know for certain she died? I couldn't find any info on her when I searched in google. But don't worry. I am sure she did not die from anxiety!

I don't know for sure, but it seems that way from what I googled. She doesn't seem that old from the book. Sad situation. Seems there are lots of people online looking for her ebook too. Nobody dies directly from anxiety dude... If you want to make some new friends, upload it to a few other forums.

03-04-2013, 03:21 PM
I don't know for sure, but it seems that way from what I googled. She doesn't seem that old from the book. Sad situation. Seems there are lots of people online looking for her ebook too. Nobody dies directly from anxiety dude... If you want to make some new friends, upload it to a few other forums.

Well, you have the book now so you can upload it too.

03-04-2013, 03:30 PM
Looks like this guy sells it along with a package of other books but gives you a 7 day free trial:


I wonder what is deal is with the owners of the book.

03-04-2013, 03:44 PM
Looks like this guy sells it along with a package of other books but gives you a 7 day free trial:


I wonder what is deal is with the owners of the book.

Thats weird. If you notice, all the other books are written by him, with that one included. I wonder if he was related in anyway to Linsdale, and he's carrying it on. It says all material is copyrighted, so I can only assume he runs the book now. Whatever he did, he's making $40 a sale.

Ryan, from Calm Clinic, if you ever find this thread through a search, please update us! :)

03-04-2013, 04:33 PM
No he is not taking credit for the book. It says her name.

03-04-2013, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the book :)

the calm clinic page shows 4 books but the three by Ryan are ebooklets, so I guess the three are not books but rather short booklets?

03-04-2013, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the book :)

Your reading list is building up now! Better lock yourself in the library for a week ;)

03-04-2013, 05:58 PM
I know! lol...been jumping from one book to the next absorbing all I can! Can't tell you how happy I am to have these books...they are a great help thanks to you and PaniCure :)

03-04-2013, 06:17 PM
I know! lol...been jumping from one book to the next absorbing all I can! Can't tell you how happy I am to have these books...they are a great help thanks to you and PaniCure :)

I hope you're taking it all in. Theres gonna be a test on it this Friday - lol :D

03-04-2013, 07:07 PM
lol...guess I better get cramming :o darn...never been good with tests!

03-05-2013, 10:39 PM
Can someone please re-upload a link for this.


03-06-2013, 12:11 AM
New Link: http://mbf.me/11Lpdc

Anyone want to review the book?

03-06-2013, 02:27 AM
Thanks PanicCured greatly appreciated.

03-08-2013, 10:07 AM
Can anyone upload the book again please????

03-08-2013, 02:45 PM
Here you go:


03-19-2013, 05:13 AM
So you guys liking the book?

03-19-2013, 08:34 AM
Can u send a new link?

03-19-2013, 09:21 AM
I would love to read this! Is there any way you can put a new link up please? :D Most appreciated if you can! Thank you!!

03-19-2013, 04:32 PM
New Link:


Anyone want to talk about what they think o the book?

03-19-2013, 05:36 PM
thank you so very much!

03-20-2013, 01:34 PM
Thanks for sharing this. For some odd reason the link above doesn't bring me to a page where I can download it..

03-20-2013, 02:14 PM
It says the file isn't available anymore.

03-20-2013, 05:46 PM
New Link: http://mbf.me/13iH8v

Why isn't anyone else posting a link is what I can't understand? Can anyone else share this?

Anyone have thoughts on the book?

03-20-2013, 06:17 PM
Um if anyone knows anything about tech could you help me out here? I successfully downloaded the book, but my phone keeps telling me it's unable to open the file. I do have adobe on my phone, I even just updated it...is there another reader I should download to open this or do I need to just transfer it to my computer?

03-20-2013, 09:42 PM
I have the same problem.

03-21-2013, 06:36 AM
I went into panic cure link and it came up with a funny pink advert but middle of page in little letters was download here for book. I pressed the download button and it worked. I then used fbreader to open the file from the downloads on my pc. Hope this helps you to download it too.

03-21-2013, 09:16 AM
I've managed to download it straight onto iBooks. ( if anyone has iPhone or ipad )

03-21-2013, 10:51 AM

Sorry I am at work and not sure how to upload it. If people still need it when I get home I will try to do that tonight. It is slow so I am reading it. Still on the first chapter but so far I find it very enlightening. I like how she is describing what is and what is not normal anxiety. I definitely do not just have normal anxiety, (which makes sense since I have been told I have panic disorder). I would definitely LOVE to discuss more with you once I read a little more. So..more posts to come! Should I just put them on this thread then? Will you see them?

03-21-2013, 04:17 PM
You guys are hilarious. Ok, this is the last time I am going to upload it. After this, you guys need to pass it on to people yourselves or find a way to permanently store it somewhere. Post reviews of the book here. It should be very helpful to everyone!

New Link:


Suicidal Depression
03-22-2013, 05:35 AM
Thank you for this. Just downloaded I'll start reading it tomorrow and write a small review.

05-16-2013, 02:48 AM
Could you please possibly repost the link?

12-17-2014, 05:18 AM
Got it now cool thanks

Is this link still available or can it be reposted to where I can get a copy of this book as well?


12-17-2014, 05:23 AM
Can I get a link for this book? I seem to be getting in this too late. Please let me know.

12-18-2014, 05:16 PM
I've managed to download it straight onto iBooks. ( if anyone has iPhone or ipad )
Oh do you :) I could not get it

12-18-2014, 11:58 PM
I added it here for download. It should be up for a little:


A really great and fun read. For some reason it is out of print and very difficult to find. I scored it a while ago. The Eastern Essentials guy gives it away here as part of his Heal Anxiety Package thing too. http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

12-19-2014, 04:10 PM
I added it here for download. It should be up for a little:

Hello, I have been searching for this book after I had been disappointed to find out that it was no longer available from the original woman. I think that it is great that you have been re posting the book for free for people who need it, but for some reason the most recent link says the download is no longer available, I would very much appreciate if it was uploaded again because I trust this source, and the only other downloads I have found online (and scanned with virus detection) contain malicious content or require credit card information. After learning about this book, I feel like it could be very beneficial for me and others in my life. If the download could be added again I would be very grateful .

12-20-2014, 08:42 AM
Hello, I have been searching for this book after I had been disappointed to find out that it was no longer available from the original woman. I think that it is great that you have been re posting the book for free for people who need it, but for some reason the most recent link says the download is no longer available, I would very much appreciate if it was uploaded again because I trust this source, and the only other downloads I have found online (and scanned with virus detection) contain malicious content or require credit card information. After learning about this book, I feel like it could be very beneficial for me and others in my life. If the download could be added again I would be very grateful .

There is a certain amount of downloads that site allows. Try this: http://free.mailbigfile.com/6510f88f258bdc9bba56c2c8c974ba8f/listFiles.php

12-21-2014, 02:55 PM
Hello, I have been lookingfor this book all day and it was not available amazon or for download or anywhere i have looked. This seems to be my only chance to get this book Im certain it would make such a difference I would be EXTREMELY grateful to anyone who wouldnt mind please posting a link where i could download it - all other options i have tried (desperately) have failed and just made me waste my sunday installing malware and adware antivirus software to get my laptop working again after intial tries! It would make such a difference im certain of it... heres hoping, many thanks Matt

12-21-2014, 05:39 PM
Hello, I have been lookingfor this book all day and it was not available amazon or for download or anywhere i have looked. This seems to be my only chance to get this book Im certain it would make such a difference I would be EXTREMELY grateful to anyone who wouldnt mind please posting a link where i could download it - all other options i have tried (desperately) have failed and just made me waste my sunday installing malware and adware antivirus software to get my laptop working again after intial tries! It would make such a difference im certain of it... heres hoping, many thanks Matt

Isn't anyone else able to do this but me? All of these people who have this book nobody else can do this? Try this: http://free.mailbigfile.com/23ddb5cdc30ffd89c6bed92a891b4b31/listFiles.php

If that doesn't work you can contact the guy at Eastern Essentials for it: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

01-25-2015, 01:00 AM
Hi can any one upload the book again? much appreciated :)

Kath Uphasri
06-16-2015, 08:36 PM
I am too looking for the Amelina Linsdale called The Psychology of Fear, Panic and Anxiety.

Did you have any luck finding it?

Kath Uphasri
06-16-2015, 08:38 PM
All the links I found had expired. Any one knows if there is a permanent link some where? Thanks in advance.

06-16-2015, 08:39 PM
I am too looking for the Amelina Linsdale called The Psychology of Fear, Panic and Anxiety.

Did you have any luck finding it?

I've got it if you want it, Kath. Good book. Her family went mad online trying to delete every link though. Which is sad, cos it helps a lot of people.

I'll PM you my email. You can reply to it if you want and I'll send it through.

Kath Uphasri
06-16-2015, 09:05 PM
Thanks so much. Please send me the link. It is much appreciated. By the way, did it help you?

06-16-2015, 09:06 PM
Thanks so much. Please send me the link. It is much appreciated. By the way, did it help you?

It's a very thorough book, I like it. I'll PM you now.

07-01-2015, 08:39 AM
Hi Could you please send me the book link? It would be much appreciated



Uma Priyaa
07-01-2015, 11:23 AM
I've got it if you want it, Kath. Good book. Her family went mad online trying to delete every link though. Which is sad, cos it helps a lot of people.

I'll PM you my email. You can reply to it if you want and I'll send it through.
Hi! Could you please send me a link too? I'm very interested in this book. Thanks!

07-01-2015, 07:52 PM
Can anyone share a link or forward? I'm desperately seeking. Looked everywhere. No links work and if they do, the site says downloads are maxed. Please, I would be extremely grateful.

07-01-2015, 07:54 PM
It's a very thorough book, I like it. I'll PM you now.
Is it possible for you to share with me, as well? I've searched everywhere and am at a loss.

Mariana Saraiva
07-02-2015, 08:10 PM
I'd really like to get my hands on the ebook, if someone could hook me up.

07-12-2015, 11:36 PM
Hi! Just new here, is there anyway to get this book? I need it badly... I would be really grateful...

07-13-2015, 01:49 PM
I uploaded it again, so download it while you can. The link doesn't stay active for long.


07-17-2015, 03:01 AM
I uploaded the book again here.


I care but I can't really post here anymore because when I try to help someone too many jerks stop me from me trying to do my thing. I simply can't help people under these circumstances. If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, please trust me that you can overcome it, and what you are going through is 100 times simpler than you are making it out to be.

REMEMBER: One of the reasons you think it's so serious is because you have anxiety!

Also, please realize that some people on this website use this as a social outing, not as a means to guide you towards being anxiety free. When I first came on here a few years ago in my desperate state, I used this site to help guide me in my healing process. I was not aware this was also a place where people congregated as friends to hang out, all I wanted was answers and tips. If all you want is to get better, be aware that some people will not offer you any help other than let's have a pity party together. Don't follow or listen to them. Only listen to those who have advice on how you can get better.

Getting healed from anxiety takes extreme effort from you! Unless you have a bonafide medical condition, it is you that heals yourself and you must initiate the healing process!

I was extremely diligent in my healing practice and spent over 6 months working on myself to get better. I have no aspects of an anxiety disorder left in me. At one time I couldn't even take a shower without massive panic and stepping out of my home was a massive chore. Sometimes leaving my bedroom took monumental effort. All of those feelings have since left me and I just live my life.. I made a post detailing some of the things I did to go from extreme panic disorder to freedom here: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8633-Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder

The goal of that post is for you to read it, and then get a firm grip of what anxiety is and how to get it better. I don't expect you to do everything I did or follow it blindly. Once you understand the concept, you can create your own healing path based on the similar philosophy and techniques to what I wrote. Don't believe people if they say you will be stuck with anxiety forever or everyone is so different and requires such unique and different methods. Anxiety is a very simple process.

Some people get very defensive and angry when I post stuff like this, and part of the reason may be they have used anxiety as their identity and deep down do not really want to get better. It is a mind-fuck, but many people with chronic disorders have used that as their identity or so long, they simply will fight you to not get better and will offer every excuse they can why they can;t get better. This is utter bullshit!

The future is in your hands!

Read this:

and this:


Good luck!

07-17-2015, 10:44 AM
I uploaded the book again here.

http://free.mailbigfile.com/thank_you_simple.php?files_in_queue=1&files_uploaded_successfully=1&files_uploaded_un_successfully=0&[email protected]&link[]=CV1yVD

I care but I can't really post here anymore because when I try to help someone too many jerks stop me from me trying to do my thing. I simply can't help people under these circumstances.


Panic, your advice would be a lot easier for people to handle if more of your posts were actually worded like this one. You sound like you CARE about helping these people. In some of your other posts where "jerks" tried to stop you, you come across as an egotistical jerk yourself, to be blunt. Maybe some of it just comes across that way because we are typing online- there are no emotions or facial expressions.

I'm not accusing you of BEING egotistical or BEING jerk- that is just simply how you could be perceived sometimes.

People have a hard time taking "advice" from people like that. Especially people with anxiety issues. So maybe If you could be a little more gentle, your advice would be taken a lot more gracefully.

Just some food for thought. :)

07-17-2015, 01:49 PM

07-18-2015, 04:19 PM
I think I posted the wrong link for the book. Here it is:

Just ignore the people that hate on me. Just ignore what they say. I don't have hero syndrome. Man, that is really messed up to call someone that. Just understand the logic I am trying to get across and ignore the haters. They don't get it. Anytime I post a thought provoking helpful post to help people with anxiety, some jerk has to come out of the shadows and abuse me, blocking what I was trying to do. The people that hate on me are the people that will still be on this website with anxiety in 10 years from now. The people that got better and have disappeared aren't the ones with the non stop criticizing me. They are the ones sending me PMs of gratitude. Actually, just ignore anyone online that goes around abusing others in a vengeful way with no content behind their posts. People that do that feel powerless in their own lives so they think beating peopel down behind a computer screen will help them feel more powerful and worthy.

Anyway, just enjoy the book. Really great and fun read! After the link expires other people can keep posted it.

How has Amelina's books helped you?

07-18-2015, 04:48 PM
"I work in sales. I bullshit all the time man."

Still, what can you really expect from a guy that has been known to bully cancer sufferers off the forum? Certainly not clout and reason.

I didn't want to take the bait but you are a very sick man to type this! I have never ever bullied a cancer sufferer, actually I have never bullied anyone. I have only defended myself from horrible abusive people like you that will spin a story in hopes of hurting me and beating me down! There was someone a year or 2 ago I had arguments with that I found out over a year later after the argument she had cancer. I had absolutely no idea at the time this person was sick in any way, as I do not read many posts here nor do I get into people's lives, and had no idea who that person was. I did not bully that person anyway, as I am not a bully. To spin this story of me having an argument with someone as bullying cancer sufferers is extremely disgusting of you and shows us more of your messed up character. Since my dad died of cancer, and I was with him throughout his suffering, I am well aware of the pain and anguish cancer can cause and could never and would never do something bad to anyone with that horrible disease! Again, I did not bully that person, but most importantly, I had no idea that person had cancer until I was told over 1 year later! You are very sick to even type such a thing as you know damn well since I have told you many times before I did not know that person had cancer and you know damn well your choice of "bully" is simply to make me look bad. And anyway, the argument I had with that person had ZERO to do with cancer anyway! That is just a way for you to try and make me look like a monster. There was no conversation I had with her about cancer anyway!

"I'd already uploaded the ebook, but I like how he's gotta come in and make sure nobody steals his thunder."

Really shows how sick you are. And I am getting many PMs about the book asking for it. So I come here to find that thread about the book. I came on here and I saw your link has expired so I posted a new one. I figure since I posting, I may as well give a minor pep talk and help someone. For some reason the idea that I actually like helping people lost in anxiety is so bizarre to you and makes you very uncomfortable and gives you this desire to come here and try and discredit me.

You keep insinuating false things about me and think it is your job to call me out and beat me down, but it is I who called you out on what a lying fraud fool you were. You posted me PMs how you are acting and bullshit others online an dhow you don;lt like "Im Suffering" but act as you do to bullshit, becase you are a bulshitter. And then when I posted your emails to me about what a fraud you were, you then lie and tell people no, you were actually just lying to me. What a fraud! It is because when you post horrible things about me, you are probably just talking about yourself.

Let's see what was it you told me:
"My main reason for that long-winded post is because I reeeeeeeeally want to see a picture of Im-Suffering. I just have to know who talks like that, and who gives advice based on their conversations with the dead. The curiosity is killing me. Other than that, I don't like his tone at all"

So you basically used him and this site for your personal gain like it is some game? You post a nice post to him and act all nice only to get a picture? And then I tell you "If you don't like his tone then write that! "

and your response:
"I work in sales. I bullshit all the time man. Everyone knows he's a nut job. "

A 3rd email from you tells me:
"Keep up the good work. "

Then when I called you out you post how you actually are lying to me and didn't mean keep up the good work. So you are a fraud about being a fraud? Still makes you a fraud.

You are very sick and need help.

Does that speak inner calm to anybody? Thought not.
It is hard to have inner calm when people like you follow any post I make here and abuse me and try to rile up a team against me, for simply posting advice about anxiety. And I have never claimed to have some mythological inner calm or enlightenment. I had a very bad anxiety disorder at one time and now I do not! I do not anymore because of the things I did to get rid of it. Those things I post for all to see so they can use them. Simple as that!

But probably most people will never have access to the tips I give them because people like you have to come and pollute it with false insinuations and abuse.
Most of the things you write about me above is really about you!

I suggest you stop trying to find ways to make me look bad and simply pay attention to yourself. You post here about 23 hours a day anyway, in where I am barely a part of any of them, so you have an entire site to post on where you can bullshit people and make jokes with your team. No need to flag mine down and try to rile up a crowd for revenge because I called you out on your PMs.

Better yet, why don't you just get anxiety free, and if someone here needs guidance on how to get better, you can pop in and help them and forget all the other bullshit?

I won't be reading your response or this thread anymore. So no mater what you or anyone posts after this I won't be reading it. I will hope you post an apology for trying to make it like I knew someone had cancer and bullied them like I am some monster. Not only did I not bully that person, I had no idea that person had cancer. Furthermore nothing we talked about or argued about had anything to do with cancer. Sometimes people with anxiety get highly sensitive and will react strongly when a normal person wouldn't. I did not go around trying to hurt someone with cancer and you know this! I will assume someone here in this universe you apologize for such a sick insinuation.

Let's leave this thread about the book please!

07-18-2015, 04:55 PM

07-18-2015, 05:04 PM
Link for Amelina Linsdale - The Psychology of Panic, Fear and Anxiety Ebook:


07-20-2015, 01:51 AM
You are the most evil sick bully I have ever come across online in my entire life! It is you that is raw evil! You have nothing but cruelty that comes from you. How fuckin dare you say this! You have stooped to the absolute lowest you can possibly go!

I don't fuckin take digs at others you sociopath! I defend myself from maniacs like you who say absolutely horrible horrendous disrespectful things to me! I do not bully anyone, I only explain things and say info to get people better and defend myself from sickos like you who consistently attack me. Look here, Jessed. Look how it is you who is attacking me, who started personal attacks, and getting personal to the point of talking about my father! A personal info I did not say for you to use as ammunition. You know that sentence you wrote was downright wrong! I came here to post a link to the fucking book! It was you who began with a personal attack! You could have left it alone.

The fact that you can say about my father who has passed on shows who you really are! I bet you are smiling right now feeling like you scored points on me. You are truly sick in the head!

You need to stop! You are a complete liar! You are completely manipulative and downright cruel! You know 100% that I am not some evil monster that preys on weak or diseased people out to bully them! You know this! I never once bullied anyone ever online! I do not do that! I usually defend myself against horrible people like you. Is this bullying right now? I didn't bully your friend! "Who abuses the mentally ill, seriously?" Stop saying sensationalized statements like this to make me look bad so you can get one up on me! You know I do not do this nor is this ever my intentions. You know this!

This thing with your friend happened at least a year ago, and you were all buddy buddy to me even telling me over a PM "Keep up the good work" a couple months ago. It wasn't until I exposed you telling me you were being fake and you are in sales so you "bullshit for a living", that you launched an all out attack on me. Now all of a sudden you make up this shit about hurting mentally ill and cancer sufferers where a few months ago you were all buddy buddy with me. I never even heard about her having cancer until you told me after you want to get revenge on me for posting your PMs. Don't you see how wrong this is?

I never saw or read her cancer post nor noticed this. I did not know that person had cancer yet you won;t stop going on about this! If I could talk to her now I would tell her I am very sorry, I simply did not know she had cancer and if I did, would have not engaged. I was imply trying to help her see a clear path to anxiety and had no intentions of hurting anyone, but the debate got heated, especially when I started getting ganged up on by multiple people.

I was explaining myself 100 times to her just as I am doing now and she would not listen to what I was trying to say. I never fuckin bullied any mentally ill person, I had no idea anyone I was ever conversing with had cancer! You are sick in the head to keep spreading these lies. Just like I am defending myself against your horrible attacks, it is not bullying!? Stop it already! You know 100% truth that I do not go around bullying mentally ill or diseased people! You know this to be true but you are just trying to hurt me. You know I am not some evil maniac that bullies people. YOU FUCKING KNOW THIS! I have got in arguments with people usually debating over different methods to treat anxiety or people attacking me like you and me defending myself. You absolutely know this to be true so stop spreading horrible lies about me that you know are bullshit! I do not go around saying "Shut up you fat bitch go fuckin kill yourself!" or anything even remotely like that! You fuckin know this Jessed!

"I lost a very good friend because of your tantrums." You are so manipulative making it like I forced her to kill herself, she isn't even dead. She left the website you didn't lose her. You just don't know where she is. You make it sound like she is dead. She just left the site. She didn't kill herself. I had no intentions to make her get hurt, angry or to leave the website. I was trying to get my points across. I had no idea she had a mental disorder or cancer. How would I know this? We were talking the usual anxiety stuff, same stuff I always talk about.

You know damn well I am not an internet bully. You know my arguments here and heated discussions about anxiety and you know damn well I defend myself consistently from attacks. You may be evil, but you are not stupid!

Just like now, I said nothing personal to you and you started with personal attacks and trying to tear down my character, in which I responded to you and broke down what a menace you are. Look who started it? If my last post bothered you so much you would say I bullied you?

I just lack patience and time, maybe I can be harsh in getting my points across, but I do not have it in me to want to hurt others online to make myself feel better. That is not me and if you use your brain you know this to be true. How can you use your bullshitting skills you are so proud of to make me out to be this?

You know damn well you did not need to say that sentence about my dad. You know it is wrong!

More like someone like you tells me "You think you know how to cure anxiety but you don't know. All you know is what's good for you, not anyone else"
And I will replay something like, "You should listen to me because I know what I am talking about"
And then 5 people will go ape shit telling me I am arrogant and cursing me out.
Then I will get pissed off and explain what I meant 5 times in which maybe at some point I will finally say fuck this already! I do not go seek out people and try and hurt them. Someone curses me out, calls me a douchebag, or insults me like you started here, I may say something in defense. You fuckin know this!

You are not stupid! You know damn well this is how it goes down. Not me coming on to a forum to prey on the weak and hurt anyone. YOU FUCKIN KNOW THIS SO STOP THIS ALREADY!

You need to look in the mirror. The way I have been treated here by you and others is absolute true bullying! The way you guys ave treated me is why some people kill themselves from online bullying. I have never in my life come here to hurt anyone You are trying to hurt me! Look in the fuckin mirror Jessed!

You are very manipulative and have a very vengeful dark side to you. I am asking you to get off my back and stop it! I came here to post a link to a book I keep getting PMs about and offer a couple snippets of good advice. You came here and got personal with me. It is you that is the real bully, not me! Even that you had to manipulate and lie and make it that I can't stand someone stealing my thunder. I have posted repeatedly for someone else to post links to the book because I was sick of doing it. You also know this too.

Your friend got overly sensitive and misunderstood everything I said and I had no idea she had cancer and did not bully her. The conversations weren't even about cancer anyway! I was explaining stuff and there was at least 5 other people ganging up on me. All I tried to do was help. You know this! And saying you lost her like she is dead. She left the site and did not kill herself! Man, you really are as much of a bullshit artist as you claimed to be.

You are mad at me because I posted actual quotes from what you PMd me, but I did not lie. You are actually manipulating and lying here trying to make me look like some I am not. I may post without emotion or say things that are controversial, or tell people they are doing something wrong, but you know damn well I am not some evil bastard that ever intends to hurt a mentally ill or cancer sufferer. You fuckin know this! You are also smart enough to know that it is you that is the bully and it is you that makes whatever I post now a make personal with downright attacks! You also know that I am always on the defensive with you because you won't leave me alone!

Use your fuckin head! I did not bully someone that I knew was mentally ill or had cancer, and was simply arguing about anxiety techniques and trying to explain myself that she wouldn't listen about. I did not bully her as I am simply not a bully. A lot of that argument was me and Dhalia at it with each other. Your friend left the site and I did not intend for her to or even suggest her to. It was actually her that cursed me out not the other way around.

Stop being a manipulative asshole Jessed and get off my back! Your behavior is disgusting! You are sick in the head or simply evil! I have never treated anyone even 1/100 the way you have treated me. I only defend myself or try to help people get better form anxiety, never downright try and hurt them.

I can't believe you would stoop this low to simply try and hurt me. Look in the fuckin mirror you psychopath! If there is a way, I will delete my username now. I hope you realize what you;v done here and what you say is the exact things you claim I say. It is you Jessed. You are the bully. I simply just go on and on about anxiety and defend myself! Sometimes I lose patience with stubborn people who are stuck but that is not bullying! and someone as viciously attacking me as you, I may defend and counter-attack. I used the truth and called you out

You should have just let me post the link to the book and a few paragraphs that were directed to anxiety sufferers to help them and let it go.

I have said it before but it is true this time. This is Panic Cured- signing off from this website for good! I had nothing but good intentions and still hope my Techniques thread in the stickies help many people. My work is done. I will go back to my life which is free from an anxiety disorder and hope everyone else will get there soon too.

07-20-2015, 03:26 AM


K thanks.

07-20-2015, 03:43 AM
Some people really could an start argument in an empty room.

I have to say, objectively speaking, I believe it will be a lot more peaceful on this forum without you around, PanicCured. No offense. I have a headache from reading these last few pages.

07-20-2015, 04:07 AM
I never believed Anxiety had a cure at any rate. Now I know for sure it don't.

Don't be embarrassed if you feel the need to come back. I never was. Right or wrong we tend to grow from these things. I hope you find your way back.

Best wishes Panic Cured.

07-20-2015, 08:23 AM
generally speaking, now, so one knows what is happening here (to a small degree at least). what is often displayed on this forum quite unknowingly by the authors, is a form of NPD. if anyone could take the stigma away from that 'label' and see self clearly, then healing becomes all the more probable. NPD is usually formed early in life say between 0-7 and this is why its hard to not only recognize in self, but to heal, or cure. there is no conscious recognition if one does not go in search of it. the connection is not consciously made. NPD to a large degree is (the lack of) parental attachment (in theory) or rather the result of disorganized early messages received by the infant. another words, the availability of the caregiver emotionally and physically. this is highly relevant because it is a time in human life of great organization, or laying the foundation for the 'future' personality which begins to show itself at or around 5-7. often the parents are themselves in conflict about how to raise their child, and so this mental organization is formed from mixed messages, which in itself creates stress and bewilderment. for example the mother may be open loving, and reciprocating, where the father aloof and closed to a good extent.

Please no.

While some odds and ends of the post CAN be a factor, the amounts of assumptions made here is dangerous to anyone trying to understand their psyche.

07-20-2015, 08:52 AM
Panic Cured: I think you have made a good decision to permanently withdraw from this forum. For the most part, you have been an offensive, hostile and destructive force here and the forum is certainly, in my view, better off without you. I note that you have previously said you are disappearing but then you came back. I sincerely hope that this time you mean what you say. I wish you peace, growth and wisdom.

07-20-2015, 08:59 AM
LOL -- he'll be back in a week. Guys like him need places like this. In the real world they're looked over by their peers, they have nothing to show for themselves. On a forum, they're a big shot; they're the guy who commands attention. They can give that up temporarily, but soon they need that validation again and come back in order to receive it.

And buddy, the guy who diagnosed everybody with NPD, way to add 1+1 and get 5. It's just heated emotions. I don't even think PC has NPD. He just comes across as some dude that has a very fragile ego. He's probably unfulfilled in many ways, and so can't take much criticism. Just your typical hot-headed forum character, I've known hundreds.

07-20-2015, 09:34 AM
Fair enough.

Work has been slow today so I've been re-reading old posts. That blog idea has been suggested to him many times actually. Sounds like you guys have a pretty good read on him. I think it's a good idea too. Hope he reads this and creates himself an environment that he can thrive in. For whatever reason, it just didn't quite happen here.

Anyway, probably best to stop talking about him behind his back if he's gone. I'll see you all in other threads. :)

07-20-2015, 09:38 AM
interesting, please elaborate if you get the chance, or PM anytime. diagnosing everyone with NPD as the above post suggests (Frederick) is a misunderstanding and a small portion of the post (to which I prefaced 'enter without stigma' that goes along usually with such a label). And of course anyone with NPD would be the last to admit it, even showing counter aggressive signs or anger. (or submissiveness) There is much more to the story here than a 'hot headed forum character'. but I have no comment in regard to that.

There is much more to everyone here than the minimal amount of exposure they give through forum posts, and any form of accuracy to self from those is largely dependent on a text based communication skill.

I'm aware you are not diagnosing everyone with NPD. You are also aware, however, that thousands of people silently pull from the information provided here. Nor anyone's display here, or the context you provided is an accurate groundwork for NPD.

Having a touch of narcissism, or showing what comes across via text as signs of it, is an entirely different phenomenon than NPD. You don't have NPD to a small degree, it's a grand concoction.

Telling anyone that they have NPD based on what has been presented here is similar to someone telling another they probably have cancer due to the pains they have been having for the last few years - the information just isn't transferable without making assumptions of character, and beliefs.

Spreading those assumptions as general knowledge to any who come across these recents posts is dangerous. People will pull from how PC and others are feeling. Someone coming here in their worst times may relate to the emotions being whiplashed around. Finding your claim of NPD in such a state can completely throw someone in a tangent - again, similarly to how looking on web md is a perpetuator for every hypochondriac. The info is vague and easily generalized.

It's not about stigmas, though moving beyond that is also important. It's simply a matter of accuracy of information.

07-20-2015, 09:56 AM
ok, its removed. fair enough. I simply don't have the time to elaborate in great depth, nor would that be appropriate here I understand. little snippets then are equally inappropriate. Thanks friend :) Frederick, yes.

For future reference...

I will never have the expectation that a discussion be removed, though I respect where you were coming from.

The best growth comes from confrontation, in my opinion.

Best regards

07-20-2015, 09:59 AM
For future reference...

I will never have the expectation that a discussion be removed, though I respect where you were coming from.

The best growth comes from confrontation, in my opinion.

Best regards

agreed, I have left without a trace (except this one).

07-20-2015, 10:32 AM
[QUOTE=jessed03;215488]I uploaded it again, so download it while you can. The link doesn't stay active for long.

Thank you so much for sharing again, I finally got to download it last night.

07-20-2015, 12:58 PM
With all due respect, if growth happens through confrontation, then why not welcome Panic Cured back? Who here does not have an ego, has not been found wanting and so on? Everything Panic cured has thus far been branded with since his last major outburst is no different from the rest of us.

Perhaps it can be argued with weighted words based on forum hits, traffic and or popularity - however have seen those to which reasoning was used against bounce back with compassion and self acceptance.

One of my most successful threads is called Confrontation to Contemplation. In it, I am guilty of all the things that have been slung at panic cured. The only time I grow is when I am able to love myself and others. Ofcourse its not so simple, but for the most part, I can only see that Panic Cured was not alone in his negativity. He was often fed back with the same vibe that was not apreciated to begin with.

A pack mentality then ensues. Just as I have learned much from our good friend IS, I have learned and enjoyed much of Panic Cured, ans I can olny hope that the same can be said for me, whilst I stand open to being Tottaly imperfect myself.

You cannot reason hatred with hatred, but you can reason with Love and be happy without reason. I am srry if this apears vain, I'd like us all to get along and felt the need to say somthing from my heart as opposed to react ... but ofcourse what will ensue is what we each choose. That is the closest atention I will pay that word I despise yet must grip ........ choice.


07-20-2015, 01:03 PM
Well that escalated quickly..LOL

07-20-2015, 06:06 PM
Growth does come from confrontation, but usually only when there is a focus on development/growth.

Two children screaming at each other won't experience much growth, but a parent that encourages reflection on those arguments can allow new insights to develop within said children. There doesn't have to be a third party involved, however. The point is just if one is unable to see beyond the confrontation, the growth potential is limited.

07-28-2015, 08:13 AM
Hi all newbie here. Would it be at all possible for someone to renew the link for Amelina Linsdales book? I have been looking for it for some time now and would greatly appreciate it. Please and thank you.

07-29-2015, 02:00 AM
up cho bạn nek

07-29-2015, 03:42 AM
Hi all newbie here. Would it be at all possible for someone to renew the link for Amelina Linsdales book? I have been looking for it for some time now and would greatly appreciate it. Please and thank you.

I just checked Panic's link, and it's dead. Shoot that went down quickly. My one still seems to work, but it'll probably go fairly soon too. For now you can get it by clicking below. Choose slow option for the free version.


If it goes down, PM me, or anybody else who has the book and we'll re-upload it.