View Full Version : why all of a sudden do i have anxiety????

03-03-2013, 08:20 PM
why all of a sudden do i have anxiety???? im 42 yrs old. since age 15 i have dealt with a lot of crap in my life. the past 2 yrs sucked big time. thats when the anxiety started. ive always been pretty laid back. always dealt with what life has thrown at me. why anxiety now?! sometimes its so bad i cant function. goes on for days, nonstop. why does my body react this way? why now? i just want to be me again..

03-03-2013, 09:12 PM
I am 57 years old and have gone through much trauma over the years. I just developed this severe anxiety the last year and was even hospitalized with very scary symptoms. I don't know why this has happened now other than my kids have moved out and I worry constantly about them. I have also developed some OCD. You are not alone. Prayer and a relationship with God has helped immensely.

03-03-2013, 09:55 PM
I ask myself this question everyday I will be 38 in a few weeks and have been suffering since just after I turned 30. I don't know where it came from or why it started I pray that it will go away but I know I am the only one who can make it better. The only time I had no issues was when I was pregnant. It was not till last year I went to my dr because I was sick with sinus infection that I had a complete break down I ended up in there for over an hour and after describing everything to hoping the constant chest pains weird pains in my head fatigue and fears of leaving my house that he realized there was something else going on and talked to me about trying medication since I had dealt with this for so long on my own so I gave in and it has helped . While I still have attacks they are mild compared to what I dealt with for years.

Know you are not alone in is fight to regain what we once lived we all try to help the best we can

03-04-2013, 12:52 AM
why all of a sudden do i have anxiety???? im 42 yrs old. since age 15 i have dealt with a lot of crap in my life. the past 2 yrs sucked big time. thats when the anxiety started. ive always been pretty laid back. always dealt with what life has thrown at me. why anxiety now?! sometimes its so bad i cant function. goes on for days, nonstop. why does my body react this way? why now? i just want to be me again..

It seems that in most cases, the onset of severe anxiety is actually the end result of a very long sequence of events that build those feelings up. You probably had symptoms of anxiety for years before it got to the point where it's as bothersome as it is now.

My anxiety is severe. I have a long road ahead in terms of recovery, and unfortunately, you probably do too. But we both need to have hope. Lots of people have overcome these feelings.

03-04-2013, 07:08 AM
Same here it sprung upon me around 2 yrs. ago randomly. It's crazy....

03-04-2013, 07:18 AM
I ask myself this question everyday I will be 38 in a few weeks and have been suffering since just after I turned 30. I don't know where it came from or why it started I pray that it will go away but I know I am the only one who can make it better. The only time I had no issues was when I was pregnant. It was not till last year I went to my dr because I was sick with sinus infection that I had a complete break down I ended up in there for over an hour and after describing everything to hoping the constant chest pains weird pains in my head fatigue and fears of leaving my house that he realized there was something else going on and talked to me about trying medication since I had dealt with this for so long on my own so I gave in and it has helped . While I still have attacks they are mild compared to what I dealt with for years.

Know you are not alone in is fight to regain what we once lived we all try to help the best we can

Weary, you know what? Your story is so similar to mine, it is scary. I got my first panic attack at 30, and the only time I didn't have the anxiety was during my pregnancy too. Hormones, perhaps? I don't know...