View Full Version : Tooth fillings

03-03-2013, 08:05 PM
I'm going to talk to my therapist about this on thursday but

Are silver tooth fillings dangerous? I ask because I just got some new fillings in "silver" but they are more gray and not shiny and I have to get three more done and planning on opting for white next time

I don't want to be poisoned or die due to tooth fillings

03-03-2013, 11:24 PM
I would suggest just getting the white composite fillings. Amalgam (silver) fillings aren't dangerous. If they start to break down (years after putting them in), they can leak out mercury. That's why most dentists don't even use them anymore. But if they are new amalgams, then don't worry. You should probably replace them in a few years with composite. Just have your teeth filled with composites from now on. But there's no need to worry.

03-04-2013, 03:43 AM
Yeah, pretty much what Defmunel said!

The worst that happens is you get a little mercury in your system. I don't really think silver fillings are good for you, white ones are way better, if you can get them next time. But silver won't cause you harm, they can just make you feel a little bit sick if they leak too much. Maybe you get a headache, or something, but truthfully, that is so rare, and usually takes years if it ever happens. If you're ever worried about too much mercury, you can get a hair analysis, where they check metal levels from a hair sample, costs around $50. You have nothing to worry about now :)

03-04-2013, 08:25 AM
I would suggest just getting the white composite fillings. Amalgam (silver) fillings aren't dangerous. If they start to break down (years after putting them in), they can leak out mercury. That's why most dentists don't even use them anymore. But if they are new amalgams, then don't worry. You should probably replace them in a few years with composite. Just have your teeth filled with composites from now on. But there's no need to worry.

Ah well see the one filling was a replacement for an old one as well as a new one and both new fillings are "silver" but they are more of a flat dull gray compared to the other ones. and yeah I plan on going with the white next time anyway
thank you