View Full Version : Anyone else find themselves VERY sensitive to sound?

03-03-2013, 07:59 PM
Like everything is louder than it is and that the sound is "cutting" into them? That's how I feel right now, and it's making me feel faint. My balance is off and I have very slight (almost imperceptible) tinnitus. I'm worried. I see my Dr. tomorrow for a follow up and it can't some soon enough.

Has anyone else had this experience?

03-03-2013, 08:52 PM
I feel like this sometimes when I have a migraine though try a cold compress and some soft relaxing music or just lay in a dark cool room with the compress laying over your eyes and forehead also sometimes If I drive ice cold Gatorade that helps too just to replace the electrolytes .... When having a panic or anxiety attack it will sometimes trigger a migraine. Hope you feel better soon

03-03-2013, 08:58 PM
I feel like this sometimes when I have a migraine though try a cold compress and some soft relaxing music or just lay in a dark cool room with the compress laying over your eyes and forehead also sometimes If I drive ice cold Gatorade that helps too just to replace the electrolytes .... When having a panic or anxiety attack it will sometimes trigger a migraine. Hope you feel better soon

Thank you =)

And to top it off, I'm actually a musician, am synesthsic, and have always suspected that I have a strong auditory cortex, so sound related disturbances always really bother me.

03-03-2013, 09:04 PM
Well yes that could be part of it just try your best to relax the cold compress will help bring the body core temp down and being in a dark cool room is just relaxing :)

03-04-2013, 12:11 AM
I thought I was the only one I never got it this til recently sometimes I hear stuff its like amplified its really fking weird :( scared the shit out of me when it first happened but been to doctor and nothings wrong I guess

03-04-2013, 02:10 AM
I can only play my metal at one volume....... MAXIMUM OVERDRIIIIVVEE

03-04-2013, 07:06 AM
I've had tinnitus for a few years now. I have to sleep with white noise so it doesn't drive me nuts.
I'm also very sensitive to sound. I wear ear plugs to public places or if I am expecting loud noises. I always say the TV is too loud and others don't think so.
I think people talk too loud, too. I also have the balance of a drunken squirrel. :)

I don't think that's anything to worry about. The doctor will look in your ear for abnormalities, like excess inflammation, wax, or redness. They sell tinnitus meds OTC, but I've never tried them.

03-04-2013, 10:09 PM
I'm very sensitive to sound and smell - I was wondering if I have some form of synesthesia.

I love, love, love heavy metal, but since my anxiety I have struggled with concerts - particularly the bass which seems to rattle my chest and kick start heart palpitatations. I'm better at outdoor venues as opposed to indoor ones probably because of sound dissipation.

It can make me very anxious and prevents me from enjoying one of the things I love most. That being said, I hit up an awesome festival this weekend; Metallica, slayer, Killswitch engage, garbage, Puscifer, a perfect circle etc and I forced myself into the D - very confronting because of the volume and the crowded setting. But I did it and I had an amazing time ☺

03-06-2013, 08:26 AM
I'm totally sensitive to sound. Especially when my dog is barking, I can't stand it and it makes me sooo anxious.