View Full Version : Sugar advice?

03-03-2013, 07:23 PM
Could anyone give me any advice here about sugar my Therapist & doctor want me to stop eating refined sugar thats all good and dandy but "Sugar" is in everything as is the other bad words for bad refined sugar

So when a soup label says sugar does that mean refined or natural?

How does one find a balance with out starving?

Currently I'm not to panicked as I've gone Five days with out candies, cookies, etc type of stuff but I have had stuff such as yogurt or even bread which has sugar in it and the therapist did say to just go at it slowly so again any advice?

03-03-2013, 11:03 PM
Try eating "low glycemic foods". I think if you eat more protein, fats, and veggies you should be good. Try to lay off the gluten too. If you are going to eat bread stay away from the white stuff at least.

03-03-2013, 11:38 PM
Could anyone give me any advice here about sugar my Therapist & doctor want me to stop eating refined sugar thats all good and dandy but "Sugar" is in everything as is the other bad words for bad refined sugar

So when a soup label says sugar does that mean refined or natural?

How does one find a balance with out starving?

Currently I'm not to panicked as I've gone Five days with out candies, cookies, etc type of stuff but I have had stuff such as yogurt or even bread which has sugar in it and the therapist did say to just go at it slowly so again any advice?

COnsider the old addage that anything white that doesn't occur in nature is generally bad for you. That include refined sugar, white rice, white bread, etc. You would benefit from eating foods that have a lot of the "good" kind of sugar in them, i.e. pomegranates, mangoes, pineapples, but counter them with vegetables and protein rich (but natural) foods like eggs. Even sugar from fruit can be too much of a good thing.