View Full Version : do I have anxiety and depression? Please set my mind at ease

03-03-2013, 03:48 PM
Over all I feel like my anxiety has gotten better in the past few days. No nerves running wild, not feeling on edge etc. Today though I just woke up feeling very little emotion. Almost like an Apathy feeling. This HAS happened before and I did go away when I fixed my diet up. Now when I woke up today nothing really bothered me at all...but I wasnt really "giddy up happy!" either. Just very little emotion. I did a mental exercise yesterday last night where I thought of all the obsessive and intrusive thoughts that bother me and I constantly thought of them over and over and over again until they did not bother me anymore. I did this so they would go away. AND IT DID WORK. But now I dont feel much of anything...and im just hoping I dont have some underlying depression that was covered up by my anxiety because that is just going to make my problems a million times worse and its going to send my anxiety through the roof again...here are some reasons why I DONT think I am depressed

1. When I am with people I am more happier than ever. Smiling, laughing, cracking jokes, making other people laugh. When im just at home with my mom or bro I am Blah, not really "happy" just "normal" not really talkative or anything..
2. I have not lost any interest in anything. I am a photographer. Although sometimes I get "bored" with it I havnt 100% completely lost interest in it. Actually throughout my time battling anxiety and obsessive thoughts I gained MORE hobbies like film making, matte painting in photoshop and stuff like that.
3. When I watch or see something funny I DO laugh! So im not a total zombie...
4. My diet lately has sucked and I took like 2 weeks off of working out because my anxiety was going crazy and my nervous system was a wreck. Its calm down though and I am going to get back on it tomorrow (Monday). Could my diet and lack of exercise for these 2 weeks be the reason why I feel blah?

The only possible reason why I think I could have a underlying cause of depression is ONLY because before I had my first panic attack last year I got really pissed off easily and irritated pretty easily. And when I was working out I googled depression symptoms and had a panic attack. But I would still enjoy day to day activities and go out and have fun and all that stuff. But honestly somebody who has anxiety could get really irritated and angry easily....so honestly I dont think I show any of the symptoms of depression..

I would like ur folks opinion though. I know the two go hand and hand with each other but I think my diet has something to do with it..and my anxiety could also just be making me think I still have something wrong with me.

03-03-2013, 07:05 PM

I will give you my take from someone that has depression .

It is NOT what you think it is , it is not what you read . Depression is a very personal thing and symptoms can range including anxiety as part of the symptom list . I am also talking anxiety symptoms within the body and not mental ones .

Classic depression symptoms . Many people with depression from the outside you would not see it unless you are very close to that person . My coach told me most people she sees come across as happy most of the time .

I also have not lost interest in things . But i do find it harder to get into things . I can still do them and enjoy them but just not as much as i use to .

Again see number one . Most of the time i can laugh and such , it is only when i am really down that i again just cant get into it . The thing is i would get up and do something else so you would not even notice .

Maybe , when you are active you do feel better , both because your moving but also because your minds active .

Being pissed and irritable is a very common symptom . I cant work out if you male or female but it is more common in males . It is also more common for depression to show as anxiety in males .

Depression is not what you think it is , its not sleeping and crying all the time . It is also very easy to hide . Its also not as bad as you may think . Given super high anxiety i had and the depression i had now , i would take depression any day .

thanks for replying but I really still dont think I am depressed...I just highly doubt it. I never had a reason to become depressed and have never been diagnosed with depression. I only started having problems a little bit after my first panic attack. And these symptoms I am experiencing can just be because of my anxiety.

03-03-2013, 07:17 PM
I think there is something on my mind that is bothering me about being at home and that needs to be addressed. Because I am always 100% normal around anyone else. I think there is just something there but I cannot point my finger on it.

03-03-2013, 09:05 PM
anyone else...