View Full Version : Feel like I'm going down again - help

06-27-2007, 10:00 AM

It’s my first time here. Quick bio, I’ve suffered and conquered various bouts of anxiety & associated clinical depression since I was 16, and 3 major episodes in the last 9 years. Medicationwise I’m on 150mg of Venlafaxine (Effexor XL) per day. I’m 41 now.

Why am I here? Well, it looks like I’m on the downward spiral again this week. And trying to combat a raft of shifting physical symptoms – that follow a pattern I know all too well. What’s really frustrating/scary is that despite history and familiarity telling me that these symptoms are anxiety based I’m looking for reassurance again, and attributing the sensations to organic illness.

Here’s the current list:-

Burning sensations across the shoulders
‘Crawling’ sensations around the neck and shoulders
Flushing and sensations of pressure around the neck
Numbness around the face
Tingles in the scalp
Nerve ‘flashes’ or zaps
Dizziness or weakness in the legs

What’s driving me crazy is my inability to calm these symptoms through breathing correction. I’ve never really noticed hyperventilation in terms of panting although I do recognise that if anything my breathing is shallow even to the point of holding my breath whilst in anxiety mode. Would this count as hyperventilation?

When my hypochondria kicks in I definitely adopt a kind of cotton wool attitude, I feel very fragile and do notice that I physically respond to that with a weakened body language. (Not sure if I’m describing this properly?). I guess I’m very aware of doing anything physically that might exacerbate the symptoms which leads to a kind of inertia. I’m also becoming very aware that my body language and a kind of ‘rictus’ facial expression.

It seems like these symptoms are, (as I’ve previously experienced), with me 90% of the day. Not really panic ‘attacks’ but could my anxiety be forcing a constant surge of adrenaline that produces these symptoms and makes me feel ill constantly.

I really want to try to manage this all again before it gets out of hand. The last thing I want to do is start on the Tests spiral again which inevitably finds nothing and provides only momentary reassurance.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks for listening.

06-27-2007, 06:45 PM
Get the Claire Weekes book. :)

06-27-2007, 07:42 PM
Are you sure you aren't entering meno-pause? I've never heard of these symptoms. I've had the chest tingling and the heart racing and sometimes muscle cramps or spasms but I'm not sure what some of these even are. It could also be a sign or diabetes.

V for Victor
06-27-2007, 09:55 PM
Well, I'm male and don't know what menopause feels like, but I can relate with all of the symptoms you listed.

I can also relate to the frustration of absolutely KNOWING that this is anxiety, but not being able to shake the fear.

I had a similar experience this last Sunday. On Sundays I work from 12:30 in the morning usually to about dawn. Well, I had forgotten to take my pill Saturday night before getting up to go into work, meaning that the last time I had my anti-anxiety medicine was on Friday night. So, when I got home as the sun rising Sunday morning, I got a shower and went straight to bed. Then, anxiety hit me like a ten ton safe. I got the burning on the shoulders, knotted up stomach, shallow breathing. I immediately started to do my breathing exercises, but no luck. I eventually got to have a good solid sleep, but it was a very discouraging experience to see that my anxiety could just blindside me so quickly after having forgotten to take my pill.

It serves as a lesson that you can't let your guard down too much, and you have to be self-aware and understand that you do have a problem, and that it can show its ugly face any time.

06-28-2007, 01:33 AM
Thats my problem V for V, feeling great for weeks on end and then it can just hit me one day, completely destroy my confidence and it takes me weeks to get back to the original level.


06-30-2007, 06:35 PM

I have the same symptoms like you have but going through most of my body at different times.
I also have it 90% of the day and the breathing dosent make it better.
so you are not alone.


07-01-2007, 10:25 AM
Hi there, I just wondered if you were still feeling the same way or if these downhill spiral bouts last a certain length of time. I guess we allget to know our own anxiety very well over the years.