View Full Version : has anyone else experienced this????

03-03-2013, 08:18 AM
hi I been have anxiety for over a year now.iv had lots of different symptoms from dizzness to heart palpitations (scary as hell).recently when I have a night of drinking I wake up with what could only say are after images in both my eyes when I close an open them I have them all the next day and they scare the crap out of me.i went out last night and I wasn't goin to drink but one thing lead to another and i was drunk woke up this morning an they were their again but this time the one in my right eye had changed shape from all the other time.then about 3/4 hours of waking up I just had a nose bleed I never get nose bleeds so its really scareing me has anyone get this plz someone make me feel better so I dont have to panic thanks for reading ;-)

03-03-2013, 08:42 AM
What I have learned about anxiety, is that it can come in many ways.

If it is only when you are drinking, then I would stop drinking.
Are you on meds? If so, it could be that they dont go well with alcohol.

I do know that anxiety can exaggerate things.
If i get a headache - it can quickly turn into a brain tumor. In my mind anyway.

There is no harm in going to the doctors to see what they have to say.

If I were you though, I would just stay clear of alcohol.
It is no good for anxiety anyway.
It feels like its good. Makes you feel less anxious when going into a situation that usually has you anxious. But it really doesnt help in the long term.

Try not to panic though. Easier said than done. But that is what anxiety aims for. Try fighting it :-)

03-03-2013, 08:56 AM
thanks, Im not on any meds for anything iv been to the docs she said it could just be dehydration and sent me for a blood test I haven't been for it yet tho I only had one done a few months ago.i hate drinking but I was seein people I hadn't seen for years last night an need a little boost in my confidence and now iv got a full day of feeling like crap and panicking it is really doin my head in.its just really weird what im experiencing iv only come across one person on the Internet who experienced it awell but he had lots of other things wrong with his vision.i just keep thinking their is a problem their an im goin to go blind or theirs a tumour or something of that nature, but iv always done that ever scine the panic started an it always turns out to be nothin.

03-03-2013, 09:18 AM
Anxiety is real good at making you think something serious is happening.

If the doc says dehydration. Then it probably is just that.

Alcohol really isnt worth it if it makes you feel like this. I stopped drinking years ago and im better for it.

If you do enjoy it though. Then why not drink a couple of pints of water before bed.
I used to become dehydrated off of alcohol and I would be ill the next day.
A few pints of water before bed helps alot.

I would always try soberig myself up before bed. Never worked like as I was too drunk to care lol. Hence why I just stopped altogether in the end.

Go to the opticians to have your eyes tested if it makes you feel better.

In the meantime though. Stop googling for the answer. It only makes you feel worse.

03-03-2013, 11:42 AM
lol tell about it goggle is my worst nightmare the frist thing I do is go for google.iv already been and had my tested said my eye health an vision are sound as a pound.just goin to stay off the beer for good.still feel like shit hours later :-(

03-03-2013, 12:00 PM
There you go then. The only problem here is alcohol.

So either stop. Or expect your eyes to go funny afterwards.

Stay clear of google. It is sooo hard i know. After years and years and KNOWING how bad google is for me. I still do it ha.

I hope you are feeling better soon :-)
Distraction is great for health anxiety. Or any anxiety for that matter.

Play computer games or anything to take your mind away from anxious thoughts.

03-03-2013, 12:16 PM
I know I do try an play cod but iv just had another nose bleed sent me into another spin really shitting myself now bad times :-(

03-03-2013, 12:30 PM
Thats my game of choice too. Nosebleeds are normal. Especially with his erratic weather.
No need to shit yourself.

What is your nose bleed like?

03-03-2013, 08:47 PM
Hi mat i suffer with anxiety and i experienced that once, but i wasnt drinking, it made me very scared an didnt tell anyone about it in case they thought i was crazy, and i dont wana go crazy.