View Full Version : Why .......

03-02-2013, 09:57 AM
Why is it when when we get a head cold we feel 1000 times worse and the anxiety levels get so high????? I know it is just a cold and I am tryi g to push past it but everything I take makes me so tired and I can't function.... Since I can't breathe out if my noses find my self panicking that I am not getting enough air to my lungs and then it hits all at once anxiety and panic does anyone else feel this way when they get sick?

03-02-2013, 11:42 AM
Sure do Weary and its bc all of us are super sensitive to any sensations or symptoms our bodies produce. I personally get flushed easy when in a hot shower or get cold faster than normal outside in the winter. Any stomach discomfort is multiplied by my anxiety which in turn mult the stomach problem. So whenever we are sick our symptoms are felt even more cause we are so aware of our bodies all the time. And any change is always bad when it comes to the anxious mind.

03-02-2013, 01:33 PM
So totally hating this feeling of gasping for air now my husband is mad because he will have to drive me to work and pick me up at 1030 I just wish he would understand