View Full Version : Periods and anxiety

03-02-2013, 08:26 AM
Does anyone else seem to have high anxiety when they are on their periods ?
I've been feeling dizzy and hyperventilating quite a lot!
Does anyone know how to prevent this? X

03-02-2013, 08:33 AM
I either get higher anxiety during and for a few days after, and or a peek about 7 days after its over. SUCKS! At least I know it's going to go away. Hang in there just know its your awesome hormones!

03-02-2013, 08:39 AM
Around or on, yes. It's basically PMS:

Tension or anxiety
Depressed mood
Crying spells
Mood swings and irritability or anger
Appetite changes and food cravings
Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)
Social withdrawal
Poor concentration
Joint or muscle pain
Weight gain related to fluid retention
Abdominal bloating
Breast tenderness
Acne flare-ups
Constipation or diarrhea

Prevention is mainly in reducing salt and sugar intake on a regular basis, exercise, and practicing stress-relieving techniques. They also sell over-the-counter period relief which includes pain and mood. You could take supplements, too.
If you are prone to anxiety (obviously you are), the hormone fluctuation from periods heightens it. Do what you do to calm your anxiety (whether it be benzos or anti-depressants).

I go through it each month and it usually flares up an anxious episode if I don't practice prevention. It sucks. :(

03-02-2013, 09:58 AM
I seem to get worse anxiety right before my period and during and then about a week after when I'm fertile again it sucks I have tried all sorts of remedies like yoga regular exercise and eating better but I feel like nothing helps when I get a panic attack except Ativan :-( I don't want to be dependent on drugs but I don't know how else to survive these attacks

03-02-2013, 01:22 PM
Yes, every month like clockwork my anxiety flares up. I get just about every symptom you can think of. I just take it easy the day before and the first few days of my period. Even my husband knows the routine. He checks in but kind of keeps his distance because I can literally go from snappy to one big sappy, crying mess. I realize why its happening at the time, but I still can't stand it.

03-02-2013, 01:36 PM
Same here it's my warning sign I am gonna get my period ... Fatigue chest pains lightheaded weird feeling pains in my head and little black floaters in my eyes it is the worst feeling ever oh and can't stand to be alone need to be around people 24 -7 it sucks the Zoloft has helped somewhat but I know when I was pregnant I has none of these feels so I truly believe of hormonal imbalances but what they have for that I can't take