View Full Version : Strange floaters

03-01-2013, 11:32 PM
There are these weird new floaters that look like waves, I found someone asking about them on yahoo answers and it sums it up

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Wavy floating patterns in vision?
Hi all,

For about two weeks now I have been experiencing what I can only describe as moving wave patterns in my field of vision. This occurs in both eyes and usually only when looking at a light background like a computer monitor or tv. They are much different than eye floaters (which I am pretty familiar with) as eye floaters tend to be single hair like strands or small grey specs for me. These waves appear in sort of small sections and patterns and unlike floaters, only appear on light backgrounds.

They look very similar to this, except translucent and with no color.

(Removed links)

I notice that they are much more visible if I squint or if my eyes are tired and kind of "droopy". These lines sometimes look like wrinkles or clear zebra-stripe-like patterns and move around while my vision is stationary, and disappear when I open my eyes very wide. I have no headaches or any other symptoms, can see them with either eye closed and have no eye pain or redness.

I went to an eye doctor today for a dilated exam and aside from the usual floaters, she said everything looked fine and that I should only worry about it if I see flashing lights or blind spots and said it could be stress related. I'm only concerned that if it were stress related, how come they disappear when I open my eyes wide? Wouldn't they be there all the time and on all backgrounds?

Does anyone have any idea/clues as to what this phenomena is?

Thank you much in advance!
1 year ago Report Abuse"

The thing is, they behave like floaters as I'm when you look at them they go away and I have to roll my eye from side to side to see them. They are big and scary and I once heard not to worry about floaters unless they are sheets or waves. Now I'm worrying!

Plus, I have sooo many big floaters at 16 and idk why. I used to only have one little blzck dot until I googled it and then BLAM they are everywhere


03-02-2013, 06:29 AM
If you don't eat so well, you could be a little deficient in something, that can cause them, but other than that, I would not worry about these in the slightest. They are so common with stress disorders. I mean, if you're not getting great sleep, or going outside much, it will make it much worse, but seriously, if you're eye doctor has given you the all clear, just ignore them, they're annoying, but they're meaningless.

Well, not completely meaningless, they're telling you that you're stressed out, and you've gotta relax you're body a bit more :)

"I used to only have one little blzck dot until I googled it and then BLAM they are everywhere" - This bit was the give away!

Take care!

P.S. too much computer use can make them act up too.

03-02-2013, 08:53 AM
I agree they are common. After my first panic attack my floaters seemed to increase 10x. But slowly I have once again started to ignore them and don't notice them anymore. Once you accept them, even as crappy as they are, you won't notice them as much.

The wavy stuff could be migraines, there are migraine types that don't produce headaches just visual disturbances. Stress is a major trigger in some people. If the doctor has given you an all clear try not to over think it.

03-03-2013, 02:01 PM
If you don't eat so well, you could be a little deficient in something, that can cause them, but other than that, I would not worry about these in the slightest. They are so common with stress disorders. I mean, if you're not getting great sleep, or going outside much, it will make it much worse, but seriously, if you're eye doctor has given you the all clear, just ignore them, they're annoying, but they're meaningless.

Well, not completely meaningless, they're telling you that you're stressed out, and you've gotta relax you're body a bit more :)

"I used to only have one little blzck dot until I googled it and then BLAM they are everywhere" - This bit was the give away!

Take care!

P.S. too much computer use can make them act up too.

Thanks! How about this wavey floater though? I can't find anything on people having them. Are they rare, are they even floaters? (They behave like them and look like them to some degree)
