View Full Version : Linden Method

03-01-2013, 04:34 PM
Has anyone used the linden method for their anxiety?

03-01-2013, 04:57 PM
Has anyone used the linden method for their anxiety?

I used it. I can recommend it. I got it when I was knee deep in very serious anxiety and agoraphobia. I used his Panic Attack eliminator MP3 often and worked on his 9 pillars. Was it 9 or 10? I think it is a good addition to a proper anxiety recovery program. Another one I really liked was one made by this New Zealand guy named David Johnson called Freedom From Fear. I recommend that too. He even did 2 or 3 free Skype sessions with me.

Are these programs worth the money? I mean, they are expensive. It's hard to say. I think they have a guarantee, right? If they have a 30 or 60 day guarantee ten I would say do not hesitate and get them.

I just looked on the websites.

Freedom FRom Fear has: The Freedom from Fear Recovery Program is shipped to you with a 36 month money back guarantee

Linden Method has: Our 'better than risk free' 365-day refund guarantee!

So I say absolutely 100% get them! Take them up on their offer. If you are not much better by the guarantee then tell them you want your money back. If you are better, I don't think you will care about the money.

03-01-2013, 05:25 PM
Thank you! Will order on line now! Cheers!

03-01-2013, 05:27 PM
I found the Linden method very thorough. I found it after my anxiety was getting better, but even then, I still managed to pick up some points from it.

Update this thread in the future, let people know how the method works for you :)

03-01-2013, 06:00 PM
I will do, thank you!

03-01-2013, 06:08 PM
I will do, thank you!

Also I recommend having a Skype call with David Johnson or at least email him. He is very witty, light hearted and positive. He's been to hell and back and now devotes his life to helping people with anxiety. Maybe Charles Linden has the same thing. I'm not sure.

03-01-2013, 08:45 PM
Yes...changed my life!

03-01-2013, 08:48 PM
can somebody break down exactly what the linden method is?

03-01-2013, 08:57 PM
I signed up for David Johnson freedom from dear as well and wishing half an hour David himself telephones me from New Zealand! (I am in Australia). We had a great chat and he has made me feel so positive! Cannot wait to get started on Monday!

03-01-2013, 09:06 PM

03-02-2013, 02:08 AM
Holy crap! You mean I told you about it then within a few hours your on the phone with the guy? Not only on the phone but he actually called you? That's amazing!

03-02-2013, 02:26 AM
The funny thing is, some people here follow my advice while others harshly criticize me, but most of what I say is a mix between Charles Linden, David Johnson and Claire Weekes. If you've read my posts, you will see how much I gathered from those guys. I add more supplements though, since I was my own lab rat. I also don't fully agree 100% with Linden's distraction idea, but I see what he means. Focus on something else to create new neural pathways. Have you heard me write about "new neural pathways"? Where do you think I got that from?

Just the fact that you got off your butt and ordered these programs and are willing to take massive action like this, shows the kind of will power needed to overcome anxiety. That type of drive and faith is what I try to get people to do here, but it is like pulling teeth. You should be proud of yourself! You have jumped on the healing path. Keep moving forward and don't look back! Great job!

03-02-2013, 03:15 AM
So if I break down the Linden Method he is basically saying ur brain has been switched on to panic mode 24 7. Normal folks panic switches to off after the panic or stress passes. Makes sense. So he is basically saying that in order to get through this anxiety is to create less stress in ur life by going out and creating new thoughts? If so this actually makes alot of sense. Because you will notice that when you are out having fun or being with the person you love that you're anxiety does not always bother you...in fact it sometimes is not seen at all..sounds like a genius plan if you ask me...and probably the most fun method.

03-02-2013, 06:23 AM
The funny thing is, some people here follow my advice while others harshly criticize me, but most of what I say is a mix between Charles Linden, David Johnson and Claire Weekes. If you've read my posts, you will see how much I gathered from those guys. I add more supplements though, since I was my own lab rat. I also don't fully agree 100% with Linden's distraction idea, but I see what he means. Focus on something else to create new neural pathways. Have you heard me write about "new neural pathways"? Where do you think I got that from?

Just the fact that you got off your butt and ordered these programs and are willing to take massive action like this, shows the kind of will power needed to overcome anxiety. That type of drive and faith is what I try to get people to do here, but it is like pulling teeth. You should be proud of yourself! You have jumped on the healing path. Keep moving forward and don't look back! Great job!

You're like the House of the anxiety forum Panic. You don't play by the rules, by my gosh you get results ;)

I have the Linden Method ebook if anybody wants to read it. Then maybe you can decide if you want to shell out $100 for the actual programme.

03-02-2013, 11:46 AM
You're like the House of the anxiety forum Panic. You don't play by the rules, by my gosh you get results ;)

I have the Linden Method ebook if anybody wants to read it. Then maybe you can decide if you want to shell out $100 for the actual programme.

I would love to try it out. I too am weary of anything where money is involved or a hard sell is being used. I'm not a gullible person so I tend to not believe. Plus there are so many out there, which one is right and which one is just marketing. Thanks if you can share it. Let me know easiest way.

03-02-2013, 12:07 PM
Id quite like to read that if you don't mind?

03-02-2013, 12:52 PM
You're like the House of the anxiety forum Panic. You don't play by the rules, by my gosh you get results ;)

I have the Linden Method ebook if anybody wants to read it. Then maybe you can decide if you want to shell out $100 for the actual programme.

Would love to read this. I am trying to decide which program to purchase myself...thanks jessed03!

03-02-2013, 12:52 PM
Pm me your email address guys, I'll email you back.

03-02-2013, 01:41 PM
Just get both those programs I mentioned above. Freedom From Fear and The Linden Method. They aren't just to make money. Whether you get them for free or pay, what do I care? They aren't my programs. But at least get the full programs. They will refund you in full if you really do not end up liking them. They are real people. David Johnson's program is a bunch of MP3s and Linden has MP3s and a book. For those of us that tend to have breathing anxiety and overbreathe, I would add Patrick McKeown's book and MP3 about Buteyko Breathing called, Anxiety Free. I seriously don't think it's possible to not get great results if you have these 3 programs. You may not agree with what they say 100%, but just believe in yourself and you will find a way.

03-02-2013, 02:30 PM
Just get both those programs I mentioned above. Freedom From Fear and The Linden Method. They aren't just to make money. Whether you get them for free or pay, what do I care? They aren't my programs. But at least get the full programs. They will refund you in full if you really do not end up liking them. They are real people. David Johnson's program is a bunch of MP3s and Linden has MP3s and a book. For those of us that tend to have breathing anxiety and overbreathe, I would add Patrick McKeown's book and MP3 about Buteyko Breathing called, Anxiety Free. I seriously don't think it's possible to not get great results if you have these 3 programs. You may not agree with what they say 100%, but just believe in yourself and you will find a way.

It all depends what aspect of anxiety somebody is dealing with. I like those books, but I've found there are certain types of anxiety I was suffering, that those books didn't cover, and I had to find something more niche. If your anxiety is run of the mill, panic attacks, hypochrondia, then I think these books will be good. The books about over breathing are usually good for everybody. Sent my anxiety to another realm though at first, get to a better state of mind before you try them. Learn some mindfulness beforehand.

03-02-2013, 05:22 PM
I plan on getting the programs and Patrick McKeowns book as soon as I can...thanks for the info Jesse and PaniCure:)

03-02-2013, 06:24 PM
My theory is that we don't have anything to lose by trying but we have everything to lose if we don't! I was blown away when David rang me himself - he rang to understand my needs and situation and make sure the program would be beneficial for me. Onwards and upwards is all I can say! I will keep you all posted on how it works out for me! Thank you all for your advice, help and support.

03-02-2013, 06:51 PM
I totally agree Monty! Trying all these methods surely can't hurt not to mention all the knowledge gathered from them. I have been reading Claire Weekes books and they have been a great help!

It is so amazing that David called you so fast, he sure is dedicated to helping people with anxiety! Wonderful man...

I am going to purchase his program as soon as possible.

good luck to you Monty and keep us posted.

03-02-2013, 10:21 PM
Yeah I'm surprised too. I like how I told you this and a few hours later your on the phone with him. Isn't he a great guy? I did a video Skype session with him and he'd smile and tell me he has no worries about me. I was like, "What about my heart beating 162 beats per minute?!!!" He said, "Just think of it as the lazy man's exercise!".

What's funny about this forum, is any advice I give, I mean it could be anything. there is always someone who says something negative about it. This person is most always someone who hasn't overcome their anxiety, yet they are willing to put my advice down.

Healing anxiety is a path. On that path you need the right mentors. You take their knowledge, make it your own, and add to it and modify it along the way. On this path other things will come to you that you will need. I used to listen to Linden's Panic Attack Eliminator on the subway or when I was outside to cope. For me, not 1 program cured me, but each program offered what I needed to get me to where I needed to get to. One thing nobody mentioned, is the comfort you get by reading and listening to these guys. That is great in itself too. Linden talks about focusing your energy on something, such as a hobby like photography to build new neural pathways in your bran. I see this like how I tell people to ACT AS IF and pretend they do not have anxiety, and little by little create new neural pathways in the brain to override the anxious ones. Creating new habits.

The thing is, most things do not happen instantly. They are tiny steps, but in time you see the results. For me, practicing Buteyko breathing according to Patrick McKeown's book and MP3, Anxiety Free, cut my anxiety in half within 5 days. I can say this with confidence. I also did a Skype session with him that cost me $50. He guided me on the correct breathing exercises. I attribute a large part of my anxiety to chronic over breathing I was doing offsetting my CO2/O2 balance. That's just me. I mean. I felt like I could not get enough oxygen and I would keep hyperventilating to the point of dizziness.

But it all starts with the Will. Look at the power and intensity in Monty's conviction! That is a man driven to get better! He could probably use a cookbook and get better. That is what I try so hard to get people to get like. Don't come here wanting a "Misery loves company" affair. Get like Monty! You all can heal yourselves and it all starts with a strong will and determination! And of course COURAGE! I wish there were more posts of people pushing each other to get cured, not just saying your life sucks too.

I am sure there are other programs and ideas out there I never even heard of.

If you get what I'm saying, then read my sticky threads at the top of this page and you will see more details of my journey.

03-03-2013, 01:07 AM
Lol firstly I am a she ! 38 years old and had anxiety for 14 years. I could tell u all my life story but would be here for a long time! Summary- mother didn't want me when I was born, given up for adoption, adopted out at 4, fear of being alone or rejected rejected, have been married 16 years have two gorgeous kids 15 and 4. I don't want to so on here or complain about my anxiety but I do want to get better. I was out on atopic when first diagnosed and it made me have those experiences like I wasn't in my body so I stopped. Over the years I have learnt to stop my anxiety getting that bad that i have panic attacks but a large part of my life is consumed with dread, anxiety and fear. This then leads to health anxiety where I get a pain and assume I have cancer, or a heart attack or whatever and it spirals. At the end of the day, I love life! I lovey family! And I want to get better! And I will!

03-03-2013, 05:40 AM
The thing is, most things do not happen instantly. They are tiny steps, but in time you see the results. For me, practicing Buteyko breathing according to Patrick McKeown's book and MP3, Anxiety Free, cut my anxiety in half within 5 days. I can say this with confidence. I also did a Skype session with him that cost me $50. He guided me on the correct breathing exercises. I attribute a large part of my anxiety to chronic over breathing I was doing offsetting my CO2/O2 balance. That's just me. I mean. I felt like I could not get enough oxygen and I would keep hyperventilating to the point of dizziness.

I think one of Linden's pillar's, is completely stop talking about anxiety (to anyone other than your therapist). It's an interesting idea.

Getting your breathing right is sooo important. Over breathing alone, can keep anxiety going, even if your mind is clear. It was worth the money for a session Panic. I'd like to go on a course, but I don't have the money right now, but I will soon.

Did you ever try the Frolov device? That thing was a god send for me. Who wants to spend an hour a day, learning tricky breathing techniques, right? You can do 10 minutes on the Frolov, and your CP goes up by like 3 or 4s per week, and it's so relaxing. You just simply adjust the water pressure as you go. It's not worth $100 which they charge for it, it's just plastic and tube, but I picked one up on ebay for £15. One of my best purchases. Went from 10CP to 17CP in my first week.

I think thats what increased my respect for Linden method, he does go deep down, and even gets on to the subject of over breathing.

03-03-2013, 08:19 PM
Another great book I highly recommend is by Amelina Linsdale called The Psychology of Fear, Panic Fear and Anxiety. I think she died and her family took over or something weird happened, but then didn't keep up the business of selling the book. I'm not totally sure what happened, but the website is gone and I think you can't even buy it anymore. It's not on Amazon either. Very strange as it's a fantastic book! I uploaded it to a site where you can download it for free. I don't think there are any rights or anything to worry about since it doesn't even look available anymore. If anyone has any info about her and what happened let me know.

Here is a link were you can download it for free: http://mbf.me/110E3v

I will make a separate tread for this too.
