View Full Version : Feeling ignored, do you?

03-01-2013, 11:19 AM
Some say that one of the worst feelings in the world is feeling ignored by someone you really care for, lets say it's someone you'd expect to stay in touch and atleast reply to your texts or answer your calls, and when you do text or call them they either don't answer or they just don't seem to want you to know anything about them, if they are doing okay or if they are feeling down, sometimes even feel like they only contact you if they need you for something, basically as I said in the thread title, feeling ignored, do you get this often? How do you react? I overcame so much these last months yet feeling ignored is still something that I need to work on, I could go a whole month feeling just fine and happy, but if I get this feeling there goes my positiveness!

I'd be thankful if you have any tips on this subject :)

03-01-2013, 11:37 AM
This is why I only have a select, very small group of friends. I find that most people are so selfish these days and I refuse to keep them as 'filler' friends. All my friends would drop whatever they're doing to come help me, and I would do the same for them. There comes a point when, even if you deeply care about someone, you have to ask yourself is it really worth the pain and frustration to keep them in your life. I asked myself this question and ended up shedding many so-called 'friends'. It made me a much happier person.

03-01-2013, 11:43 AM
There comes a point when, even if you deeply care about someone, you have to ask yourself is it really worth the pain and frustration to keep them in your life. I asked myself this question and ended up shedding many so-called 'friends'. It made me a much happier person.

This is really good advice and it is something I must do sooner or later, I never found it difficult to make new "friends" , but to actually make true friends... that's a whole different story. I guess I'll have to do just as you did and stop caring about people that are just not worth it, it's gonna be hard though because this is a big weakness of mine, trusting everyone and falling for the wrong people

03-01-2013, 12:09 PM
Yes, that's why I only have a few close friends as well. I do have acquaintances but do not share my personal struggles with them because some of them I know are WAY too wrapped up in their own lives to notice or care.
My few real friends know the real deal and I know they understand.

03-01-2013, 12:15 PM
Yeah I guess this is pretty much my fault anyways, instead of keeping my secrets and other personal things to people I really trust to be good friends, I just jump into wrong conclusions such as thinking that everyone can be trusted and deserves to know all about me, some have trouble trusting people and I have the opposite lol

03-01-2013, 01:17 PM
I definitely wouldn't say you are at fault for anything. Being open and honest is a wonderful trait. I would say the blame lies on the people that take advantage of others and make this world a tough place to live. I have a problem trusting everyone too. But the last few years have really opened my eyes to how the majority of people are only out for themselves. It's a shame. These days I trust nobody. But I'm not bitter or mean about it. I take what people say with a grain of salt.

03-01-2013, 02:06 PM
I definitely wouldn't say you are at fault for anything. Being open and honest is a wonderful trait. I would say the blame lies on the people that take advantage of others and make this world a tough place to live. I have a problem trusting everyone too. But the last few years have really opened my eyes to how the majority of people are only out for themselves. It's a shame. These days I trust nobody. But I'm not bitter or mean about it. I take what people say with a grain of salt.

Yep I guess, but that's exactly what I have to do as well, so that I finally stop suffering for people that never even cared

03-01-2013, 02:56 PM
I agree with statements people above have said. Its not a bad thing to be open and trusting and to want to see the best in people. Optimism is a good thing! :) I still am that way sometimes, I have learned, like you, that you have to be careful who you trust and how fast you do. Basically they should have to earn it. Because you do not deserve to be treated that way! You deserve to be treated with respect and have people who care about you and communicate and let you in their lives as well. If they don't do that, then they don't deserve to be a part of your life. So really its their bad. Even though I get it hurts to be ignored especially when you do care for someone in that way...its not a reflection of you, its a reflection of them. That's just my two cents, what I have learned getting too close too fast to certain people.

03-01-2013, 03:09 PM
I agree with statements people above have said. Its not a bad thing to be open and trusting and to want to see the best in people. Optimism is a good thing! :) I still am that way sometimes, I have learned, like you, that you have to be careful who you trust and how fast you do. Basically they should have to earn it. Because you do not deserve to be treated that way! You deserve to be treated with respect and have people who care about you and communicate and let you in their lives as well. If they don't do that, then they don't deserve to be a part of your life. So really its their bad. Even though I get it hurts to be ignored especially when you do care for someone in that way...its not a reflection of you, its a reflection of them. That's just my two cents, what I have learned getting too close too fast to certain people.

Thanks a lot for the reply, actually all these replies were such an eye opener, I've said this before but really, I tend to trust people so fast it's unreal... I can only see the good in them, time to take care of it :S