View Full Version : Ok so last post on this subject

03-01-2013, 12:13 AM
I have asked on here in the past but now the day has come. Tomorrow is the day I planned to start taking atenolol which my new doc and 2 others I've seen have suggested I take. Let me explain that when I'm at the doc my pulse and bp are up. I have also been on Altace which is a BP med for over 10 years. When I'm at home and at rest my bp is always good usually 110/74 with a pulse of 61-64. These are both great numbers. My issue is although atenolol sounds great because not only will it help with my bp and anxiety bc it blocks adrenaline receptors, I can't see how changing things up when my vitals are good is a smart move. I mean a lot of people have trouble finding the right bp med that works for them. I think I have found that although I have temp spikes in pulse and bp and the occasional PVC which is all the doc ever sees. I have told the docs that when I'm at rest everything is fine and showed them on my monitor. I don't want to start a new drug with possible bad side effects and possibly won't work for my bp. I also don't want to keep ignoring doctors advice. My anxiety is not extremely bad and have been able to control most panic attacks. I feel I only need to control my anxiety and not mess with my bp as it is fine when not anxious. I have taken my vitals every night for a week multiple times and both bp and pulse are great. Sorry for the long and repetitive post but I truly believe this is the wrong move for me despite what the " pros " tell me.

03-01-2013, 05:17 AM
Jamus75 we had this discussion like you on e told me it is so a scary taking new meds but in the long run it will help you. If you choose not to take this new medicine you will never know if it will truly help with all the symptoms you experience. I wish you the best my new friend I hope you make the right choice

03-01-2013, 05:47 AM
Is there any way you can get a second opinion from another doctor? I mean, no doc knows everything and it doesn't hurt to get another professional opinion.
In MY opinion, I'm like you, if its not broken, why mess with what's working for you?

03-01-2013, 08:22 AM
Thanks weary I know it's scary but I still in my gut think its the wrong decision seeing that I've been having a great week and it may have something to do with the Vit D pills I was prescribed. Only anxiety I've had is over this med. I've read so many bad things about it, more than good. And if I was having problems with my BP and heart palps then I would definitely take this. My pulse was never over 64 last night while I was relaxed and taking my BP. A lot of people were prescribed this because of fast pulse at rest, which most people said was over 100, now their resting pulse was between 60-70. That's a big drop and its they same dose I was prescribed. I don't have that problem and wonders how low it will make my normally low pulse drop.

Trindiva this is the 3rd doc who thinks I will benefit from it but of course each one of them saw me while I was in panic. Racing pulse high BP and some palps. Haven't had palps in quite some time now and like i said my BP and pulse at rest is fine. Even a little low.

03-01-2013, 08:30 AM
Hi Jamus

I am also very sensitive to medication and very scared of the side effect. My BP goes up when I get anxious or at the Drs office. He prescribed me the lowest dose of atelenol and I take them at night bec it make me a little drowsy but I heard it is good a d can prevent stroke and heart attack.
Take them at night and see if it is ok

03-01-2013, 11:10 AM
I take BP meds too, I take Hydrochlothiazide, which is basically a dieretic, it just makes me per a lot to get rid of the excess sodium.I've taken it for about 4 yrs now, and also in conjunction with my anti anxiety meds without a problem.
I too have elevated BP and pulse rate when I go to the doctors office, but what they will do, is measure both of those first thing and them again at the end of the visit, and both always go back down by the end of the visit. Well, I guess all you can do is measure the pros and cons. So, what happens if you take it? It could a) work beautifully for you b) not work out as well as you would like then you can go back to what you are comfortable with.

03-01-2013, 11:30 AM
Ok thanks guys. It's good to have a non professional opinion. From people who have same issues.

03-01-2013, 01:20 PM
This is common and it's called White coat Syndrome(high BP while in the docs office but not at home). I would not take a daily beta blocker but one just for occassionally situational anxiety like speeches, presentations, etc. White coat syndrome needs no medical management. You don't have high BP. Alankay.

03-01-2013, 03:02 PM
Well I have been on Altace for 10 years but my bp is under control with it. It is a different class of bp med. not the same as a beta blocker which I find scary as far as the side effects and how it actually works. My doc said its like putting a governor on your heart.

03-01-2013, 04:43 PM
I was on Nefedpine initially which I believe is a beta blocker. I didn't care for it at all, it was like I could literally feel the veins and arteries opening up, so I agree with you regarding beta blockers.
My doc said the Hydrochlothiazide is much gentler on the system, and after taking it for a while, I agree.

03-01-2013, 08:50 PM

I'm not always a fan of meds. If anxiety incapacitated someone that they can't care for their family, work, or function in life then meds are necessary...everyone else should do their best to stay off meds and work towards healing their anxiety.

Meds simply hide the problem and create dependency. And at times, create other problems.

Fight the good fight my friend before giving in to another dose that you may not need.


03-01-2013, 09:27 PM
Thanks and that's exactly how I feel