View Full Version : Hostility

02-28-2013, 08:13 PM
What's with all the negativity and hostility on this forum? Why are people bothered so much by what people are doing or not doing with themselves? If you have found yourself in a better place, well good for you...but remember how you felt before getting to that good place and keep in mind how you might feel if you ended up back in that bad place! People need to stop being so judgmental of everyone else.

And when these rude posts are made by other people who have it all figured out (so to speak) just ignore them! Don't even bother responding! This is supposed to be a place for help and support, if you can't offer a ear to listen or respectful advice, just get off! That's goes both ways, to the rude people writing these know-it-all hurtful messages, and to the ones arguing back.

That's all. Peace and love, people.

02-28-2013, 08:30 PM
Mellymel- I could not agree more tonight there has been a lot of negativity and I did get suckered by one that just upset me so bad I did respond but I waited along time before I was ready to admit that I needed help and that is why I took it so personal I am sorry if I offended you by responding that was not my intentions but you are correct people have to remember what it was like before they found peace. Hope you have a good nightb

02-28-2013, 08:37 PM
Mellymel- I could not agree more tonight there has been a lot of negativity and I did get suckered by one that just upset me so bad I did respond but I waited along time before I was ready to admit that I needed help and that is why I took it so personal I am sorry if I offended you by responding that was not my intentions but you are correct people have to remember what it was like before they found peace. Hope you have a good nightb

I'm not offended by your response to them, because I wanted to say something myself lol. It's just not healthy for us to fight back with people who have that mindset, because it just upsets us even more. I hope you have a good night too :)

02-28-2013, 08:40 PM
You are too sweet 😃😃😃😃😃it's so good to know that I am not the only one that feels like this

02-28-2013, 09:33 PM
Yes, I have stayed off the site tonight because I let a 15 year old bait me and I bit. More importantly it got my mind and heart racing...😈....into anxiety.

03-01-2013, 05:59 AM
You are right, but it annoys the h*ck out of me. I think I will be taking your advice.

03-01-2013, 06:06 AM
I try to take the negativity as a lesson in self control. I can always use the practice of not letting someone else get control of my emotions.

03-01-2013, 06:35 AM
I don't know what happened to Panic Cured (or is his name banned here now lol).
I used to be regular on these forums 18months ago, when he wrote those sticky threads you can find at the top of the forum. He wrote some very good posts to people, I joined him in the chat a few times with some members suffering badly, we managed to trade some good advice, and help out some people suffering very badly, and as far as I know, they're doing pretty well now. Even though my anxiety was almost gone at the time, he recommended some good books that I used to take it to the next level. He seemed to just want to share advice.

Having known that PanicCured, I don't know whether his attitude now is due to arrogance at thinking he is a healer, or frustration. I left the forum for a while to focus on life, and when I came back to see the old faces, I found a few of his newer posts, and they have quite shocked me, as it seems out of character.

I can understand some of his points, comfort can often be detrimental to anxiety in the long run. Sadly there are some people on this forum that have been here for years, and are really not putting in much effort to get better. They start threads moaning, getting people to join them, and just switching threads. But Panic, if you are reading - They are allowed to do that man!!!! It's their life. I've spent an hour writing a post for somebody, that I know will make them think and re-evaluate, only to find them asking the same question the week after. Of course it's frustrating, but nobody is a healer dude. We can only offer advice in a sympathetic way, and then leave it alone. If you're frustrated at things, maybe take a break.

Anyway, it's hard to know how much offence he means. It seems he just wants to be controversial. I hope nobody takes anything to heart. That being said, it isn't cool at all!
It's more important that this forum is a safe place to share innermost thoughts and feelings, otherwise the whole thing is a waste. People share things here that they don't anywhere else. Rudeness can't ever be tolerated. Arrogance neither.

/Rant Over :D