View Full Version : Hello everyone,

02-28-2013, 07:31 PM
To introduce myself, my name is Kristy, I'm 23.

I decided to join this forum to help better understand my anxiety and to seek advice in handling it. It affects my personal and professional life and I think it's time I do something about it. I really hope to find others dealing with the same issues that I can relate to and learn from. It's very comforting to know that I am not alone. :)

03-01-2013, 02:55 AM
Hi I'm in the same boat as you it affects my personal and work life as well ... PM me if you want more info or just to chat

03-01-2013, 07:17 AM
Hi Kristy,

You're in a good place. Many supportive and knowledgeable people here.

Have you begun any sort of treatment for anxiety (meds/therapy)? Or are you trying other methods first?

Take care :)

03-01-2013, 08:50 AM
Hi Kristy,

You're in a good place. Many supportive and knowledgeable people here.

Have you begun any sort of treatment for anxiety (meds/therapy)? Or are you trying other methods first?

Take care :)

Thanks Jessed03.

When it comes to treatment, does it make sense that I get anxiety just thinking about meds/therapy for my anxiety? lol I'm a wreck at the doctor's office. When they take my blood pressure there, it's always sky high. It's actually prevented me from getting birth control pills, they think I have hypertension. I even kept a log of my blood pressure throughout a month, proving I was fine when I was at a relaxed(normal) state. The doctor just prescribed me a month's worth and told me to come back so they could check my bp again (I went back multiple times, paid for numerous office visits, all high bp's). She told me I needed to get over my fear of doctors & refused to prescribe a full year's worth unless I had a normal bp reading at the office. I'm not afraid of doctors! I was so offended & embarassed, I haven't been back for my recheck and Rx refill. It's the physical reaction I have walking in that place, I'm not afraid mentally, my body just takes over. Seeing a therapist seems expensive, my insurance isn't great. Meds would have to be my last resort, I'd love to find ways to control my anxiety without that..if possible.

I've read books & articles, done breathing exercises & meditation.. but when I'm in the moment of my anxiety, I forget everything.

03-01-2013, 09:20 AM
It sounds like a bad case of white coat syndrome you have there :)

I had to buy my own blood pressure monitor for that very reason haha! I'd been to the doctors so many times, yet had no idea what my actual blood pressure was, as it would rocket whenever they strapped it around my arm. Not sure why really, I kind of liked the feeling, and being a young man, blood pressure is no big deal if you catch it and treat it.

I don't think your doctor has the best attitude, I'm not sure, maybe it's not her fault. I guess you don't have any major health problems that mean you need to go to the doctor, right? It isn't uncommon for people to progress with treatment away from the medical field.

Does your anxiety revolve around any particular trigger? Such as panic attacks, or health anxiety etc?

03-01-2013, 09:51 AM
I have the same issue. At the doc office my Bp and pulse are high. At home they are fine. All the doc sees is the highs and base everything off of that. They are only rewarded and acknowledged for numbers in their office. 1st visit Bp high, prescribe med so 2nd visit won't be. This is what I am currently going through. They want to change my Bp med bc it's high there but fine at home. I do not want to. Sometimes you have to shop around for the right doc. Especially if hey make things worse which seems what yours is doing. Most docs do not understand anxiety. They do not train for mental issues. Only physical ones.

03-01-2013, 10:55 AM
It sounds like a bad case of white coat syndrome you have there :)

I had to buy my own blood pressure monitor for that very reason haha! I'd been to the doctors so many times, yet had no idea what my actual blood pressure was, as it would rocket whenever they strapped it around my arm. Not sure why really, I kind of liked the feeling, and being a young man, blood pressure is no big deal if you catch it and treat it.

I don't think your doctor has the best attitude, I'm not sure, maybe it's not her fault. I guess you don't have any major health problems that mean you need to go to the doctor, right? It isn't uncommon for people to progress with treatment away from the medical field.

Does your anxiety revolve around any particular trigger? Such as panic attacks, or health anxiety etc?

I believe white coat syndrome is exactly what that doctor told me to get over. lol You're right, she doesn't have the best attitude, I'm not going to go back to that office again. I don't have any major health problems so I probably don't need meds for my anxiety.

I've only had 4 panic attacks ever and I haven't had one for almost 2 years. I'm very proud of that. My triggers are being the center of attention, crowds, confrontation and I guess I can add doctor's offices to the list now too.

Currently, the trigger bothering me the most is confrontation. I took a new job that mainly deals with handling complaints. Clients that call me are usually angry and difficult. I have meetings with them too, sometimes they insult me and yell. Just part of the job. I thought I could face my fears and the more confrontation I take, the better I'll get at handling it. It's not working the way I planned. As soon as my phone rings (complaint or just a normal call) my heart races, my palms sweat, my voice gets shaky. Or when the front desk tells me a client is here to see me, I'm shaking. I'm afraid they see me as weak & stupid. They can hear/see I'm nervous and take full advantage. I keep telling myself, calm down, but it doesn't work. After these confrontations, I'll replay the scene in my head over and over, trying to figure out what I should've done differently. I'll vent to others about it, mostly to my fiance, who tells me I should let it go, I worry too much about things that don't matter. I wish I could let things go, I really want to! But I can't.

03-01-2013, 10:58 AM
I have the same issue. At the doc office my Bp and pulse are high. At home they are fine. All the doc sees is the highs and base everything off of that. They are only rewarded and acknowledged for numbers in their office. 1st visit Bp high, prescribe med so 2nd visit won't be. This is what I am currently going through. They want to change my Bp med bc it's high there but fine at home. I do not want to. Sometimes you have to shop around for the right doc. Especially if hey make things worse which seems what yours is doing. Most docs do not understand anxiety. They do not train for mental issues. Only physical ones.

Glad I'm not the only one! It's very hard to convince them that I don't have hypertension. You're right, I need to find a doctor who is more understandable. Thanks.