View Full Version : It's time all of you had a wake up call.

02-28-2013, 06:44 PM
I know this may come off rude, but wake the f*** up. Don't rely on medication to fix you up. You need to do it on your own! Medication only temporarily reduces the symptoms of anxiety, but when you start to get used to them it's not so bad. Not only that, but why don't you look up the side effects of your medication? What you see will only make your anxiety worse. Your medication is addictive... The pharmacists don't make cures, they make customers. If you don't know what that means, figure it out.

02-28-2013, 07:25 PM
But be polite and do not act like a kid. Even if you are one.

02-28-2013, 07:42 PM
I think everyone's experience with anxiety is different and you really can't say across the board that people should leave the meds alone.if they need them, then I think they should be free to take them without judgement. My opinion is though, if one is taking meds they should also look into things like CBT, exercise or meditation, something so that one day, perhaps they won't need the meds.
Don't judge dude, everyone's experience with anxiety is different.

02-28-2013, 07:57 PM
Ok I was not gonna reply to this but what is up with all the tools tonight if you are so much better then the rest of us then please do not use this site ..... I have had anxiety for 8 yrs and the first 7 I lived with no meds but I could no longer deal with the pains I dealt with daily or the feeling that I was dealing with.......

How dare you get on this forum and be so judgmental.... Of how others choose to find the help they need ..... Seriously I can not deal with judgmental people that is not what this Is for

02-28-2013, 09:36 PM
Read his profile Weary. He is 15. I've had colds longer. Consider the source of this worldly wisdom.

02-28-2013, 10:14 PM
I know this may come off rude, but wake the f*** up. Don't rely on medication to fix you up. You need to do it on your own! Medication only temporarily reduces the symptoms of anxiety, but when you start to get used to them it's not so bad. Not only that, but why don't you look up the side effects of your medication? What you see will only make your anxiety worse. Your medication is addictive... The pharmacists don't make cures, they make customers. If you don't know what that means, figure it out.

I understand your intentions but I still suspect some kind of underlying physical issue. It's simply not normal to feel like there's adrenaline surging through your body 24/7

03-01-2013, 06:01 AM
A lot of us are on medication to help us live a somewhat normal life because we can't afford a therapist. Once you get more life experience and learn about the wonderful world of health insurance, you'll understand. And I'm sure most people on medication already understand the side effects because we live with them on a daily basis. Sure, withdrawal is scary, but it's not as scary as living without the medication.

03-15-2013, 12:07 AM
Ok I was not gonna reply to this but what is up with all the tools tonight if you are so much better then the rest of us then please do not use this site ..... I have had anxiety for 8 yrs and the first 7 I lived with no meds but I could no longer deal with the pains I dealt with daily or the feeling that I was dealing with.......

How dare you get on this forum and be so judgmental.... Of how others choose to find the help they need ..... Seriously I can not deal with judgmental people that is not what this Is for
You just don't get it do you?
imagine your brain and the cause of your anxiety that can be suppressed with medication... Now Imagine you as your brain. If someone came up to you with a gun, and pinned you down, what would you do? You would do what they say correct? Once that person left the scene, you would panic, and run. That's what your brain does after your medication has wore off. You will begin to panic even more than you have ever imagined.

03-15-2013, 12:08 AM
I understand your intentions but I still suspect some kind of underlying physical issue. It's simply not normal to feel like there's adrenaline surging through your body 24/7

I lived with nearly constant pins and needles in my arms and legs. My heart rate was well over 160 every panic attack I had. And I had at least 2 a day.

03-15-2013, 12:48 AM
I know this may come off rude, but wake the f*** up. Don't rely on medication to fix you up. You need to do it on your own! Medication only temporarily reduces the symptoms of anxiety, but when you start to get used to them it's not so bad. Not only that, but why don't you look up the side effects of your medication? What you see will only make your anxiety worse. Your medication is addictive... The pharmacists don't make cures, they make customers. If you don't know what that means, figure it out.

Ive had gad, social phobia and depression for 26 very long yrs!! I have tried EVERYTHING to control it but I NEED meds to cope at times and thats my choice like all the other suffers on this forum. You are very anti drugs and thats your choice...But dont post such negative thoughts to ppl that are suffering so much!!

03-15-2013, 08:41 AM
I understand where you are coming from, Tristan

I believe that some people are very capable of not being on meds and some are not

That being said, here is the problem with your view

Much like man made global warming, which I think is a big joke, there are differing opinions from the scientific community

And with anxiety disorders, the medical community has not come to the concensus what the root cause is

Following and treating irration thoughts that become habitual is one view.

The other is the lack of certain chemicals in the brain greatly contributes to the disorder and that the meds restore those chemicals resulting in relief

Whatever you believe, meds have helped so many people that is hard to argue that maybe both are true

If people have to take meds for life to feel relief, why shouldn't they

You don't get a re-do in life and I for one want to make every day count so I would be willing to do any and everything to be able to put as much distance between my anxiety and happiness

I hope you get well quickly regardless of the way you go about your own personal healing

God bless.

03-15-2013, 12:04 PM
I get the whole be a prick & be firm approach to be honest

It can work, but Tristan like others have said, for some people that isn't enough

03-16-2013, 07:19 AM
Why can't everyone accept that every single person has different opinions?! Medication is good for some and not for others. Maybe it doesn't work for Tristan, but for many other people it does help. It's good that Tristan feels okay without medication, but don't force your views on people! Jeez.

03-16-2013, 07:30 AM
This post is simply not worthy of a comment.