View Full Version : Idk what to do

02-28-2013, 05:44 PM
I have no one to talk to it seems... Or no one that will actually listen to me. I need someone to vent to... Anyone there?

02-28-2013, 06:13 PM
Natr23 we are here for you what is going on how vp can I try to help you?

02-28-2013, 06:15 PM
Venting is good. Don't hold things in when you have willing ears here.

02-28-2013, 06:19 PM
I have no one to talk to it seems... Or no one that will actually listen to me. I need someone to vent to... Anyone there?

I'm listening, my friend.

02-28-2013, 06:38 PM
Okay thanks guys. I really appreciate it. It's shocking that in my circle of "friends" & my family no one ever seems to really "care" I feel so alone anymore. I'm a senior in high school, I dread everyday of it. I can't stand it. I'm not social but I have a good amount of "friends" rather I say "acquaintances" I don't hear from any of them outside of school... Weekends, breaks, or anything. My dad works so much he doesn't have time. My stepmom just doesn't seem to care about what's going on with me. I just really feel sad anymore... The past couple of days I have been depressed. I hope it's just for a short time. I asked to stay home from school tomorrow, my stepmom says no, because I will "bother her" I really feel that way constantly nowadays when I'm around others... Like they are annoyed with me because they don't understand what I'm going through... It's all too much and I'm stressed beyond belief with all kinds of things, and not having friends is probably the chart topper. I know I have God. I talk to him more than anyone. I just need someone that will talk back for a minute ya know? So please please please help me with your words and thank you all for replying. It means a lot... :,(

02-28-2013, 06:50 PM
Natr23- I am so sorry sweeties am a stepmom so I understand while no parent or step parent should ever say it will bother me so that has me a little crazy right now. My youngest stepson sounds a lot like you he is 19 now but does not have a lot of friends no girlfriend and is not very social he is very quiet but I always try to make time for them I have a 5 yr old so it can be difficult but I still find time for them.
Tell me what is going own at school that you want it to be over with so fast? Are you being bullied? Or do you just need a break from the pressure of looking to further your education?
We here on this forum are here to listen support and try to understand and help if we can, we are not certified we are not trained but we have in some way shape or form been there so we can offer what we have done to try and push through things .
My dad traveled a lot when I was growing up and my mom I were not real close so it was hard but I would call my dad when he was traveling just to tell him about my day.
I hope you find support in this forum as I have and as a stepmom I will do my best to listen with an open mind

02-28-2013, 07:04 PM
Natr23- I am so sorry sweeties am a stepmom so I understand while no parent or step parent should ever say it will bother me so that has me a little crazy right now. My youngest stepson sounds a lot like you he is 19 now but does not have a lot of friends no girlfriend and is not very social he is very quiet but I always try to make time for them I have a 5 yr old so it can be difficult but I still find time for them.
Tell me what is going own at school that you want it to be over with so fast? Are you being bullied? Or do you just need a break from the pressure of looking to further your education?
We here on this forum are here to listen support and try to understand and help if we can, we are not certified we are not trained but we have in some way shape or form been there so we can offer what we have done to try and push through things .
My dad traveled a lot when I was growing up and my mom I were not real close so it was hard but I would call my dad when he was traveling just to tell him about my day.
I hope you find support in this forum as I have and as a stepmom I will do my best to listen with an open mind

Thanks so much. Yes he sounds a lot like me... I'm 17 (basically 18) and yes I know right.. I just want her to accept me as I am and she has never done that. I've always been treated differently then her children. I'm making straight a's, I rarely miss school.. I don't understand why I can't stay home! And at school.... I just feel out of place. I feel more mature and good hearted then most of the people. They still act as if they are in middle school! It's just that the day goes by slow, I'm feel mentally miserable when I'm there. & it just drains everything from me. I am a nice person. I don't make fun of anyone, I'm caring and I don't care what you look like or how much money you have, if you need a friend I will be that friend... But somehow the favor never gets returned? I'm just over everyone in that school. I've known them either since elementary, middle, or freshman yr. and I'm just tired of the same old people! I want to meet new people, make new friends, see new sights. & yes well my dad is home when I wake up, and usually home when I get off school, but he has still work to do on his computer!!!

02-28-2013, 07:35 PM
I am a father with one son your age and another 25. Your story really hit home with me. You actually helped me see how my son may see me - I come home and work on my computer too. Scary the similarities. Here is one idea to get your Dads undevided attention - ask him in advance for a time the two of you could spend some time together. Don't take no for an answer. It may catch him off guard but be calm and persistent. If he asks you what it is about - be vague. Tell him "several things". Your father loves you. No matter how much he works or is gone or seems distracted. Life gets in the way of common sense sometimes. You actually almost got me crying reading your note.
There is so much help in the world; so many people who are trained to help you and get you going in the direction of a healthier you. Tell your Dad how you feel. If he brushes it off or minimizes your feelings, grab his hand, look him straight in the eye and say you need him to hear you; that you need some help. Also, let him know you need some regular one on one time with him. More later.

02-28-2013, 07:36 PM
Ok so you sound identical to my stepson he is in college now but he still has not come out of his shell. Maybe you should ask your dad if he can find time to talk to maybe either before bed or on the weekend let him know how you are feeling about the stepmom and how you feel out of place and that she does not accept you ... Acceptance is a key factor in life when my husband and started dating we put the boys first and lived our relationship around their wants and needs .... Now they still feel they can do that but they are adults so they don't get that say. You on the other hand are 17 and need the support of at least one parent.
Do you mind if I ask where is your real mom? You don't have to answer just trying to find the best advice to give you