View Full Version : Helllo there,

02-28-2013, 12:18 PM
Hello all!

I'm Bree. I've been dealing with anxiety for a few years now. As of lately, it's been getting worse and worse. Although never properly diagnosed, I'm nearly certain I'm suffering with anxiety. I'm exhausted a lot, and I believe it's from my anxiety. Lately, I am dealing with more and more problems lately, and I'm not sure what I'm to do! My mother doesn't exactly believe in my problem, that I'm just being overly dramatic. This doesn't exactly help my situation. I'm really needing some support right now.

Thanks in advance,


02-28-2013, 03:01 PM
Hey Bree, I know exactly how you feel. Although I now do a better job at controlling it, the anxiety unfortunately will always be there. Some people are just naturally more anxious than others. This can sometimes happen because of a passed experience, or just for the simple fact that we always feel like something is going to happen. The way I personally decided to deal with my anxiety issues was by taking up a physical fitness and yoga class. I also incorporated running and swimming.

During my free time I like meditate to soothing music and just clear my mind. Sometimes I'll even sit by the pool and have a glass of wine. Anything that will keep your mind on things that have to do with either relieving stress or relaxation, will help quite a bit with keeping your mind off feeling anxious or worried. You see, there are just somethings that we simply can't control. The one thing we can control however, is the way we choose to live our lives.

Since the brain is use to patterns, if you're constantly anxious, your mind will eventually get use to this. This will make it easier for you to feel anxious day after day. This is why you have to re-train your mind into more positive and productive activities. Oh yeah, and I highly recommend you stay away from pharmaceutical drugs. Hope this helps..