View Full Version : Is it time I try to step back a little bit?

02-28-2013, 09:31 AM
In other words, does there come a time in the struggle with anxiety where you should just act as if you have no struggle at all?

I slept again last night. First time in a LONG time I slept three nights in a row, but the sleep was EXTREMELY fragmented. I kept waking up every 45 minutes or so and had very vivid dreams. I'm gonna buy a oximeter today for the next time I sleep, to see if my oxygen levels do anything that may indicate sleep apnea. Don't know how much good that will do but yea

I've literally spent the past couple of weeks constantly reseraching... symptoms of this, symptoms of that. I think the culprit is either sleep apnea, or an adrenal problem, as I feel as though I am sheerly terrified all the time. My biggest issues are the constant panic, and not getting enough sleep. Life would be 100% better if i did get enough sleep.

I wake up from sleep in a panic every now and then, before it got this bad that almost never happened, and even now, when I wake up with no panic i always feel quite calm. Is it possible this is ALL just anxiety?

Maybe I should try to get my mind on other things for the next few days... i.e. FORCE it. Before three months ago, my panic was manageable. Is it possible **I** am the biggest culprit of all? I've had numerous tests done on me in the past few months and none have indicated I have a serious physiological problem.

...and there's nothing I can do about the suspected sleep apnea or adrenal problem right now as it takes time to see specialists.

All I seem to want to talk about to anyone anymore is how I'm feeling. And I can understand how that would get debilitating.